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The Left is coming for us; Easter becomes blaphemous


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Everything is going a bit insane. Gays and trans peoples have there right to liberty and happyness and if someone is gay or some dude likes to dress and pretend they a woman then thats there private and personal business and there should be no discrimination. Can dosagree with the prwctice but still have love for humanity we all human beings. Leave it there.

Yet i do believe there is a line, for example biological men competing against biological women in sports, children being indoctrinated with all this gender stuf, rainbows everywhere trying to promote whatever.

Yet if someone is gay or some dude feels better dressing like a woman then so be it. Thats not my business to interfere with there personal life. If thats there pursuit of happyness then so be it.
No one likes to feel picked on.

I mean everyone should always reverse a situation to see how they would feel. Religious people wouldnt like it if the country was gay and said your not allowed to have your belief and practice your religion and get thrown off building and have to have secret home churches in the closet. Thats opression. Well that does go on, i mean christians would be the most persecuted peoples in the world next to the jews.
Everything is going a bit insane. Gays and trans peoples have there right to liberty and happyness and if someone is gay or some dude likes to dress and pretend they a woman then thats there private and personal business and there should be no discrimination. Can dosagree with the prwctice but still have love for humanity we all human beings. Leave it there.

Yet i do believe there is a line, for example biological men competing against biological women in sports, children being indoctrinated with all this gender stuf, rainbows everywhere trying to promote whatever.

Yet if someone is gay or some dude feels better dressing like a woman then so be it. Thats not my business to interfere with there personal life. If thats there pursuit of happyness then so be it.
I agree with all, but that is not what leftists demand now. They insist on converting our children. They insist we are homophobes, bigots....evil.

There was a time when granting civil rights, equality was enough. Now it is not, they demand we support their agenda in our churches, businesses, and private lives. The tyranny of the left is a real and present danger to our liberty to live in accordance with God's rules.

Leftist extremism caused me to react in anger, but as Jesus rejected that reaction, I repent.

Doesn't mean I agree one iota with the leftist plans to reject God's truth.
I agree with all, but that is not what leftists demand now. They insist on converting our children. They insist we are homophobes, bigots....evil.

There was a time when granting civil rights, equality was enough. Now it is not, they demand we support their agenda in our churches, businesses, and private lives. The tyranny of the left is a real and present danger to our liberty to live in accordance with God's rules.

Leftist extremism caused me to react in anger, but as Jesus rejected that reaction, I repent.

Doesn't mean I agree one iota with the leftist plans to reject God's truth.

There is a sick movement and agenda but you have to remember the extremists dont represent the majprity of LGBT+ people, its the same like a crooked church they dont represent the majoriry of christians, or radical jihadists they dont reprent the majority muslims, or climate acrivists dont represent the majority of those who are for climate change yet have peaceful discussion rarher than flipping out doing srupid things.

The gay movement that was hijacked has gone extreme to the point even authorities bow a knee.

Its just divide and conquor, the globalists have wanted to rule the earth since the stone age and have failed everytime so they want as much choas and division as possible in the world so everyone agrees to bow a knee to there globalist governemnt.

All you see in the media is extremiats getting a platform to try annoy others. Dont get scammed.
Leftist extremism caused me to react in anger, but as Jesus rejected that reaction, I repent.

Thats why consuming informatiom and politics can be dangerous it can drive people to extreme anger because the system purpously promotes and give the most radical extremists the platforms , so left or right everyones angry. The left is angry with the right, the right is angry with the left. Its not healthy.

Its ok to be angry and have a rant, freedom of speech and expression, people just have to know its all a scam so they dont allow themselves to get too radicalised.
When everyone is angry and broke and wars going on and cultures clashing, there is the globalists crying hey we are from the world government, and we can help everyone, we have the solution, we just need you all to hand over your soverignty.
In NZ a rainbow crossing was painted over on a city street and that was classed as, and investigated as a hate crime.

There is a problem, first, no one should have the right to legally paint there belief or ideaology on a public road as everyone has equal rights under the nation, and second, no one should be labelled a hater for painting back over it.

I have no idea if it was consented by the city council to paint a rainbow crossing on the public street, but even still thats wrong, thats agressive promotion of LGBT+ ideology.

The government may as well just recognise the movement as a religion.

I mean Chrsitians cannot just paint or get consent to paint public streets with the image of a cross or anything religious, or even anyone in general to pa8nt public streets with symbols of there beliefs. Its public space. Its wrong.
And you see what the problem is, its not gay or trans people, its the fact that public spaces are being filled with a symbol that only represents specific people, only LGBT+.

The rainbow does not represetnt anyone else. Its discrimitory while being thrown in everyone elses face. The only symbol that should be in public places is the symbol of the nation and a united people, like the national flag, not divisions.
Can we add a C and a J a M and a W and a double B to the LGBTIQA+ rainbow?.

I mean christian, jew, muslim, white, black, men, women, and so on.

All inclusive right.
I have met people from all walks of life and no one has ever tried to force there beliefs on me.

Everything is notjing but a scam to try divide the people cause as much issues as possible.

99% of all people no matter what they identify as have no issues with others. Its all a scam.
So I said: "Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, The LORD of hosts." (Isa. 6:5 NKJ)

Without Christ's sacrifice covering sins, even the best among us shrink back in Terror from the presence of our Holy God:

Paul said:

Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men (2 Cor. 5:11 NKJ)

That is where I failed, allowing my anger obscure the opportunity for glorious life all sinners have open to them, if they repent and believe in the Name of our LORD Jesus Christ.

I will do better.
Biden's 'blasphemous' move to declare Easter Sunday 'Transgender Day of Visibility'
Hi Alfred Persson

None of that statement is true. Pres. Biden hasn't made any 'move' to 'declare' Easter Sunday as Transgender Day of Visibility. What he did do was to bring up the subject on the day that it has been 'declared' since 2009. He also didn't change the rules for the Easter egg art program. The rules that everyone is up in arms about has been the rule of that program for decades!!

What is about people that they just think that everything that Pres. Biden does on these issues is somehow new and his agenda?

Here's an article you might consider:

God bless
You are the one that can't stand that people you don't associate with also had a day that just happened to coincide woth a Christian holiday.
The Biden WH knew if they made sure no one forgot it was Trans Day of Awareness it would put the focus on the Biden Amin and not the Trans Day . Biden Admin used the Trans Day for their purpose , attention . The Trans community should be feel used by the Biden Admin, IMO .
Hi again Alfred Persson

And just for the record, here's what Pres. Biden had to say about the christian understanding and support of Easter as, I believe, all christians do consider it...vs. what the other guy's Easter message was.

“Easter reminds us of the power of hope and the promise of Christ’s Resurrection,” the President said, underscoring the religious significance of the day for Christians around the world. His words came as a call for reflection on Jesus’ sacrifice, an encouragement for prayer, and a reminder of the blessing of new possibilities.

The other guy?


I suppose you might support that second message as being the more christian understanding of what Easter means to believers, but I don't.

Oh, and then there's this:

Biden is the second Catholic president in US history, and weekly Mass is expected to be a fixed part of his schedule. That’s a level of devotion to regular religious services not seen from recent presidents, who were professed Christians but intermittently attended church or worshipped privately while in office.

Any idea where the other guy was on Easter morning?

Look friend, don't drink the Kool-Aid. The misinformation and outright lies by your supposed 'christian' values leader is all just a lie that he's telling you because he thinks you'll support him. He doesn't seem to practice or actually believe any of it. Go back and look at his comments about his need for a savior for his sin and his understanding of what the communion of the saints represents... to him. While he claims in his commercial shilling HIS bible that it's his favorite book, I honestly believe that anyone would be hard pressed to find any evidence that he's actually ever read it.

So, a better human being, and while just as imperfect as the rest of us in our sin, Pres. Biden is head and hands above Grump in showing any kind of real faith in God in his life. So for me, if I'm voting christian values as something I want in a national leader, I'm sorry, but I've got to go with Pres. Biden.

God bless,
Or, as a Christian I don't believe sin is a thing to celebrate.

...and I shall mourn for many who have sinned before and have not repented of the uncleanness, fornication, and lewdness which they have practiced. (2 Cor. 12:21 NKJ)
Hi Alfred Persson

I stand amazed!!! You're quoting a piece of Scripture about mourning over the uncleanness and fornication and lewdness of sinners in a conversation attempting to support Grump. I am absolutely amazed at your lack of understanding and sight. Kind of reminds me of Jesus' account of what happens when the blind lead the blind.

God bless
I agree with all, but that is not what leftists demand now. They insist on converting our children.
No, and that's not how it works. I mean, could someone potentially convince you to be queer?

They insist we are homophobes, bigots....evil.
Given some of the rhetoric some conservative Christians engage in, those terms are unfortunately sometimes accurate.

they demand we support their agenda in our churches
And churches are entirely free to say no. There are churches right now that refuse to conduct wedding ceremonies for interracial couples, with no consequences from the gov't.

Some businesses not only hire and sell their products to queer folks, but also expect their employees to treat them with respect. Just as most businesses wouldn't tolerate an atheist going around the workplace calling Christians names and disrespecting them, they have the same policies for LGBTQs.

and private lives
Really? I'd be curious to see where in your private life LGBTQs are demanding you support "their agenda". Examples please.

The tyranny of the left is a real and present danger to our liberty to live in accordance with God's rules.
How? How specifically is "the left" preventing you from living a Christian lifestyle?

Leftist extremism caused me to react in anger, but as Jesus rejected that reaction, I repent.

Doesn't mean I agree one iota with the leftist plans to reject God's truth. say you repent while simultaneously ranting about having to treat people with basic respect and decency, which obviously implies that you would prefer to treat them disrespectfully and rudely. Doesn't seem to me like you're truly sorry.
The Biden WH knew if they made sure no one forgot it was Trans Day of Awareness it would put the focus on the Biden Amin and not the Trans Day . Biden Admin used the Trans Day for their purpose , attention . The Trans community should be feel used by the Biden Admin, IMO .
Ok, I understand what you are saying. This is an already assumed thing. One thing I keep trying to convey here is that mi orifices are not stupid. We get it. Just like all politicians there is pandering.

Personally I just roll my eyes and go about my day. Right now Trump is saying he wants to do a Christian day if disability. OK, sure but considering we already federally recognize Christmas and Easter........ now we have a 3rd day? Ok.


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