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About "Demons"


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What does this mean??
What Scripture backup do you have?
Sorry, but there was never "anything written" to back this up. The Fallen Angel who was given the name Satan did walk this earth as a "mere mortal man"; but he always got up to his old tricks, and would lead all others near himself to more and more evil. Do you really believe Christ would "walk through hell" just to have a friendly chat? And speaking of hell, if you wanted to put a "man" on earth where he would suffer extreme heat, and extreme duress; where would you put him?
Sorry, but there was never "anything written" to back this up. The Fallen Angel who was given the name Satan did walk this earth as a "mere mortal man"; but he always got up to his old tricks, and would lead all others near himself to more and more evil. Do you really believe Christ would "walk through hell" just to have a friendly chat? And speaking of hell, if you wanted to put a "man" on earth where he would suffer extreme heat, and extreme duress; where would you put him?

Sorry, but there was never "anything written" to back this up.
So you just believe what you have wrote, without support for your beliefs??
There is no evidence I'm aware of that Jesus suffered extreme heat.
Jesus was in the grave - not the lake of fire. The lake of fire is a supernatural place. It is different from the grave. The earths core is a physical place. And it is not the grave.
Sheol = the grave.
So you just believe what you have wrote, without support for your beliefs??
There is no evidence I'm aware of that Jesus suffered extreme heat.
Jesus was in the grave - not the lake of fire. The lake of fire is a supernatural place. It is different from the grave. The earths core is a physical place. And it is not the grave.
Sheol = the grave.
Thank you for your response. My "overall belief's" are based on something different than all the "mainstream religious belief's" held by so many; my people knew to "write things down", would allow other men to twist those writings to their own end. Knowledge was passed by word of mouth from one generation to the next; as God did Command. I happen to believe in the Angel's.

I'm sorry I did not make myself clear in my reference to "hell"; no such place exist, supernatural or otherwise. But if you think about it; most "pagan religions" had a version of "hell" that was similar to what was given in the Bible; before Christ walked this earth.
Thank you for your response. My "overall belief's" are based on something different than all the "mainstream religious belief's" held by so many; my people knew to "write things down", would allow other men to twist those writings to their own end. Knowledge was passed by word of mouth from one generation to the next; as God did Command. I happen to believe in the Angel's.

I'm sorry I did not make myself clear in my reference to "hell"; no such place exist, supernatural or otherwise. But if you think about it; most "pagan religions" had a version of "hell" that was similar to what was given in the Bible; before Christ walked this earth.
So how did you know that the word of mouth was kept intact?? There is a game called the telephone game. Information degrades as it is passed from person to person in the game. So how do you know for fact, beyond reasonable doubt, that the oral word wasn't tainted by bad memory, a desire to exaggerate, etc.? How long has your people, whoever they are, had those beliefs??

If those beliefs contradict the Bible, you must discard them. The Bible is SUPREME Authority over ALL doctrine. 100% of doctrines that contradict the Bible are false.

How did you verify hell didn't exist?
Just because pagans have something in their false beliefs does not mean it is false. That is the genetic fallacy (bad source of info, therefore info false!) there. Pagans have gods and humans and nature involved in their beliefs, but that doesn't make athiesm true nor does it make humans and nature nonexistent.

What do you think is God's punishment for sin? What do you think are the eternal consequences of sin?
If those beliefs contradict the Bible, you must discard them. The Bible is SUPREME Authority over ALL doctrine. 100% of doctrines that contradict the Bible are false.
My belief's do not contradict the Bible; they reject the contradictions that are contained in the Bible, that were put there by men. God does not contradict Himself; it is men who want to be in control who wrote so much confusion into the Bible, for wealth and power. An "eye for an eye" versus "turn the other cheek" is a clear example; they cannot both be true.

How my people pass the stories from one generation to the next; I might call it a form of hypnosis, but not entirely like that. A "trance like state" to "imprint" the knowledge, word for word; to the next generation. As the next generation did start to speak the stories, the elders would know if a single word was out of place. The story tellers take pride in the abilities; and know full well it honor's God to keep the knowledge pure.

For there being no hell (or demons); God would not waste the time or effort to create a place of "fire and brimstone" for eternal punishment. God is life, all life is precious; but any who will not obey Him (or oppose Him outright), will simply be destroyed
reject the contradictions that are contained in the Bible, that were put there by men.
So you believe God does not protect His Word. This seems an awful lot like the Cults. "oh, OUR bible is the Bible! all others are false! get ours today!"

Most Bibles and translations today are free of errors.
There are no contradictions in the Bible.
If you think there are, try 3. Every so called contradiction has been easily refuted.

An "eye for an eye" versus "turn the other cheek" is a clear example; they cannot both be true.
One was for Old Law. Now we are under New Covenant. The situation (from no Death + Resurrection, to those two occurring.) changed. No contradictions here.

Also, this:
The Lex Talionis not warrant for vengeance in Moses’ law, but a prescription for equity in punishment. The punishment should fit the crime. The fine would be proportionate to the crime that is committed in it's consequence. This is a call for proportionality in punishment. It is a call for equity and justice in the fines which are levied for a particular crime and its result. There is nothing vengeful about this in its context. It is simply calling for justice to be done in the fine that is levied.. That is a very different way than it is often quoted in secular conversation. It is, by the way, very different from the way it was being applied in Jesus’ time and that is why He said, “You have heard, ‘an eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth,’ but I say to you turn the other cheek. Jesus is not contradicting Moses, He is contradicting a misinterpretation of it.
For there being no hell (or demons); God would not waste the time or effort to create a place of "fire and brimstone" for eternal punishment. God is life, all life is precious; but any who will not obey Him (or oppose Him outright), will simply be destroyed
He wasted nothing. He is just. Annialation is too easy and therefore unjust. I am VERY suspicious of things that make sin seem less bad.
Do you REALLY think it is just for God to just eliminate things?? Sin is rebelling against Infinite God - let the punishment fit the crime. Humans choose their destiny by either rejecting or accepting Jesus' Free Gift.

So you believe there's no demons. Then WHAT possesed the man and pigs? Why do we know about demons at all?? How do you account for the various testimonies of demons attacking people??
How do you account for hell testimonies??
You cannot - because those new beliefs of yours DO contradict the Bible.

You have fallen HOOK LINE and SINKER for satan's easy believism, that the wicked are merely "annialated". (annialitionism) and no-demons belief.

There's zero evidence of "no-demon" and annilationism. Those 2 beliefs are a bedtime story to tickle itchy ears.
You have fallen HOOK LINE and SINKER for satan's easy believism, that the wicked are merely "annialated". (annialitionism) and no-demons belief.
God has never destroyed an Angel (soul) up until this point. The Angel (soul) has been reborn over and over again, to walk this earth as a "mere human being". Sin is, and has always been punished; right here on the earth. As an example, if you Sin in this life; depending on the nature of the Sin, in the next life you might suffer cancer, diabetes or any number of physical ailments (being crippled, so many things). The Angel (soul) suffers these things, and will always remember that suffering.

A great many Angel's (souls) wanted to destroy each other; in this "mortal shell" they have been given the opportunity to do just that, and to experience death over and over again. Now, that "mankind" has brought the earth itself to the brink of destruction; it has become clear that some of these Angel's (souls) will never change, they are beyond redemption. And the "antiChrist" has been sent to "devour" their very "souls"; he will drain the life force, and those Angel's will never exist upon this earth (or any part of Creation) ever again.

You can believe I am "under the sway of Satan" if you want; that does not matter. Satan has no power, he has never held dominion over this earth. The truth shall set you free, one way or another.
My belief's do not contradict the Bible; they reject the contradictions that are contained in the Bible, that were put there by men. God does not contradict Himself; it is men who want to be in control who wrote so much confusion into the Bible, for wealth and power.
Your beliefs contradict the Bible at numerous points, points for which you have never provided evidence; they are without basis. That should be a huge red flag that something is wrong with your beliefs.

An "eye for an eye" versus "turn the other cheek" is a clear example; they cannot both be true.
And yet they are both true; you just need to understand the contexts.
Negative entities are called into their consciousness by people who have negative evil thoughts, curse and complain, do bad things to other people or take drugs and drink alcohol, these entities (demons) can then control them more and more, the biggest stage is when a person is " possessed” …
You need to get rid of them by being connected to the light, these are people who eat little, for example a small meal once a day, they don't drink alcohol, they are isolated from people and don't talk much, also during the day and when you sleep with the light, praying the holy rosary will keep you the most , who does the 4 parts before going to bed, he will definitely visit the higher worlds at night, or you need to pray to God (someone can say to the source of the universe) to expel demons from your soul….
Some people summon demons into their souls voluntarily, occultists, most politicians, etc., they have contracts with them, in return these entities help them to wealth and fame, etc., in return they bind their souls, the demons leave these people alone until the people want to get rid of them , only after they attack they have a "free hand", they can also kill them at any time and keep them (permanently or for a while?) in their dark world...
You recognize these people, they have three sixes ..on their car number plate, in their phone number, in their date of birth, in their company number...


Some companies put satanic images in their logos

Frankly I think your post highly superstitious but with some glimmers of light.

But demons, as fallen angels, certainly exist in the unseen world, have some hierarchical network, and Satan is their leader/tyrant. Though in fact the term demon has been (and is) used very differently at times (eg Ac.17:18)!

I grant that degrees and areas of demonic influence vary, but I’d avoid the term possession as too open to trying to locate location—body, soul, or spirit (if using trichotomy). Even talk of deity indwelling, is metaphorical, not locational. The KJV used oppression/possession as synonyms for ‌daimonizomai. But then to simply speak of being demonised can come across as merely one set of humans demonising another set of humans—give a dog a bad name. Indeed, drugs can be ‘personal demons’, but as psycho-physical enslavement and turmoil, is different to spirits predating humanity.

By wrong attitudes and practice, we can put out welcome mats to them (yes, eg occult practice). And if they settle down with us they can influence more than we would like. Yet they can be cast away even by non-Christians.

Your post has too many incidentals for my liking. Eg I don’t support Woke Disney, but to flag the font flourishes of its logo as a satanic triple 6, is kinda stretching it. I remember seeing a car—a reg of 666—displaying the then pope’s face: the car was not demonised, nor probably, the owner, just coincidence. Is every house number 666 demonic? In War & Peace (Tolstoy), Pierre got too caught up in the identify-the-666 game: he was a good guy but boy he was daft at times. Peace, 666 is a number between 665 and 667, and in Revelation probably means that 6 being symbolic for mankind, and 7 as symbolic as perfection, that man repeatedly falls short of perfection (777).
I hadn't thought about that one; the "physical self is nothing"; it is the "mind" that is bound. The "mind" divided, and given into a mortal shell; we are literally Angel's.
Please, put [angels], the plural form of [angel], not [Angel's]. The latter means "something belonging to an Angel". I might have a dog; two dogs, and one might have a dog's bone - the apostrophe of possession.
Thank you for your response. My "overall belief's" are based on something different than all the "mainstream religious belief's" held by so many; my people knew to "write things down", would allow other men to twist those writings to their own end. Knowledge was passed by word of mouth from one generation to the next; as God did Command. I happen to believe in the Angel's.

I'm sorry I did not make myself clear in my reference to "hell"; no such place exist, supernatural or otherwise. But if you think about it; most "pagan religions" had a version of "hell" that was similar to what was given in the Bible; before Christ walked this earth.

Again a point of spelling. Please work of the plural and apostrophe forms. Here it's not [belief's], but [beliefs]. I'm sorry, but English has its set forms.
God has never destroyed an Angel (soul) up until this point.
Here we go again with assuming that angel means soul!! ANGELS are NOT SOULS. Look to the Bible for the difference between an angel and a soul - NOT the odd assumptions!!
Or look in a dictionary.
Angel - supernatural nonhuman personal entity.
Soul - supernatural part of a human.
The Bible warns against strange teaching. Your teaching is pretty strange.

WHICH angel was "destroyed"?? You can't specify, can you?

The Angel (soul) has been reborn over and over again, to walk this earth as a "mere human being".
Can you cite one single verse to back this assertion?
There is no such thing as reincarnation. The Bible debunks it.
As an example, if you Sin in this life; depending on the nature of the Sin, in the next life you might suffer cancer, diabetes or any number of physical ailments (being crippled, so many things). The Angel (soul) suffers these things, and will always remember that suffering.
This is WORKS doctrine. It smells of karma.
Explain how evil people like Democrats, Billgates, etc. live propserous and healthy lives??
The Bible explains that the unrepentant evil do not always get their just share on this earth, but certainly in the Afterlife!

New King James Version
Though they join forces, the wicked will not go unpunished; But the posterity of the righteous will be delivered.

Satan has no power, he has never held dominion over this earth.
Actually the Bible says that the "god" (perhaps meaning 'idol') of this world has blinded the minds of nonbelievers. Notice the little g, indicating not the real God but a false one.

You have never given evidence, only repeat what you are taught.
Also, why did you address NONE of what i posted, and just do a sermon about the stories youve been fed? I'll take this as evidence the stories are false.
There is no such thing as "demons" or "devils"; such things came from the "pagan beliefs" that did exist before the coming of Christ. People do evil, because "they" make the choice to do so; of their own free will. To blame an "other-worldly force" is just nonsense.
I've been in deliverance ministry for many years.I have spoken to and have cast out demons . It's a powerful ministry. And no, I'm not deceived or confused. I've been a Christian for 44 years


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