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Thats awesome. I also think that if we as a society expanded our efforts and created infrastructure that is available to everyone. Abortion will also drop as a secondary measure.
I agree and what JLB is doing with his foundation is commendable. If more people would step up to the plate and put their time and money where their mouth was, the world would be a much better place.

I went to live with my Dad in 4th grade and we were poor. My clothes were worn and my hygiene wasn’t all the best. I got made fun of and bullied. On the social scale, I considered myself as scum, and I hung around other scums that accepted me.

Growing up in the neighborhood I did, I watched my friends change. And many not for the better. At that time, abortion was normalized and around every corner we were told abortion was not murder because the fetus was not a person. Young and naive we believed it.

I can’t tell you how many people I know that got abortions. They weren’t bad people with evil intent. They were lost souls doing the best they knew how with little, or poor parental support. Let’s face it, when you live in those conditions, your looking for things that make you feel good. Things that let you escape your situation.

Drugs serves that end. And so does sex. Add in a Little Rock and roll and the abortion rate skyrocketed among my friends.

I remember one gal did not have an abortion. Life was hard for her. Other single girls looked at her and didn’t want to go through that hardship. many had no real support group including their parents. Pressured, they sought abortion.

That was then, and this is now. Our society has changed. It’s cool and hip to break out a bridge card to buy Starbucks from the grocery store and in many circles, consciences have been seared and some of these women use abortion as a means to continue their sinful lifestyles. It’s become an accepted way of life.

I think, as a society we’ve got a lot of work that needs to be done. That’s why I see the overturning of roe vs wade as an opportunity to radically change the fabric of this nation. Face it, there are going to be a lot of babies up for adoption. They are either going to be raised in state sponsored homes or adopted. If Christian families adopt, we have the opportunity to teach them healthy and Godly lifestyles.
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I agree and what JLB is doing with his foundation is commendable. If more people would step up to the plate and put their time and money where their mouth was, the world would be a much better place.

I went to live with my Dad in 4th grade and we were poor. My clothes were worn and my hygiene wasn’t all the best. I got made fun of and bullied. On the social scale, I considered myself as scum, and I hung around other scums that accepted me.

Growing up in the neighborhood I did, I watched my friends change. And many not for the better. At that time, abortion was normalized and around every corner we were told abortion was not murder because the fetus was not a person. Young and naive we believed it.

I can’t tell you how many people I know that got abortions. They weren’t bad people with evil intent. They were lost souls doing the best they knew how with little, or poor parental support. Let’s face it, when you live in those conditions, your looking for things that make you feel good. Things that let you escape your situation.

Drugs serves that end. And so does sex. Add in a Little Rock and roll and the abortion rate skyrocketed among my friends.

I remember one gal did not have an abortion. Life was hard for her. Other single girls looked at her and didn’t want to go through that hardship. many had no real support group including their parents. Pressured, they sought abortion.

That was then, and this is now. Our society has changed. It’s cool and hip to break out a bridge card to buy Starbucks from the grocery store and in many circles, consciences have been seared and some of these women use abortion as a means to continue their sinful lifestyles. It’s become an accepted way of life.

I think, as a society we’ve got a lot of work that needs to be done. That’s why I see the overturning of roe vs wade as an opportunity to radically change the fabric of this nation. Face it, there are going to be a lot of babies up for adoption. They are either going to be raised in state sponsored homes or adopted. If Christian families adopt, we have the opportunity to teach them healthy and Godly lifestyles.
Reading your post it illuminates an issue I have when talking about these issues. I think many people forget just how much stress and economic hardship exhausts people's ability to make informed choices, or even rational choices.

Personally I think that over turning Roe v Wade won't do anything and just criminalizes people in vulnerable situations. It's an application of state power I don't agree with. Not arguing that abortion is a moral right, but that the goal isn't necessarily accomplished and could possibly end up exacerbating the issues that surround abortion.
Reading your post it illuminates an issue I have when talking about these issues. I think many people forget just how much stress and economic hardship exhausts people's ability to make informed choices, or even rational choices.
Yes, and once you're in the government system, it is very difficult to get out. I knew several women who kept their children and had to go on public assistance. The government set the amount of money that they made right at the threshold that they lost needed benefits which resulted in a loss of income. In other words, many of these women were trapped relying on government funds. As a result, they learn how to manipulate the system but not out of greed, but out of survival necessity. In turn, the state was actually conditioning these women to lie and manipulate just to survive economically. These traits then become the economic fabric that underlies the home and are taught to the children. The children are taught not how to succeed by hard work because experience has taught these women that hard work only puts you in a deeper financial situation but instead, it teaches these children how to manipulate and entitlement.

Yes, I know I am very opinionated in this area...
Personally I think that over turning Roe v Wade won't do anything and just criminalizes people in vulnerable situations. It's an application of state power I don't agree with. Not arguing that abortion is a moral right, but that the goal isn't necessarily accomplished and could possibly end up exacerbating the issues that surround abortion.
What happens when roe vs wade is overturned will really depend on how many Christians step up to the plate and take these children in, or support these single women. If the Church fails to step up and raise these children, then I fear government raised children will be where our next generation will come from. And honestly, that scares me. It scares me a lot, and I think this prophesy will be once more fulfilled.

Matthew 12:42-45 The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and behold, a greater than Solomon is here. But the unclean spirit, when he is gone out of the man, passeth through waterless places, seeking rest, and findeth it not. Then he saith, I will return into my house whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man becometh worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this evil generation.
I'm hardly pro abortion but to assume the devil will just pack up cause a law was passed out, is to ignore what the Bible says

My understanding is that when roe vs wade is overturned that a curse will be lifted off of America within the same hour.
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My understanding is that when roe vs wade is overturned that a curse will be lifted off of America within the same hour.
Jesus died on the cross ,a curse on man was dealt with ,yet men still sinned.

What if men simply allow babies to born as they did in Rome and allow them to die as was the law then?

If it was only this simple ,fact is unless the church cares and is big enough ,that can happen

And pre 1973,you could get abortions in the liberal states of new England and the west .
It was challenged and that is why any anti abortion law is decided by the SCOTUS where as before it was a state matter,reversing the ruling must include a constitutional amendment of life as each state could ban or allow it if not
I really believe that abortion is a by product of the immorality that our nation has slowly through many generations now has allowed. Back in the 50's, God's word was spoken and followed by most families. Kids grew up knowing God and His righteous paths. But if you look back at time, this changed so much with Wade & Roe, women's rights movement, and the church itself took a back seat to speaking out. It starts in our homes. I know both parents have to work today to make it but there should still be Godly principles that are taught, moral standards that are held sacred in the family unit. We go maybe two times to church and we cannot expect the church to teach our children and grandchildren. If we do not teach them, then the world will and it is a perverse way of thinking. It is scary now to even send your children to school and to hear what comes out of their mouths. There is no respect for older people, for life or even for themselves. Parents, stand up, change your ways, repent for your lack of following the Lord and teaching your children and watch what the Lord does. It is never too late. We all must take responsibility for what we let into our lives and we do have authority in our homes, which is our domain.
I really believe that abortion is a by product of the immorality that our nation has slowly through many generations now has allowed. Back in the 50's, God's word was spoken and followed by most families. Kids grew up knowing God and His righteous paths. But if you look back at time, this changed so much with Wade & Roe, women's rights movement, and the church itself took a back seat to speaking out. It starts in our homes. I know both parents have to work today to make it but there should still be Godly principles that are taught, moral standards that are held sacred in the family unit. We go maybe two times to church and we cannot expect the church to teach our children and grandchildren. If we do not teach them, then the world will and it is a perverse way of thinking. It is scary now to even send your children to school and to hear what comes out of their mouths. There is no respect for older people, for life or even for themselves. Parents, stand up, change your ways, repent for your lack of following the Lord and teaching your children and watch what the Lord does. It is never too late. We all must take responsibility for what we let into our lives and we do have authority in our homes, which is our domain.
Very well said.

Is it too late to sing ding dong the witch is dead?
It’s time for every Christian that has ever opposed Abortion to step up to the plate and help the mothers raise these children or adopt.

If we leave these children by the wayside, the USA will be in very poor shape in 20 years. These children need loving, nurturing stable homes.

#generational sin

A leaked Supreme Court draft opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito and published late Monday by Politico indicated the court may be preparing to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 precedent that established a constitutional right to an abortion.

Chief Justice John Roberts confirmed in a statement that the draft, written by Justice Samuel Alito, was authentic, but he said it was not necessarily the final resolution in the case. “This was a singular and egregious breach” of trust, he said.
It’s time for every Christian that has ever opposed Abortion to step up to the plate and help the mothers raise these children or adopt.

If we leave these children by the wayside, the USA will be in very poor shape in 20 years. These children need loving, nurturing stable homes.

#generational sin
Not that I disagree ,even with it legal ,that is very much the case.

There are mockery of the nuclear family in the media ,the attempt to recreate gender ,before that marriage is redefined .

The over all view is I am the most important person. ,all others come second .this is never good for society .


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