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Have you ever seen a ghost?


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Or seen/heard something you couldn't explain?

When I was a child, I would spend a feast deal of time with my great grandmother watching Bambi. She was always a very kind hearted woman. She smiled a lot.

Anyways, she eventually developed cancer and died. Sometime later, I remember I was sleeping in my bed one night and it must have been around 3am or so. Near the foot of the bed, up against the wall, was a dresser with a large mirror. So I wake up, I sit up in bed and in this mirror I see my great grandmother.

She is all white with a slight glow and somewhat transparent. The hairs stood up on the back of my neck. I was frozen and terrified. I couldn't scream because I was so scared. Worst of all, and what I remember the most, was her face having this expressionless, deadpan sort of look.

I eventually worked up the courage to lay back down and pull the covers over my head. I eventually fell asleep, and that was that. However, over the years I discovered that the house I lived in was haunted, for lack of a better term.

Cupboards would open and close on their. Dishes would move about and we would all hear the clanking at night. I then discovered that my great grandfather died in the house. In one of the bathrooms. I always remember feeling like I was being watched in the hallway leading up to that bathroom.

All of this activity ceased as soon as I moved out of that house.
Not me personally but a coworker told me about a couple events he and his wife experienced.

For about a year before I moved into my current home, I rented the lower level of a home. After I moved, the home was sold to a coworker of mine (Tom) and when I found out that he was the one that bought it, he asked me if I had experienced anything strange in the house. I said no and he then shared a couple stories.

His wife was in the lower level that I had rented, vacuuming the floor. Tom walked into the room to ask her something so she turned off the vacuum. He said while they were having their conversation, suddenly the vacuum cleaner turned on again. They were not even standing within arms reach of it at the time. They walked over and turned it off but they were truly baffled about it and couldn't explain it.

They had that lower level set up with a television and that is where they liked to watch it. One evening, after dark, they were sitting down there watching television. They had been down there for quite a while, at least a half-hour and Tom distinctly remembered turning off all the lights upstairs. Suddenly, they noticed the light at the top of the stairs was on. Curious, Tom went up there. The light had a pull chain and he noticed it was swinging as if it had been moved recently. There were no fans running either on the ceiling or from the forced air furnace that could possibly explain the moving pull chain. Tom grabbed the chain and moved it about 8"-10" to the side and let it go. Within just a few seconds it stopped swinging. He said, that freaked them out for sure. First, how did the light get turned on and second, how was that pull chain still swinging?

A couple years later I asked if he had any more weird experiences and he said they had one other shortly after the first two but no more since.
This one is from a former co-worker,.....When he was just married and young,and broke,he became severely depressed and suicidal.He had even purchased a gun to kill himself with.He worked on a truck loading dock,one day a driver came through that he had never seen before,as the driver walked past him to leave,he looked right at him and said 'It is going to be allright,don't worry',something like that.At that moment my co-worker decided not to kill himself,he never seen that driver again.

We must endeavor to persevere,.........Chief Dan George.
This one is from a former co-worker,.....When he was just married and young,and broke,he became severely depressed and suicidal.He had even purchased a gun to kill himself with.He worked on a truck loading dock,one day a driver came through that he had never seen before,as the driver walked past him to leave,he looked right at him and said 'It is going to be allright,don't worry',something like that.At that moment my co-worker decided not to kill himself,he never seen that driver again.

We must endeavor to persevere,.........Chief Dan George.
Ghost ?

What I think .

Hebrews 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Or seen/heard something you couldn't explain?

When I was a child, I would spend a feast deal of time with my great grandmother watching Bambi. She was always a very kind hearted woman. She smiled a lot.

Anyways, she eventually developed cancer and died. Sometime later, I remember I was sleeping in my bed one night and it must have been around 3am or so. Near the foot of the bed, up against the wall, was a dresser with a large mirror. So I wake up, I sit up in bed and in this mirror I see my great grandmother.

She is all white with a slight glow and somewhat transparent. The hairs stood up on the back of my neck. I was frozen and terrified. I couldn't scream because I was so scared. Worst of all, and what I remember the most, was her face having this expressionless, deadpan sort of look.

I eventually worked up the courage to lay back down and pull the covers over my head. I eventually fell asleep, and that was that. However, over the years I discovered that the house I lived in was haunted, for lack of a better term.

Cupboards would open and close on their. Dishes would move about and we would all hear the clanking at night. I then discovered that my great grandfather died in the house. In one of the bathrooms. I always remember feeling like I was being watched in the hallway leading up to that bathroom.

All of this activity ceased as soon as I moved out of that house.

It's just demonic stuff. There are no "ghosts," really, just demonic spirits masquerading as such, distorting what people think about the afterlife, and instilling fear in them.

After retiring from his long-time pastorate, my grandfather worked with a group here in Canada called the Canadian Revival Fellowship travelling to many churches all throughout North America, in South America, Europe and even India. His work focused upon encouraging spiritual revival in churches that had grown spiritually cold and impotent. Very often, this coldness and impotence was the result, in part, of unwitting involvement of believers with the demonic. They'd play with ouija boards, or have a tarot card reading, or get their palms or tea leaves read, or even participate in seances. Some would be into illicit drugs, and/or horror movies and novels, and/or deep in sexual sin. Others would play around with New Age stuff, trying to get in touch with their "spirit guide" (aka demon), or taking up pagan meditative practices, or working to develop their "energy fields." All of these things (and other besides) allowed the demonic to take ground in the lives of believers who involved themselves in them.

When my grandfather would come along and alert Christians to the demonic dimension present in these things, urging them to have nothing more to do with the "unfruitful works of darkness," the "curtain" over the demonic realm would sometimes be pulled back and Christians would get - usually for the very first time - a direct look at the Enemy. Typically, these Christians would be astonished and terrified, understanding that the demonic world was not only very real but extremely close - active right in their midst, in fact!

Eventually, my grandfather wrote a book about how the demonic infiltrates the Church and wreaks spiritual havoc among believers. It was entitled "Fellowship With The Fallen" and chronicled some of the incidents in which my grandfather was involved as he worked to free spiritually-cold churches from the things that corrupted and blunted their spiritual vigor. Reading his book as a fifteen-year-old, I was left a bit bug-eyed. My grandfather was about as staid and placid a fellow as you'd ever hope to meet. He was not in the least given to excessive feeling, or hyperbole, or wild imaginings. For me, this lent his book a seriousness it would not otherwise have had. Though often telling us tales of God's miraculous doings among His children, most of the stories in my grandfather's book he had never divulged before in my hearing. He was quite reluctant, actually, to discuss his encounters with the demonic and had written the book only because he had observed a widespread invasion of the Church by the demonic. And so, when I read the events recounted in my grandfather's book, I was shocked and acutely disturbed. Really, I should not have read the book at the age that I was. It scared me and left me utterly unable to be comfortably in darkness by myself. It also, though, removed any doubt I had that the demonic realm was real, and active, and very near.

Later on, in my late twenties, I had my own up-close-and-personal encounter with the demonic when I was director of a large children's summer Bible Camp to which many unsaved, inner city children were sent. It was every bit as creepy and bizarre as the stories in my grandfather's book. My assistant director slept every night for the rest of the summer with the lights on and I had a lot of counselling to do with the cabin leaders who had been directly involved with the incident.

Anyway, be very careful about this whole area of the "paranormal." At bottom, it's just the demonic at work and always to the same end: our destruction.
Or seen/heard something you couldn't explain?

When I was a child, I would spend a feast deal of time with my great grandmother watching Bambi. She was always a very kind hearted woman. She smiled a lot.

Anyways, she eventually developed cancer and died. Sometime later, I remember I was sleeping in my bed one night and it must have been around 3am or so. Near the foot of the bed, up against the wall, was a dresser with a large mirror. So I wake up, I sit up in bed and in this mirror I see my great grandmother.

She is all white with a slight glow and somewhat transparent. The hairs stood up on the back of my neck. I was frozen and terrified. I couldn't scream because I was so scared. Worst of all, and what I remember the most, was her face having this expressionless, deadpan sort of look.

I eventually worked up the courage to lay back down and pull the covers over my head. I eventually fell asleep, and that was that. However, over the years I discovered that the house I lived in was haunted, for lack of a better term.

Cupboards would open and close on their. Dishes would move about and we would all hear the clanking at night. I then discovered that my great grandfather died in the house. In one of the bathrooms. I always remember feeling like I was being watched in the hallway leading up to that bathroom.

All of this activity ceased as soon as I moved out of that house.

Your story is an interesting tie-in to Raphael Gasson’s childhood, though he later realised after ditching mediumship, that it had been a demon not a ghost (see Yet he also affirmed that although demons counterfeit ghosts in order to sidetrack people, God can reveal ghosts to us for special purposes, as in the case of Samuel. I think that my ex-dad saw a ghost of Peter who had been a son to him, a vision in the sky as dad had been motorcycling. J B Phillips spoke of seeing the ghost of C S Lewis. Neither sought such visions, and neither was temped into Spiritualism. Gasson noted how the demonic engage in thelodynamic activity, moving dishing, slamming doors, etc, and how so-called Rescue Work is a Spiritualist idea based on a mistaken premise.

In Miracles, C S Lewis said that the only person he had met who had claimed to have seen a ghost, was someone who did not believe in postmortem life: seeing requires interpretation, and interpretations can vary.


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