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Hi KevinK. I watched the video, and though I often have doubts when I hear such testimonies, this video was very compelling, and should be a very effective witness to those who knew him especially. I have no doubt that God could, and may do such things as with this man now named Paul, just as the Apostle was caught up into paradise and things revealed unto him which he too began to preach. Gal 1:12 & 2 Cor 12:4. Thanks for the testimony.
Thank you for watching it, Eugene. I take these testimonials with a grain of salt always, but at the same time I see no reason why God might not want to reach out to a specific individual in a special manner. I would have anyone involved with Buddhism to at least consider this man's compelling, even shocking story. I actually have tremendous respect for Buddhism, one of the greatest if not the greatest humanitarian movements of all time, as well as a deep and complex cosmology. But one should take it only for what it is, and I firmly believe that what it isn't is a way to stay out of Hell.
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it only makes sense the Buddha would be burning in hell, just look at those false teachings, kindness, humility, propriety, generosity, etc. didnt Jesus say we will know them by their fruits?
Christs message to mankind is to love one another as God loves us. Anyone who does that is following Christ. Love one another as God loves us.
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Siddhārtha Gautama, also known as Shakyamuni Buddha or just, the Buddha. An obese Indian, was born to be a prince. He had three palaces to his name and destiny had he traveled that road. However, in his early life after many deaths in the family that he could not accept emotionally or mentally, he left his palace. He then journeyed away in order to find enlightenment and gain understanding of how loved ones could leave him that way. He assumed the life of an ascetic, and endured many hardships. Including sleeping on a bed of thorns. All to gain enlightenment. He nearly starved to death in fact. Then he finally arrived at the Bodhi tree, which was a fig tree, and meditated there for a great long time.

And then on a full moon in the month of May more than 2000 years ago, enlightenment came to him. He realized the answer to the question of life and why there was death.

It was all an illusion.

After that philosophy, moral code, arrived. But you'll notice that the current Dalai Lama lives a life of riches. When this life is illusion, and suffering, according to what Shakyamuni Buddha learned, it doesn't appear to be an illusion that Lama lives in a palace in Tibet. While the faithful make a walk a step, kneel, walk a step, kneel, pilgrimage ever so often. And all the way to those palace steps from wherever they are in the region, just to give him gifts and praise him as the Buddha incarnate.

No, that palace isn't an illusion or suffering and sorrow. Nor are his silk robes sewn with real gold thread. Nor is it an illusion that he is a guest of rich celebrities that pay his every need and weep at meeting him. That's not suffering, that's not sorrow, that's not an illusion. Nor is the twisting guts of the Buddhists in some countries wherein having enough food is an illusion. While starving to death is not.
The worth of the Llama's robes could feed innumerable villages starving for food in Tibet.
He has an exercise room in his palace. Did you know that? He exercises. But he stops when he starts to sweat. Those who starve and work by the sweat of their brow do not have the luxury such as that of their beloved Llama.

Nor was it an illusion that non-violence took a back seat in Buddhist teachings when the current Llama led monks in what is remembered as the Tibetan uprising, in 1959.
The Dalai Lama in pictures
11 April 1959: Tibetan monks, surrounded by soldiers of the Chinese Popular Liberation Army, lay down their arms somewhere in the Tibetan mountains after an unsuccessful armed uprising against Chinese rule

Picture: AFP/GETTY

Buddha is not in Heaven today. That should tell you to think about your eternal soul and Jesus Christ. And what to think when considering Buddhism.
Buddha is not in Heaven today. That should tell you to think about your eternal soul and Jesus Christ. And what to think when considering Buddhism.
interesting that Buddha was born into a noble family, yet he gave up the power, wealth and influence to seek spiritual truth.
Matthew 7:7-12
7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. 9 Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent?

hard to believe that Buddha did exactly what Jesus taught and got sent to eternal punishment for it. i guess everyone means everyone but Buddha because apparently he was given a serpent when he seeked.
interesting that Buddha was born into a noble family, yet he gave up the power, wealth and influence to seek spiritual truth.
Matthew 7:7-12
7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. 9 Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent?

hard to believe that Buddha did exactly what Jesus taught and got sent to eternal punishment for it. i guess everyone means everyone but Buddha because apparently he was given a serpent when he seeked.
Do you believe Noah is in Hell? Being that Jesus wasn't yet born to his time?
no. i dont believe in church doctrines that teach people in India would have been better off had Jesus never came in the first place.
OK, I don't think that really speaks back to what I asked but,verses in Romans, and Hebrews, tells us that Noah, Abel, and Abraham, became heir of righteousness which is by faith.

Buddhism does not teach there is a soul to save. Nor that there is any Hell or Heaven. Rather, the goal is to reach Nirvana. Which is a place of enlightenment wherein it is lived as reality of the individual Buddhist that all is illusion. Therefore, there is no thing to fear nor aspire to after this life. That's why Buddhism is considered atheistic. Though there are those which are agnostic Buddhists.
Christianity and Buddhism are not compatible. Someone cannot be a Christian Buddhist , for example.
OK, I don't think that really speaks back to what I asked but,verses in Romans, and Hebrews, tells us that Noah, Abel, and Abraham, became heir of righteousness which is by faith.

Buddhism does not teach there is a soul to save. Nor that there is any Hell or Heaven. Rather, the goal is to reach Nirvana. Which is a place of enlightenment wherein it is lived as reality of the individual Buddhist that all is illusion. Therefore, there is no thing to fear nor aspire to after this life. That's why Buddhism is considered atheistic. Though there are those which are agnostic Buddhists.
Christianity and Buddhism are not compatible. Someone cannot be a Christian Buddhist , for example.

your probably right, there is no way one can connect to the other. Buddha may have walked on water, called to a disciple, the disciple walks half way on the water, sank, Buddha pulls him out and tells him he has to have greater belief.
but thats just a coincidence im sure.
Do you believe Noah is in Hell? Being that Jesus wasn't yet born to his time?
Those born before Jesus Christ need only believe in the Eternal God. Gautama did not. However, he did not require his followers to believe as he did. Even today, practising Buddhists are theistic, atheistic, or agnostic as their individual beliefs dictate.
your probably right, there is no way one can connect to the other. Buddha may have walked on water, called to a disciple, the disciple walks half way on the water, sank, Buddha pulls him out and tells him he has to have greater belief.
but thats just a coincidence im sure.
Is there a passage you'd like to share wherein the Buddha did all that?
Is there a passage you'd like to share wherein the Buddha did all that?
its a story from Buddhism that has been around forever. and that was just one of many that sound exactly like what the Christ taught. if its a false belief system from Satan and fallen angels, why are Buddhist not trying to conquer and destroy everything, and why is their belief system on the other side of the spectrum from dark occult, Satanism and Luciferianism?
Forever? Well then, I can bring the verse where my Lord Jesus walked on water to this thread in a mere moment. Matthew 14:22-33.
If Buddha's walk has been around forever, when Buddhism is only about 2550 years old, it should be very easy for you to find the story. I await with great anticipation our post providing that.
its a story from Buddhism that has been around forever. and that was just one of many that sound exactly like what the Christ taught. if its a false belief system from Satan and fallen angels, why are Buddhist not trying to conquer and destroy everything, and why is their belief system on the other side of the spectrum from dark occult, Satanism and Luciferianism?
Many a good man will roast in the Lake of Fire because they did not seek after the Only True God found in and through the Holy Bible.

Matthew 7:21-23New King James Version (NKJV)
I Never Knew You
21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’


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