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did you knew only pain in your youth ?


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I would like to know how many of you experienced intense, long periods of pain in your youth ?
Like, I'm talking about, something that lasted more than 4-5 years, that defined your youth..
And was like thorn in you ?

I know people move on and just forget about their youth, but it's because it was different time, and they want to forget it. Just like, I know how I hadn't fully developed all critical thinking in my 13, and don't think like that. But in that time, I knew, it was my world back then..

So, will this intense pain, just transfer, once I go to higher responsibilities in life, at 30-35, where I get blank state of mind again, and focus shifts on something else, I stop thinking like now, and broaden my view. But pain would be same ? Or different ?

Do you idolize youth like world does ? What youth means to you ? Is youth same as 30-40-50 ? It should be. Because otherwise, you get unrealistic expectations and pressure to perform in few years, some probably have no control over at all (like me), who are just trying to piece life together for future (if politicians don't mess it up with wars, climate change ignorance, class inequality.. ). And all others are discarded as "outdated", "old", by 13 yr whores on tiktok. these are facts.. (it is 13yrs, now standard to indulge in that stuff, and 16-18 yrs is "best" youthful time to indulge in that, up to 25, and then they get married by then and have kid already.. and regret all that in 35, when stuff with kids catch up.. how foolish they are, and end up living exactly like parents)
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This is a very difficult topic to talk about for people who have not been in long period of emotional and/or physical pain. And I assume it also depends on the type of pain or experiences people may have had.

For example when I was about 5 my parents divorced, because of this I'd had to leave town, lose all my friends. Then when my mother remarried my amazing stepdad (who I consider my father, he took all the roles he had to with me as a father, even though I'm not his blood). they had a new kid, so we had to move again for home expansion, again I had lost all friends.

In this time I'd had to deal with a stepmother (a broken soul with an alcohol addiction) which gave a lot of friction and created hesitation for me to visit my biological dad. Then there's some small things that had formed me as well as a kid, that surround those experiences.

Of course we can't scale pain and suffering, but if I tell this to people who had the ''perfect'' upbringing they act like I've been trough an atrocity. While I'm thinking that my pain or suffering here is maybe 3 on 10, if we consider daily abuse in your household by loved ones as maybe 8 on 10, and murder of loved ones and torn family ties and homelessness etc. as 10 of 10 on suffering.

I don't know what you've been trough, but generally, responsibilities (like having a child or taking care of sick family member) does put your own pain and worries in a separate spot.

Let's call each individual forming experience in a negative light a childhood trauma. Each trauma should be tackled as a different thing. There might be things that if you think about them, you are able to rationalize, or put to rest. While other trauma's still might let you carry a heavy burden.

There are going to be things that will haunt you forever, but as the years go by, the pain is less.
There will be things that one day you can put to rest easily, and the pain might turn into laughter.

An important thing is, find someone to talk to. This can be God in your prayers. It can be your local Pastor or Priest. There are support groups (anonymous) if you don't want to talk to people you know or can't because they won't understand you. Forums like this might also help to express your feelings.

We are all broken in some way, we all carry heavy burdens, some just carry heavier and more backpacks. There is no special formula to heal your pains, but when you talk with others or pray, the Holy Spirit will bring something, someone or some tip or guidance your way.
I would like to know how many of you experienced intense, long periods of pain in your youth ?
Like, I'm talking about, something that lasted more than 4-5 years, that defined your youth..
And was like thorn in you ?

I know people move on and just forget about their youth, but it's because it was different time, and they want to forget it. Just like, I know how I hadn't fully developed all critical thinking in my 13, and don't think like that. But in that time, I knew, it was my world back then..

So, will this intense pain, just transfer, once I go to higher responsibilities in life, at 30-35, where I get blank state of mind again, and focus shifts on something else, I stop thinking like now, and broaden my view. But pain would be same ? Or different ?
Suffering is necessary for life.
The reasons, Biblically and Spiritualy, as revealed by the Creator in His Word and through His messengers
can be found here, for examples, lessons, and help in Christ Jesus in His Way of Living Honestly >>>

"I Maintain My Joy": The Life and Ministry of Watchman Nee

Figure 3: One of Nee's final letters was written to his sister-in-law, just 38 days before his death. In it, Nee wrote that through all that he suffered, "I maintain my joy.". Over the past year, I have had the privilege of researching the life and ministry of Watchman Nee. I met many of his followers, his family members, and his friend ... › recognition › suffering.html

Watchman Nee - A Man of Suffering

Recognition Watchman Nee: A Man of Suffering by Bob Laurent. He lived the life he wrote about, a life devoted to Christ. The titles of Watchman Nee's books say much about this twentieth century Chinese spiritual leader—Changed Into His Likeness; Love Not the World; A Living Sacrifice; and Spiritual Man.Writer, teacher, and church founder, Nee spent his entire adult life focused on the truth ...
know people move on and just forget about their youth, but it's because it was different time, and they want to forget it.
I don't think people forget pain and suffering, they learn to come to terms with it.
They can identify the cause or reason for that pain/suffering and because of that can start to move on.
May I suggest you seek counselling for the traumas in your past.
2Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

I use the misery of my past, which almost caused me to commit suicide, for God's purpose of helping others that have gone through the same things I did so they too can be overcomers in Christ.

Rom 8:38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
Rom 8:39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
I don't think people forget pain and suffering, they learn to come to terms with it.
They can identify the cause or reason for that pain/suffering and because of that can start to move on.
May I suggest you seek counselling for the traumas in your past.
I'm going through really weird and confusing time. Where my anxiety is high all the time.
I'm just waiting too much, while I did my work diligently, and still wasn't paid for my work.
I feel like, this is going for too long.

God is not yet giving me any advancements. Job interviews, nothing gets out of it. I try to learn and make some projects, but still not good enough for employment. I don't understand how it can be. People with less experience and knowledge got jobs, and I'm always singled out.

I always felt that way, others take away from me (even in kindergarten I felt that way, helpless to change my situation). And others take my opportunities. And then I'm shamed. Just like in kindergarten, same feelings.
Where my anxiety is high all the time.
Please seel help for your anxiety, this doesn't automatically mean being drugged to the eyeballs.
There are relaxation techniques, herbal teas that can help. As can counselling.
God is not yet giving me any advancements
Sorry but God is not obliged to give us anything.

I don't know you, or know how you present to employers etc, but I would make a guess that they see someone who isn't as confident as the next candidate and they choose the other guy.
Sorry this is brutal, all I can suggest is concentrate on reducing your anxiety.
Hi iWill

I can only add to the great replies you've received by telling you that you will never forget what has caused your pain.

But if you forgive those that caused it and love God more than you hate them, you will come to better accept your life and its limitations.

To one degree or other, we have all experienced pain that has marked our life.
Please seel help for your anxiety, this doesn't automatically mean being drugged to the eyeballs.
There are relaxation techniques, herbal teas that can help. As can counselling.

Sorry but God is not obliged to give us anything.

I don't know you, or know how you present to employers etc, but I would make a guess that they see someone who isn't as confident as the next candidate and they choose the other guy.
Sorry this is brutal, all I can suggest is concentrate on reducing your anxiety.
well we have job fair in 2 days.
My father told me "don't stress too much over it".
I will need to take his advice, and listen to older this time. And not stress myself too much by this, even if I don't pass interviews, I know I gave my best performance etc.. there won't be anything I could do.
It's up to God's will. really.

I will slow down, so I appear more relaxed, and present myself well. And who knows, maybe finally they get impressed by my side projects portfolio I worked so hard to attain.
well we have job fair in 2 days.
My father told me "don't stress too much over it".
I will need to take his advice, and listen to older this time. And not stress myself too much by this, even if I don't pass interviews, I know I gave my best performance etc.. there won't be anything I could do.
It's up to God's will. really.

I will slow down, so I appear more relaxed, and present myself well. And who knows, maybe finally they get impressed by my side projects portfolio I worked so hard to attain.
I hope and pray you do get a job that will lead to a career for you.


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