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[__ Prayer __] My sister is not excepted to live


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I just received a call from my brother-in-law. My younger sister is in the hospital and not excepted to live out the week. She is in a coma totally unresponsive.
She is not saved.
I ask that you would pray that somehow she would be able to hear the Gospel message one more time and receive it. If that be the will of God.
Thank you.
Amen dear Sister Deborah. Is there one saved person you know of that can once again tell your sister the plan of salvation? I have been told by medical people that hearing is the very last thing we lose. Many people coming out of comas have told all they heard and understood in that condition. I pray someone is able. If you're not able to do this yourself, you might even call a church in the locality she is, and make your request known to them.

Blessings in Christ Jesus.
Amen dear Sister Deborah. Is there one saved person you know of that can once again tell your sister the plan of salvation? I have been told by medical people that hearing is the very last thing we lose. Many people coming out of comas have told all they heard and understood in that condition. I pray someone is able. If you're not able to do this yourself, you might even call a church in the locality she is, and make your request known to them.

Blessings in Christ Jesus.

I have two cousins there who are saved. One I've never meant just talked with, who I know is truly saved. The other one goes south for the winter.
I cannot get to her, I thought about asking her husband to let me speak to her over the phone, but he doesn't believe either. She over 1000 miles from me and because of my condition I'm unable to fly anymore.

You bringing this up may be a witness that that is exactly what I need to do, contact my cousin and see if she will go. Thank you.

Blessings, Deb
Lord , you have full knowledge of the story of Deb's sister... One more time speak to her heart.. Send the messenger she needs... Isa 55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. We pray Lord. Maybe at the last minute like the thief on the cross.. bring comfort to the family . Bring assurance to Deb's heart grant her rest in you...
I am agreeing with that prayer, Reba and Jason's as well.

Thank all of you, so much.

May our Lord keep you and your families.
Your sister and her husband are in my prayers, that they will hear and accept the truth of our Lord in their lives. Prayers also for you, Deborah, and your family during these troubling times.

Be blessed!
I just received a call from my brother-in-law. My younger sister is in the hospital and not excepted to live out the week. She is in a coma totally unresponsive.
She is not saved.
I ask that you would pray that somehow she would be able to hear the Gospel message one more time and receive it. If that be the will of God.
Thank you.

Deb, it is a medical certainty that even in a coma, the person can respond to a familiar voice. My sister in law was in a coma and the nurse said, "every time you come to visit, her blood pressure jumps so we know she recognizes you. She was my wife's very close sister and they loved each other. She was unsaved. Every time we visited, we told her how to receive Jesus.

Don't give up praying and speaking to her.
I'm praying that even though she is non-responsive that she does hear and accepts Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Also praying the Holt Spirit comforts all of you at this time.
Dear Sister Deborah, once we do what we can according to our heart even to just praying, our conscience is cleansed and we can trust our Father to complete that which He has begun in your sister.

Php 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

Be blessed in Jesus, and peace and joy in His name.
Late yesterday I was able to speak to my sister. Her husband put the phone to her ear. I gave her the salvation gospel message again. Read scriptures to her. Then, I know this might not seem right but I told her that if she could believe in her heart to repeat after me a sinner's prayer. Then I prayed for her and told her to be healed in our Lord Jesus name.
After I spoke with her, her husband told me they were going to disconnect her from the oxygen supply. They have given up hope of clearing up the infection spreading through her body. Her white blood cell count just keeps going up but they still had her on antibiotics.
So now it's been over 24 hrs. and she is still hanging in there, as far as I know now.
I just keeping lifting her up. God's will be done.
Thank for all your prayers everyone.
Late yesterday I was able to speak to my sister. Her husband put the phone to her ear. I gave her the salvation gospel message again. Read scriptures to her. Then, I know this might not seem right but I told her that if she could believe in her heart to repeat after me a sinner's prayer. Then I prayed for her and told her to be healed in our Lord Jesus name.
After I spoke with her, her husband told me they were going to disconnect her from the oxygen supply. They have given up hope of clearing up the infection spreading through her body. Her white blood cell count just keeps going up but they still had her on antibiotics.
So now it's been over 24 hrs. and she is still hanging in there, as far as I know now.
I just keeping lifting her up. God's will be done.
Thank for all your prayers everyone.

Oh my wonderful Savior. Here is a woman who needs to accept Your wonderful Salvation. She is family of My friend Deborah and I see the possibility of Deb's whole family being saved because you saved her. Please, for your Name's sake, return her life to her, wake her up to a new life in You. There are promises that I see in Your Word to me that "By Your stripes she is healed". Right now, even though distance is between her and me, touch her from your heavenly throne and raise her up to become Your handmaiden. Jesus, If you were here, I believe you would heal her because of Deb's faith and mine. I am assured of things hoped for, and convicted of things not seen." AMEN!
Jas_5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous sister availeth much.


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