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Resident Evil (Is it really evil?)


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I've played pretty much most of the resident evil games, which were a lot of fun.

But are those style of games considered sinful?
I've played pretty much most of the resident evil games, which were a lot of fun.

But are those style of games considered sinful?


There have been plenty of responses to your question. I have another thought, though, and it concerns what happens when I even watch stuff like this. It becomes part of me, in some way, because once I’ve seen it, I can’t “unsee” it. Once I’ve heard a thing, I can’t remove it from my mind. I’ve played rpg’s and really enjoyed them. I don’t think it’s any worse than watching thrillers or horror flicks on Netflix for hours on end. But I have to pay attention to the question, “Do I want to have this in my brain library for the rest of my life?” Sometimes the answer is no.

It's not promoting sin. :lol

I don't know Brother. I have never played it. Not much of a gamer.

I played GTA San Andreas, and...prostitutes. forth...I had to put it down. Just something the Lord put in my heart.

I shut the cable off. I do spend entirely too much time on youtube though, lol. I like re-runs of The Rifleman even though a lot of people die...
When I prayed about this before, the Lord said if it promotes sin in any way it is no good. He suggested documentaries.! !

Yeah - Of course - "if it promotes sin in any way it is no good".

I like the fact that you asked and heard that, even though the response is obvious. The Lord thru Isaiah said to come reason with Him, and when you do He just makes sense, and He so often puts it in simply obvious ways. Now if a picture or game promotes sin, and it is no good. Still that doesn't mean that God can use it for your benefit. He has a habit of taking what the devil means for evil and turning it for good for those that love Him. That doesn't mean we should tempt God, though we sometimes do with our actions. We need to talk to him about what we are going to look at.

There have been times, many, that the Lord has taken me to a movie, that promoted sin (it's hard to find a movie that doesn't now a days) and he used the movie to teach me things; like how this world thinks. He did put us in this world, even if we are not of this world, so he had to have a reason! And this world promotes sin.

It would be better if we didn't not have sin being promoted around us, or maybe not. Maybe we need to learn to say 'no' in the circumstances with are in. Or, maybe we need to see what sin causes, so He are put in this world to learn that. Or, maybe we just need to learn to seek the Lord and His wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Movies and things that promote sin are not good, but God can work them for good in our life if we love Him. And if you love Him you will talk to, meaning listen to, Him. And if you talk to Him you find out that He makes sense, or perhaps I should say that He gives us understanding; like understanding that sometimes we just need to put certain things down.
K2CHRIST, are you sure you want me to believe that this statement of yours is real?....

There have been times, many, that the Lord has taken me to a movie, that promoted sin

That's not the Lord that I serve. Perhaps you didn't mean that statement the way it sounds. I know you went on and said more, I just scratched my head on that one. :confused
K2CHRIST, are you sure you want me to believe that this statement of yours is real?....

That's not the Lord that I serve. Perhaps you didn't mean that statement the way it sounds. I know you went on and said more, I just scratched my head on that one. :confused

Chopper - what are you doing in this world, which promotes sin, unless God put you here?? And you have trouble thinking God would take someone to a movie in this world? What movie doesn't in some way promote sin? Even the best Christian movies are offset in an environment that promotes sin, usually to show us how to avoid sin in the environment. Or supposed they show us how to avoid sin.

All unrighteousness is sin, and only God is good. So to know what is the right thing to do means listening to God, and that every time you turn to the right of to the left.

Is 30:21 "Your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it," whenever you turn to the right or to the left.

So it was that the prophets went places and often place that promoted sin! Yet I find people "Christians" that depend on their understanding of the Scriptures instead of actually listening to the Lord for direction.

Gal 3:22 But the Scriptures has shut up everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.

It is amazing how we think. Jonah hears the Lord asking him to go to Nineveh, that wicked city of his time, and chooses not to listen. Apparently he was "scratching his head" right? Ananias after being asked to go to Saul, tells the Lord "Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much harm he did..." Apparently he was "scratching his head" And when God shows Peter a vision and says "Get up, Peter, kill and eat!" Peter responds "By no means, Lord, for I have never eaten any thing unholy and unclean," (Act 10:14) Peter was "scratching his head".

We make judgments, instead of listening. We tell God He is wrong, not realizing what we are doing. And we scratch our head. Yet God makes sense. God teaches. We need to listen! And God does not, as we can easily see in the Scriptures if we just pay a bit of attention to what we read, think like we think! So you need to listen and stop leaning on your own understanding. If you have a question, take it to the Lord. He did say through Isaiah, "Come now, and let us reason together" (Is 1:18) You will stop scratching your head when you start listening to Him, because it is correctly written "The Lord gives wisdom; from His mount come knowledge and understanding" (Prov 2:6)

Do you not know the Lord is the creator of heaven and earth? And He put you on earth, so He had a reason, and that even considering this world promotes sin. Is there not things for you to learn? Even things like Peter had to learn, like Jonah had to learn, like Ananias had to learn?

All unrighteousness is sin. Peter, if he had not finally (and twice the Lord had to go over it with Peter) gone to Cornelius, it would have been the wrong, unrighteous, sinful thing. And if Jonah had not gone to Nineveh (and the Lord had to puck him from the sea) it would have been the wrong, unrighteous, and sinful thing. And if Ananias, has not gone to Saul (and the Lord had to explain the reason after the objection) it would have been the wrong, unrighteous, and sinful thing.

We get religious. We get leaning on our understanding. We don't listen. We get stubborn. We don't reason with the Lord. We then scratch our head instead of obtain understanding. I remember the Lord telling me to see "Anger Management" and I wound up arguing with the Lord about not going, I did wind up going, and the movie is not all that great in many ways. But there were some things I learned from seeing it. People can hide problems they have even to themselves. And while you might not easily see it in the movie, the Lord (kind of like the Jack Nicholson character) can help you see it if you will let Him move in and do His work. Though He works in mysterious ways.
I've played pretty much most of the resident evil games, which were a lot of fun.

But are those style of games considered sinful?
Well your op is..."is it really evil" either way it's kind of like asking do things made by man(mankind) have some form of sin in them?
The answer yes for example Resident Evil if you are referring to the movies there is certainly sin in them and just like in the games there is sin in them, some examples would be in the movies giving the idea of genetic altering people to be something else or government officials ignoring their people,or in general making killing something someone wants to do for a thrill.
The other side of this would be the gaming atmosphere which basically is "Gambling" and not just for resident evil,nearly every game in the world has some form of gambling(gambling one's fictional life in a game, gambling fictional money or real money) like even the two very first games made "Pong"(guy didn't get a license technically first video game made) and "Star wars"(the first official game made because magnavox got a patent) pong is basically tennis back and forth where it is "luck" that you win or lose in a sense and starwars has a fictional character that requires hand eye coordination but you risk a fictional character's life to progress in a sense all of this can be classified as "sinful" so yes they are sinful but, "Evil" not necessarily because while they can lead one to do "Evil" things by "influence" they are only as "powerful" as the "power" one gives them.
A good example of this for either videos or games is whether or not you are "active" in "real life" because if an individual leaves their heads in such things for extended periodsit can "hurt your body"(I know this from experience) and diminish one's "spirit" allowing satan and one's own flesh to subject an individual to "evil thoughts" and possibly to "do evil".
There is a fine though between "evil" and "sin" evil is classified as doing things horrendously with "no remorse" nor "thought to change wrong doings" sin is classified as things God/Jesus does not approve of us doing but we can ask forgiveness for or better yet ask God/Jesus to guide us to "change" for the "better".
"Remorse" and "willingness to change" are very important because if one lives by "habit" one can likely "do wrong" whether saved or unsaved because in such times one's "mind" and "heart" are not joined with God/Jesus's and so we are "Vulnerable" of our own doing.
Think of any show movie or game as a tar pit or sinking sand the longer one stays in it the more likely that one will not "leave it" and unlike sand or tar the more one spends in it the more one will"remember" day to day and the more likely one will "get back in to it" and "ignore life" but, this can easily be "counter acted" by simply "taking a break" for however long to say "read the bible", "go to church","listen to gospel songs" "do chores", "cook food" or "interact with others".
To be more frank "evil" doesn't come from "material things" it comes from people's "minds" and "hearts" and though you might "feel" the evil or something from such things the items themselves aren't "evil" for they are not "alive".
I thought of that after posting, lol. We are in Christ, Christ is in us...literally. We are not alone and have never been alone. So would you sit down and play a game with Jesus in the room? That's just a wee bit scary...
Actually that's not "accurate" when we do things that are "flesh minded" or "sin based" though God/Jesus may watch he is definitely "not in the room" because in those times are "minds" and "hearts" are not merged with God/Jesus though it is possible to still "tune into" the Holy spirit but you must have your "mind" and "heart" focused on God's word or things of God.
For example I play Yugioh Gx usually when talking on these Christian sites(except on Sunday for a sabbath) and while I can still think on things of God my "mind" and "heart" are more prone to "prideful" or "lustful thoughts"(even yugioh gx sends me for a loop with the exaggerated female measurements and cute expressions if you know what I mean) but when I "pause" to answer a question pertaining to "God's word" I am more prone to "being led in spirit" to answer "truthfully" and "adequately" so there is I believe a degree of "interchanging" where while God/Jesus doesn't "forsake us" he is "present with us" according to our "minds and hearts".
Actually that's not "accurate" when we do things that are "flesh minded" or "sin based" though God/Jesus may watch he is definitely "not in the room" because in those times are "minds" and "hearts" are not merged with God/Jesus though it is possible to still "tune into" the Holy spirit but you must have your "mind" and "heart" focused on God's word or things of God.
For example I play Yugioh Gx usually when talking on these Christian sites(except on Sunday for a sabbath) and while I can still think on things of God my "mind" and "heart" are more prone to "prideful" or "lustful thoughts"(even yugioh gx sends me for a loop with the exaggerated female measurements and cute expressions if you know what I mean) but when I "pause" to answer a question pertaining to "God's word" I am more prone to "being led in spirit" to answer "truthfully" and "adequately" so there is I believe a degree of "interchanging" where while God/Jesus doesn't "forsake us" he is "present with us" according to our "minds and hearts".

You said a mouthful there Brother and I agree with at least most of it...Some I still need to chew on, lol.

As you say, He prolly isn't in the room while we're doing worldly things...But He's certainly watching. That's about the same thing to me.
You said a mouthful there Brother and I agree with at least most of it...Some I still need to chew on, lol.

As you say, He prolly isn't in the room while we're doing worldly things...But He's certainly watching. That's about the same thing to me.
I never was one to totally chew my food lol when I answer in the spirit it may be a very long post lol but, yes I agree he's definitely "watching".
Some of your post was hard to understand. I think auto correct messed it up some.
Yeah but actually it's "swype" if I "type fast" sometimes my words are automatically put or sometimes if I start a word like....
christian and it turn out chrisikmnn instead it's weird but, somehow I manage of course my fingers are big too which doesn't help lol,also I'm still getting over a bout of mold and annoying gas/bloating and acid reflux it's a wonder I answer at all on any Christian site but I'm determined to keep moving forward and excited because this month I might finally move out on my own!
The title "Resident Evil" is itself simply a metaphor. The games are fairly standard trick-trap while fighting zombies fare. I played the first two incarnations and neither had the slightest affect on my belief in God.

Sistrin, and us people in general, might very well be correct when we say watching or doing certain things won't effect us or our belief in God, and even more important, our relationship with God. Sistrin didn't mention our relationship, but that is the real important thing.

Yet how do we know if what we said is true? Honest, it does seem a bit naïve to think that if I continually involve myself is something promoting "Resident Evil" or evil in anyway that I won't somehow be effected by it. It basically is the question that had Chopper scratching his head. It is a valid question and a valid concern! I might think it doesn't effect me when it actually does. If I really think about it, it seems it must, but if I don't want to honestly think about it I can easily claim it doesn't.

Again the answer needs to come through the Lord!!!

Paul said He took all thoughts captive to the Lord. That is, Paul asked the Lord and listen by faith to what the Lord had to say about things. If I am doing that, taking all thoughts captive to Him and listening to Him, how is my relationship and belief with Him doing? Well, of course if I am indeed taking all thoughts captive to Him and trying to get His will done in my life, then my relationship with God and my belief in God is going to remain strong. Also, if my actions are going to be harmful to me, God will know and advise appropriately.

Now a person not seeking God is going to have problems with answering the question as to whether playing or watching certain things is ok or not. The person playing is certainly not going to know, and if they are not taking the question to the Lord at some point, what is their belief in Jesus Christ, the living and active Word of God? And the religious person, that is a person leaning on their understanding of God (our religion is our understanding of God) is liable to become judgmental of others and lack understanding, causing them to scratch their head with "disbelief". They tend to think that the other person has a demon, but as they judge so shall they me judged. Jesus didn't judge, but as He heard He judged. He did and even said only what the Father told Him. He took all thoughts captive to God and was completely obedient.

Now God is not different from the Bible, but we don't completely understand unless we actually do listen to Him. We are living in this world, and He put us here. And we have games and movies, entertainment, and He is not unaware that it exists. God created this world and certainly understands it. He understands better than us that demons exists around us, so what about a game with demons in it? Maybe we need to be more aware of what is going on around us. Maybe the game has value? Maybe we need to avoid all that understanding? Again the questions, and again the answer is going to be Jesus Christ. We need to listen to His voice, like the Bible says His sheep do!
This is the Questions for Christians forum and responses should be directed to the OP. If you wish to discuss the topic further, it is best to start a new thread in the appropriate forum.

Just so you all know, the original poster (OP) has not been seen online since February, 2017.
This is the Questions for Christians forum and responses should be directed to the OP. If you wish to discuss the topic further, it is best to start a new thread in the appropriate forum.

Just so you all know, the original poster (OP) has not been seen online since February, 2017.
Well that figures lol, it does seem a bit like a "bait" topic.
Well that figures lol, it does seem a bit like a "bait" topic.
Someone that is baiting usually posts a thread and then sits back to watch the responses. This is not the case with this member. I don't think rpguy was trying to bait anyone. He responded to answers in this thread and has 41 previous posts. He just hasn't been active for some time. My point is, responding to the OP may not be very fruitful if he hasn't been around to read them. Although, he could still be reading without logging in.

We need to be respectful of all members, Christian and non-Christian alike.
Someone that is baiting usually posts a thread and then sits back to watch the responses. This is not the case with this member. I don't think rpguy was trying to bait anyone. He responded to answers in this thread and has 41 previous posts. He just hasn't been active for some time. My point is, responding to the OP may not be very fruitful if he hasn't been around to read them. Although, he could still be reading without logging in.

We need to be respectful of all members, Christian and non-Christian alike.
Ok cool and I agree I try to be respectful but other Christian sites get me a bit riled or suspicious of others at times I have seen many trolls,like baiters, trouble stirrers, or closed minded people so I simply "keep an eye out" for possible trolls,I believe you to be sincere on the Op not being such an individual so I "retract" my previous post respectfully.


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