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Hi everyone,
I want to get a tattoo on my chest. It is a sword with floral details. I wanted to ask: if the sword has a handle facing down and the top facing up, could it be taken as a symbol of an upside down cross? (Because of the shape of the sword). I just want to get a nice tattoo that would not offend anyone, so that is why I am asking. Should I not get it done this way?
Thank you very much for your replys.
I'm with Who Me on this one.
Why do you want a tattoo?

Are you a fencing champion of some kind?

Why do you feel the need to be a piece of canvas for someone's artwork?

What is wrong with being God's canvas of His artwork instead?

I know of many people who regret their tattoos. Something to the tune of 80% of people who get them regret their choice. Many are illogical choices. There are some who actually want them for sound, logical reasons.

I actually want a couple of them on my chest. One will say DNI and the other DNR....and possibly an arrow turning into lightning between the two. (Why not eh?)

But I have good reasons as to why I want them.

What are your thoughts as to why you need this tattoo?
Hi everyone,
I want to get a tattoo on my chest. It is a sword with floral details. I wanted to ask: if the sword has a handle facing down and the top facing up, could it be taken as a symbol of an upside down cross? (Because of the shape of the sword). I just want to get a nice tattoo that would not offend anyone, so that is why I am asking. Should I not get it done this way?
Thank you very much for your replys.
good point - it would resemble and upside down cross

how about on an angle? -

if not then handle to the top

thanks for being thoughtful of others in something like this - very considerate of you

God bless you
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Leviticus 19:26-28 the full context is dealing with pagan religious rituals they we are to avoid being involved with. God is speaking about tattoos that depict these images as they are not pleasing to God.

Those who are not God's own are those who walk in worldly ways and partake within the principalities that are in the world, especially the one who has weakened the nations and cause them to believe in lies that seem pleasing to the lust of the flesh.

One has to ask them self why do they want a tattoo and the purpose for the design they choose that will be forever permanent on them. I can't see a tattoo being any different than a piece of jewlry that either depicts Christ or depicts any pagan religion. You have to ask yourself whatdoes this sword represent to you and how you place it on your body.
I don't see anything wrong with tattoos
Nothing wrong with 'em, unless it is this one...

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
(Rev 13:16-17)
Nothing wrong with 'em, unless it is this one...

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
(Rev 13:16-17)
You sound very judgmental, you may be misinterpretting that verse.
You sound very judgmental, you may be misinterpretting that verse.
Really? Enlighten me about this verse as well...

And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
(Rev 14:9-11)

Judgmental? So people who give out warnings from God's Word are considered 'very judgmental' from the 'Christian' P.C. crowd?
I hope your sense of humor has not soured so much to prevent you from seeing my jesting in good faith in my first response.
Hi everyone,
I want to get a tattoo on my chest. It is a sword with floral details. I wanted to ask: if the sword has a handle facing down and the top facing up, could it be taken as a symbol of an upside down cross? (Because of the shape of the sword). I just want to get a nice tattoo that would not offend anyone, so that is why I am asking. Should I not get it done this way?
Thank you very much for your replys.
I wouldn't think about that. As long as you know what it means.
That being said, I do believe what the scriptures said. Our bodies are a temple of God actually and should not be tampered with. It's not necessary as our bodies are a beautiful work of art as it is..

If you really want a tattoo I wouldn't judge you tho.
Just make sure it has a good meaning.
(This is only my personal opinion)
I have two tattoos and I don't regret them but I don't think I really needed anyone to begin with actually.
(Again only an opinion)
Follow God and your heart bro
To start:

Leveticus 19:28 (NIV):
“‘Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord.

Leveticus 19:28 (KJV):
Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord.

"Cuttings" is the Hebrew "seret" meaning: incision, cut

"Print" is the Hebrew "nathan" meaning: to be set, be put, be made, be inflicted, be put upon

"Marks" is the Hebrew "qa`aqa`" meaning: incision, gash, imprintment, tattoo, mark

"For the dead" is the Hebrew "nephesh", which has these meanings:

I. soul, self, life, creature, person, appetite, mind, living being, desire, emotion, passion

A. that which breathes, the breathing substance or being, soul, the inner being of man

B. living being being (with life in the blood)

D. the man himself, self, person or individual

E. seat of the appetites

F. seat of emotions and passions

G. activity of mind

i. dubious

H. activity of the will

i. dubious

I. activity of the character

i. dubious

This meaning of "dead" seems pretty literal as we see the same Hebrew word, nephesh, used in Genesis 23:8, Exodus 4:19, and Leveticus 19:28.

As far as tattoo's are concerned, it seems that the concern is marking on your body "for the dead". Maybe as memorial of someone who passed on or some occult or idolatry type practice?

I don't see where it exactly says, "All tattoo's are wrong." I don't see that written here. So, we either assume they are all wrong because it mentions "markings on the body", we assume all tattoo's are okay because it doesn't tell us the details, or we distinguish between tattoo's that are okay and those that are not.

I also see that it mentions cuts/incisions/gashes - there have been many different menthods of tattoos like scarification markings, plant based inks, and our industrial chemical inks by those needle pens. It's possible that occult practices may have inflicted some nasty wounds cut into the skin to make a symbol without the presence of ink, but rather scars. Pagans would also have a practice of mutilating and marking themselves at funerals to please their own false gods. Pagan flag right here against mutilating your body for a false god as it is a form of worship to that false god. This could be seen as a form of self-harm to the body, which I am sure God would be against as He has created us as He intended. Tattooing as we know it today wouldn't be as graphic in modern day terms with the equipment we have, but still can create micro-tears upon the skin.

What is important is the intention, too. Why this tattoo? Why at this time? What is the message you want to send with this tattoo? Pray about this, ask yourself those important questions, and make sure you are getting your tattoo for the correct reason and purpose. I can see how God would be upset at a tattoo that was acquired out of rebellion or that has something profane on it because that sounds like it would be a dishonor to our body.

I am not against all tattoo's, nor do I believe they are all a sin. For myself, I choose not to get tattoo's because of health concerns like:

~Inks are not FDA regulated
~Possibility of allergic reactions
~Skin infections
~Possibility of bloodborne diseases (hepatitis B or C, MRSA, HIV)
~MRI complications (tattoos may cause burning or swelling in an MRI machine)
~Inks are often full of heavy metals (they are not often natural dyes or petroleum based food dyes, but metal salts or plastics)
~Inks have carrier solutions that may be harmful like propylene glycol or ethanol
~What the health community calls "heavy metals" can be present and they do cause adverse health effects (some are on the carcinogenic side) like iron oxide, ochre (often contains iron oxide), cadmium, chromium oxide, lead chromate, copper carbonate, sodium aluminum silicate, aluminum oxides, and titanium dioxide.
~Inks also have other worrisome ingredients that I haven't listed. You can find these readily listed on the internet.

Risks of tatoo removal:

~Texture changes o the skin
~Some DIY methods have burned people's skin while stripping off ink
~Many treatments usually needed
~Areas with poor circulation don't heal as well
~keloid scarring

Most people don't think they may ever need this, but what are you going to do if you're reacting badly to your tattoo or later decide you don't want it.

Anyway, the health risks and carcinogens in the inks are enough to have me running the other way. I don't want to put something that harmful on my body. My dad, who is in the medical field, always told me, "Your skin is like a sponge - it absorbs what it touches. Don't be fooled into thinking what gets put on your skin doesn't get into your bloodstream." Words of wisdom indeed.

Whatever your decision, make sure you're okay with all the information and your decision as it's pretty permanent.
You sound very judgmental, you may be misinterpretting that verse.
I'm sorry, I didn't notice the fact that this was a Forum 'for seekers' when I originally responded. I would have responded differently.

Herrrrrr , if I were truly seeking the Lord, tatoos would be one of the last things I would be wondering about. I don't believe they are mentioned by Jesus or the Apostles in the New Testament (with the possible exception I humorously quoted from Revelation 13).
That is mainly because Jesus came to save us from our sin, which centers in our heart.
He died for our sins and rising from the dead, He gives a new heart which is willing to do His will for those who confess their sinfulness and receive HIM as Savior.
Once given a new heart, God will lead as to whether a tatoo is right for you.


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