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Worry about Russia and Ukraine


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Hi guys,

I'm sure you have all seen the news recently and I am really worried. I felt okay this morning because it is all in God's hands and I cannot change anything he does. But I still feel very worried. How is everyone else coping with it?
One of my greatest fears is going to war. I turn 18 tomorrow and all I can think about is going to war. What should I do?

God bless
Hi charlie_edwards and welcome.
We can’t let fear direct our lives. If we do, it will become a stumbling block that makes a bad situation worse.
Jesus tells us not to worry. So whoever said following Christ is all sunshine and rainbows has never struggled with worry. you can’t control life around you, but you can control how you navigate it, and how you respond to it. Push that worry out and let your worry turn into concern, and accept that which you cannot control and prepare for it as best you can.
Jesus made us a promise that he would never leave or forsake us, and if we believe his promise then we’ll begin to realize that he is with us regardless of the situation we find ourselves in. And he will always give us a spirit of peace that will get us through those situations.
You cannot prevent this war anymore than you can prevent that schoolboy bully from doing bad things. Like yourself, I don’t like the war either and I myself have concerns I won’t speak life into. But I can speak life into the things I know are true, and simply put, Jesus will never leave or forsake us. Not only that, but what others do for evil, God will use for the good. It is God who strengthens us, and it is Him who offers his rest to us. I don’t know if you fully understand all this, so I will leave you with this.

Never base your decisions on fear. Instead, be strong and courageous.

God bless
Hi guys,

I'm sure you have all seen the news recently and I am really worried. I felt okay this morning because it is all in God's hands and I cannot change anything he does. But I still feel very worried. How is everyone else

coping with it?
One of my greatest fears is going to war. I turn 18 tomorrow and all I can think about is going to war. What should I do?

God bless
I have been to war,unless you enlist .I wouldn't be stressed over it
Hi charlie_edwards and welcome.
We can’t let fear direct our lives. If we do, it will become a stumbling block that makes a bad situation worse.
Jesus tells us not to worry. So whoever said following Christ is all sunshine and rainbows has never struggled with worry. you can’t control life around you, but you can control how you navigate it, and how you respond to it. Push that worry out and let your worry turn into concern, and accept that which you cannot control and prepare for it as best you can.
Jesus made us a promise that he would never leave or forsake us, and if we believe his promise then we’ll begin to realize that he is with us regardless of the situation we find ourselves in. And he will always give us a spirit of peace that will get us through those situations.
You cannot prevent this war anymore than you can prevent that schoolboy bully from doing bad things. Like yourself, I don’t like the war either and I myself have concerns I won’t speak life into. But I can speak life into the things I know are true, and simply put, Jesus will never leave or forsake us. Not only that, but what others do for evil, God will use for the good. It is God who strengthens us, and it is Him who offers his rest to us. I don’t know if you fully understand all this, so I will leave you with this.

Never base your decisions on fear. Instead, be strong and courageous.

God bless
Thank you so much. Really thought provoking. I did take that idea of not letting things that I cannot alter hurt myself and that really does help. But also having God on my side is the ultimate form of protection. Thank you for your response.

Ps. Is that a Marcus Miller j-bass in your profile picture? It doesn't look like a Fender because of the bars on the frets but I have a Marcus Miller myself and it looks awfully similar. I don't suppose it's a Sire V7, by any chance? Mine is a Sire V3
Hi charlie_edwards and welcome to CF :wave2

Like stovebolts said we are not to walk in fear as all we can do is pray for those who are affected by this war and that the Gospel of Christ will be spoken through all of it that all things will be fulfilled by Him and through Him. Just want to add a couple scriptures as God calms your fears.

Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

2Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Don't worry, it is likely the West will beat Putin/Russia since the whole world is against them and the West have everyone fooled into believing Putin/Russia is the culprit, and Russia is isolated/alone.

The truth I found in reading the history and background and lead up to the war is that it was really caused by NATO, EU, US, Soros etc involvement and intervention in Ukraine, and Russia is really acting in for security/defence. I think Putin made a mistake invading though I suspect possibly he might have been forced to by Western threat behind the scenes.

I hope that doesn't get me banned but it is the truth as far as I know from reading all the background (in Western mainstream sources not Russian ones). I don't like war, I try to be a christian and not be bad, but I also don't like how everyone is fooled by cunning clever lies and psychology tactics of the West. So personally I am on Putin's/Russia's side & non-Nato/non-Eu Ukrainian nationalists side, though I try to be first on God's/Jesus' side. The bible says the truth will set us free. It also says there will be wars and rumours of wars. (I know someone who said there was news of a war in a country when someone there said there was no such war.) There is also another verse in Revelation that says "If anyone leads into captivity, into captivity he goes. If anyone will kill with the sword, he must be killed with a sword."

We all struggle with fears and faith. It is easy to say have faith and not worry but not so easy for us to do it especially in today's modern world.
I hope that doesn't get me banned but it is the truth as far as I know fr
No, it won’t get you banned. We should all be able to express our views. It’s usually occurs when our attitude sours toward another on an opposing View and either respect or the willingness to reconcile is non existent.

he truth I found in reading the history and background and lead up to the war is that it was really caused by NATO, EU, US, Soros etc involvement and intervention in Ukraine, and Russia is really acting in for security/defence.
My wife and I were discussing this last night, and for me things don’t make a lot of since.

Here is a truth. Liars lie and often tell you what they think you want to hear. I don’t trust 100% of what I hear or read. They get you so caught up in the moment you don’t stop to take a step back and look at the other pieces. And often, they conceal pieces.

Here is a question I thought of. Ukraine needs more weapons and soon, they will need humanitarian aid. The US knew well in advance this was going to happen. Our Presisident even said this multiple times. Now, war is not my job. But whoever’s job it is should have prepared the Ukrainians in advance. This also would have acted as a determinant. But none of this happened.

This, and other things cause me to question our current President. I do not condemn, because I do not know. But I get a feeling, and feelings can deceive us, but I get a feeling our President wanted this to happen and perhaps, as you have said, caused it intentionally.

I don’t know.
WIP , if you want to split this into a new thread, please do.
JLB and for_his_glory I don’t consider this a political discussion. It’s a world event and should be allowed. However, it will not be turned into a thread that bashes one party or another.
The truth I found in reading the history and background and lead up to the war is that it was really caused by NATO, EU, US, Soros etc involvement and intervention in Ukraine, and Russia is really acting in for security/defence. I think Putin made a mistake invading though I suspect possibly he might have been forced to by Western threat behind the scenes.

I agree.

The two most vilified and hated people in the main stream media is Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

Here’s one reason why. —

Putin used to be a lackey for what has become known as the “deep state”, but he got free from them and got Russia into free elections.

Today Russia is not a communist country like the MSM is promoting but a Federal Republic.

War is horrific, and we are praying for peace.

There is more going on behind the scenes that what we are hearing from the msm.

Quote from Putin —

Putin Tells U.S. Citizens “Do Not Give Up Your Guns”​

Vladimir Putin, now in full control of Russia as Prime Minister, wishes to build a strong Christian nation. In a televised Christmas message on January 7 2008 Putin said:

— “The Russian Orthodox Church contributes to the promotion of moral values in society. One should not completely draw a line between the culture and the church. Of course by law in our country the church is separate from the state. But in the soul and the history of our people it’s all together. It always has been and always will be.”
Russia will make The United States reflect upon what they allowed Rothschild to do to their own country. So when you see protests against Vladimir now, keep in mind it is probably staged by The Rothschild’s trying to control Russia once again.
America’s Freedom: The Christian Moral Document Upon Which Our Nation Is Built ~ The United States Constitution!

I agree.

The two most vilified and hated people in the main stream media is Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

Here’s one reason why. —

Putin used to be a lackey for what has become known as the “deep state”, but he got free from them and got Russia into free elections.

Today Russia is not a communist country like the MSM is promoting but a Federal Republic.

War is horrific, and we are praying for peace.

There is more going on behind the scenes that what we are hearing from the msm.

Quote from Putin —

Putin Tells U.S. Citizens “Do Not Give Up Your Guns”​

Vladimir Putin, now in full control of Russia as Prime Minister, wishes to build a strong Christian nation. In a televised Christmas message on January 7 2008 Putin said:


Wow! There's more of this every day it seems. I know that nothing the media says is true so I took the time to dig up speeches that Putin has given and they translate them and post them. They're all over youtube. So I've heard Putin talk quite a bit, and...I like how he talks and how he carries himself. It is not anything close to what the media would have us believe. He struck me as 180 degrees off of what they say. He sounds like a nice guy, and he's very smart and well spoken.

That's how our President should talk! He has talked all about the deep state of the US and the elite bankers which rule. He knows what is up. So it's worth the time to google up the videos and hear the man for yourself.

Not only that, the word on the street is...Putin had a visitation from our Lord and responded favorably to the visit! Now I certainly can't prove this so don't ask! but I'll tell you one thing, I didn't get it from CNN or Fox, Lol!

I like Putin. I respect the man because he has one huge responsibility in his office. I pray for the man too, we don't need a new Stalin like President of Russia! Pray for his safety, it's easy to assume that Putin is on the Elites Hit list! (after you've heard him talk!)
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