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Colossians 3:1 "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
3:2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
3:3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory."

O my, what a challenge that's before us, discussing just what these verses really mean. The first two verses came to my mind about two months ago. Since then, I have been meditating on what I really believe concerning my position. Am I really, really risen, and seated with Jesus beside Him Who is sitting beside the Father? REALLY!!

I'm really interested in getting my mind where it's supposed to be. With all my health problems, my mind is on "things of the earth, when it's not supposed to be there.

I'd like to know what my good Forum friends have to say about these four verses, mainly 1 & 2. I have some ideas, so lets discuss this, I think, life changing possibility.
. Books/Colossians - Correction of the Sons of God.pdf

Dear Brother Chopper, below are excerpts of the study of Colossians at the URL link above. If you want to read the entire portion of scriptures you’re interested in, simply use the Find [Ctrl F] search when you get on line and be taken right to the area under discussion.

"If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth" - Colossians 3:1, 2.

Paul is using the same argument in this portion as he did in that preceding, against all fleshly efforts toward attainment of spirituality. He has declared that we died - died to sin, the flesh, and the world - on the one hand (and all fleshly motion stops with death). But now he goes farther in his argument, and declares that we also arose. We arose into another sphere altogether - the sphere of the Spirit, of Heaven, and of holiness.

Herein is Paul's strong argument. We have not only died, but are alive - dead to one scene, but alive to another.

These words, "seek those things which are above," are very emphatic in the Greek. They mean, "abide in these heavenly places, stay there where Christ is sitting." He is staying there, abiding in the place of power at the right hand of God, and we are to do likewise.

Our affections will be set on Christ above. "Set." That is expressive indeed. We cannot be moved from our purpose of heart. Nothing and no one can gain the citadel of our soul, nor make us false to our Lord and Head. He is our Treasure. He said, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" - Matthew 6:21."

We are blessed in the heavens in Christ. :)
. Books/Colossians - Correction of the Sons of God.pdf

Dear Brother Chopper, below are excerpts of the study of Colossians at the URL link above. If you want to read the entire portion of scriptures you’re interested in, simply use the Find [Ctrl F] search when you get on line and be taken right to the area under discussion.

"If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth" - Colossians 3:1, 2.

Paul is using the same argument in this portion as he did in that preceding, against all fleshly efforts toward attainment of spirituality. He has declared that we died - died to sin, the flesh, and the world - on the one hand (and all fleshly motion stops with death). But now he goes farther in his argument, and declares that we also arose. We arose into another sphere altogether - the sphere of the Spirit, of Heaven, and of holiness.

Herein is Paul's strong argument. We have not only died, but are alive - dead to one scene, but alive to another.

These words, "seek those things which are above," are very emphatic in the Greek. They mean, "abide in these heavenly places, stay there where Christ is sitting." He is staying there, abiding in the place of power at the right hand of God, and we are to do likewise.

Our affections will be set on Christ above. "Set." That is expressive indeed. We cannot be moved from our purpose of heart. Nothing and no one can gain the citadel of our soul, nor make us false to our Lord and Head. He is our Treasure. He said, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" - Matthew 6:21."

We are blessed in the heavens in Christ. :)

Thank you old friend. You made some important viewpoints. We certainly are blessed in the Heavens in Christ Jesus.
Rom 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

I Jumped out of the kingdom today big time.. Thank you Lord for Your forgiveness ...

So Mr. Chopper your passage takes me from Col3:8 to Praise the Lord Col 3:13 :sohappy
Having spent a considerable amount of time in the charismatic realms I know what it is like to be a "Light junkie." Not saying this is a bad thing, but what usually happens is we always seek to "fuel" that aspect, so we can keep running, feeling only good.

I think some may know where this invariably heads. We run out of fuel. Then we scurry to have more, and more and more. And it lasts less and less and less. It really is a form of addiction. I spent at least 10 years of my believing life sucking the light out of any place it was shed, from teachers present, past, the scriptures, anywhere. And always so I could "feel only good" about myself and my life, to stay seated only in LIGHT. To see myself as capital P Perfect, even better. That could keep me running longer yet.

But sooner or later, reality strikes or reality bites.

It is a path of guaranteed failure, and a vicious cycle that the majority of believers, sincere ones anyway, go through. And we do this because we really can't deal with present reality and we don't want to look at the "whole equations" of God and His Word, and why we have this addiction. The addiction itself is a good addiction. I still remain, for the most part, completely absorbed by Gods Words on a daily basis. And there are always amazing things to encounter therein that can be taken to the street in our daily walks in this present life.

So, ultimately, I came to know WHY it was that I needed this "fuel." Why am I addicted to His Light? Why am I like a moth, drawn inexorably to His Flame?

Can I say I currently have "all" the Grace there is to have? No. The Grace of God in Christ is an inexhaustible expenditure. Can I say I have all the Mercy of God in Christ? Again, no. It is an inexhaustible expenditure. When I say to myself, I have it all on either count, I have probably missed the point altogether.

The question then turned to "why" do I NEED? Why am I a LIGHT junkie?

Probably spent at least the same 10 years above studying or trying to find "harmony" between Law and Grace. These are hard places to remedy. And again, we can sometimes turn ourselves topsy turvy on these matters. On the one hand, trying to understand and live in obedience, which in Perfect Purposes we might succomb to thinking if we have "enough Grace" then we should be able to live in obedience to His Laws. I mean we don't "murder and steal" by Grace or by Law. What then is the difference? Grace and Law are not at odds in this purpose and intent. (this is one minor example.) But most camps of christianity revolve around these 2 aspects of scripture and they toss in Gods Mercy when we need "excuses" for our failures.

By this time, after having delved headlong into just about every angle that is postured by every group and any scholar I could find, I encountered probably my first "honest" believer who "remedied" law vs. Grace for me. And he showed me a door of understanding. I'll share this, knowing now, in advance and expectation of what comes, the consequences being TWO fold. It was just a matter of having "all" the pieces put in place. A matter of understanding, of wisdom.

The exchange was brief. It went something like this:

My question: Why the law?
Response: Who is the law for?
My response: 1 Tim. 1:9. The law is for sinners. Romans 3:9, 1 John 1:8, We are all sinners. Therefore the law is for us (or against us?)
Response: Is the devil a sinner?
My response: Of course. 1 John 3:8, the devil is also a sinner, and has been from the beginning. The evil one, the wicked one. Of course, the devil and his own are assuredly sinners.
Response: Why then don't you see the LAW as being against THEM? And THEM completely UNABLE to be lawful.

I had to think about that for a minute because I had NEVER factored that possible fact into all my long years of study of these matters.

Then this scripture immediately came to mind:

Mark 4:
15 And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts.

And, at that moment, I knew not only had I been nearly completely blind, but had been stolen from. Because I DENIED to my dying breath, every time I had read that scripture prior, that this happened/happens to me, because "I, I, I" am a believer.

I spent, probably the next 3 years, on my own, studying this premise for soundness. And found it quite secure and honest to the scriptural discourses.

I knew, from my addiction to Light, that I was being STOLEN from, internally. And from that came the understanding of Grace and Mercy in Christ and WHY my need.

As a footnote, I never again saw me as "just me." NOR do I see you as just "you."

Here is our Maker, our Redeemer, in action in the package of a believer. I'll put the parties in brackets:

[the god of this world in the flesh<Jesus in our midst>the believer]

All those times where you may have read "wherever 2 or more are gathered in my name, There I am in the "midst" of them" and saw that as an external matter, IT ISN'T.

The TWO or more are seen in the construct of man, the believer, in the flesh. Count 'em. 1, , Jesus in our MIDST, 2. UPlifting the believer, Him always putting down the other working/worker.

This is the package of US, with Jesus "in our midst" DIVIDING us from our adversary, and from darkness/evil present/sin dwelling in our flesh. This is the same package that Paul shows us in many places, particularly in 2 Cor. 12:7.

Now I take His Light for myself. And KEEP it, SECURELY, always. Every Word of Him. And in this I found even MORE LIFE. More than enough to keep me running all the days of my life.

God said in the O.T. "turn ye at my REPROOF." And His Promise for those who do so:

Proverbs 1:23
Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.

Isaiah 42:16
And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.

When Gods LIGHT is shed upon us, it will EXPOSE, not only "our darkness" but the CAUSE of the problems of ourselves, and of MAN.

We are not to run away from this disclosure. It is the basis of our NEED of Mercy and Grace in Christ. And it FORCES us into Him. The enemy in hot pursuit.

When the candle of the Lord is LIT in our hearts, here is what is found, in the house of man:

Psalm 18:28
For thou wilt light my candle: the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness.

Anyone who is trying to save their darkness is wasting their time. And anyone who says they don't have any darkness "in Christ" is deceived by that darkness and the THIEF.

And they will chase their religious tails, all the days of their lives, looking for the fix, where there is NONE to be had. There is however, exposure.

Now, how much LIGHT do you want?
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Colossians 3:1 "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
Am I really, really risen, and seated with Jesus beside Him Who is sitting beside the Father? REALLY!!

Thus says the Lord:

Even to your old age, I am He, And even to gray hairs I will carry you!
I have made, and I will bear; Even I will carry, and will deliver you. Isaiah 46:4

You are joined to the Lord, and with Him.

But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. 1 Corinthians 6:17

To whom was Paul writing this?
Why did he say this to those people?

Why did Paul spend the money on pen and ink and most expensively paper to write this?

God gave us life to live, granted us salvation so we could have a fuller life...

But also in that process we became God's slaves. Granted we have more freedom as one of God's slaves than before we had Salvation....but that doesn't necessarily mean that we are without obligation. Feeling entitled to enjoying benefits without a sense of obligation is a real issue. Especially when God will grant us ANYTHING we need to accomplish the tasks set before us. God allowed Paul to be imprisoned. Sure it seemed horrible to him. The food and the neighborhood really was not good at all.
But when Paul was there he wrote a massive chunk of the New Testament. Because he could do nothing else. And that was what God really wanted him to we could read his words today.

Now if Paul "forgot" his obligation due to his circumstances....where would we be today? Jesus was fully man and fully God. So God knows intimately what our issues with day to day life are. But He expects us to rise above...find a way to be worth the expense of purchasing us to be one of his slaves/children.

God is our owner in good times and bad. And Sovereign in ALL aspects of our lives... whether we want to acknowledge that or not.

And IMHO I think that was what Paul was trying to get across to these people.
As a footnote, I never again saw me as "just me." NOR do I see you as just "you."

I guess it is all a matter of perspective, you see a devil in yourself, and when you look at others you see a devil in them as well. Edited

I know the Spirit of Christ within me, and when I see others, I look for the Spirit of Christ within them. For what you have done unto the least of these, you have done unto me

And they will chase their religious tails, all the days of their lives, looking for the fix, where there is NONE to be had. There is however, exposure.

Now, how much LIGHT do you want?

Light, why just like the law of Moses, the moon too gives its light. You can get all the exposure you want, but if your light has no heat, then your light doeth you no good.
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I guess it is all a matter of perspective, you see a devil in yourself, and when you look at others you see a devil in them as well. Edited

I have no issues understanding "internal temptation" being of the tempter. The scriptural math is clear on this, to me anyway. Mark 4:15, Romans 7:7-13, 1 Thes. 3:5, 2 Cor. 12:7, 1 John 3:8 and many many others.

I know the Spirit of Christ within me, and when I see others, I look for the Spirit of Christ within them. For what you have done unto the least of these, you have done unto me

I don't disagree. But I also see the "god of this world" in their mind, blinding. Acts 26:18, 2 Cor. 4:4, Eph. 2:2. I see no point in not seeing what scriptures disclose. This of course does not release any of us from the pleasures of Romans 13:8-10 to any person, but obviously there is a limit to that extension, with the other party in view.

Light, why just like the law of Moses, the moon too gives its light. You can get all the exposure you want, but if your light has no heat, then your light doeth you no good.

Again, I agree. Faith works through love and is the only thing that counts, Gal. 5:6. But again, there is a limit to this extension which STOPS and reverses course at the point of the "god of this world, Satan, the prince of the power of the air."

And fwiw, I do not see any difference between Gods Word, written, and His Spirit. We are to live by "every Word" of God. Matt. 4:4, Luke 4:4. It is true then, that the Spirit of Christ is 'in us' and by extension, every Word of God. But I do not draw any distinctions between Gods written Word and His Spirit. They are one and the same for our intents and purposes. How to "get" to that understanding is an entirely different matter altogether. Obviously this is not the norm for a lot of believers. Not that I hold it against them. But there are better sights to be had that are not limited to "who" God spoke to or the historical context in which they were spoken, which are merely "man's imposed" filters to eliminate what we don't like or want to hear. I see efficacy of Gods Words in a different way than these kinds of imposed limits/filters.

Gods Word and His Spirit for example is 'always' against evil present and indwelling sin in any person in the same way no matter "how" prior expressions were made against it, such adverse expressions of Gods Word ARE universally applicable to ALL in these expressions no matter when they were spoken. Romans 7:17-21. Even if some don't care to connect their sin to the devil, as scripture does, He remains against evil present and indwelling sin, regardless. And we are ALL in that seat in the flesh, which is also why the Spirit is against and contrary to the flesh. Gal. 5:17. This isn't changing either.

Romans 8:
3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:

This ruling isn't changing for anyone or any wishes. It is a secure across the board statement of fact that has extended from Adam to every person since.
How quickly we go from setting in high places to the sinful flesh... how about back to the topic

Colossians 3:1 "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
3:2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
3:3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory."
Rom 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

I Jumped out of the kingdom today big time.. Thank you Lord for Your forgiveness ...

So Mr. Chopper your passage takes me from Col3:8 to Praise the Lord Col 3:13 :sohappy
Atta Girl!! I love you.
Colossians 3:1 "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
3:2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
3:3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory."

O my, what a challenge that's before us, discussing just what these verses really mean. The first two verses came to my mind about two months ago. Since then, I have been meditating on what I really believe concerning my position. Am I really, really risen, and seated with Jesus beside Him Who is sitting beside the Father? REALLY!!

I'm really interested in getting my mind where it's supposed to be. With all my health problems, my mind is on "things of the earth, when it's not supposed to be there.

I'd like to know what my good Forum friends have to say about these four verses, mainly 1 & 2. I have some ideas, so lets discuss this, I think, life changing possibility.
I try hard not to encroach upon the directive of these verses even though it is not natural to live this way. We live in a world filled with hate and self-centeredness and God did not do that, we did it all alone.

I lived that way the first forty-five years of my life and, honestly, there is no sugar there! There is a lot of nasty tasting vinegar but there is no sugar.

I escaped a life filled with a world filled with people just like myself and as much as they distrusted me, I mistrusted them, and not a single good thing could be found in all of that hateful mistrust.

Today I live each day wanting to go to Heaven but when I go to the VA Hospital I must not tell them that, they will lock me in, trying to save me from myself.

From 25 days before my 45th birthday, my single goal has been to live for Christ. Even in the Church when I explain to people that all I want, all I desire is to go to Heaven, I am considered strange. The single most common answer is, "Well, I want to go also but not today!"

Boys and girls, we must place our God above everything or we are not glorifying Him properly. Maybe it is so easy for me because I survived the field of combat, I don't know but I do know it is a thing we must do. (Matt. 10:37)

In the world I live in today, loving God is the single most important thing is a man's, any man's, life.
Having spent a considerable amount of time in the charismatic realms I know what it is like to be a "Light junkie." Not saying this is a bad thing, but what usually happens is we always seek to "fuel" that aspect, so we can keep running, feeling only good.

I think some may know where this invariably heads. We run out of fuel. Then we scurry to have more, and more and more. And it lasts less and less and less. It really is a form of addiction. I spent at least 10 years of my believing life sucking the light out of any place it was shed, from teachers present, past, the scriptures, anywhere. And always so I could "feel only good" about myself and my life, to stay seated only in LIGHT. To see myself as capital P Perfect, even better. That could keep me running longer yet.

But sooner or later, reality strikes or reality bites.

It is a path of guaranteed failure, and a vicious cycle that the majority of believers, sincere ones anyway, go through. And we do this because we really can't deal with present reality and we don't want to look at the "whole equations" of God and His Word, and why we have this addiction. The addiction itself is a good addiction. I still remain, for the most part, completely absorbed by Gods Words on a daily basis. And there are always amazing things to encounter therein that can be taken to the street in our daily walks in this present life.

So, ultimately, I came to know WHY it was that I needed this "fuel." Why am I addicted to His Light? Why am I like a moth, drawn inexorably to His Flame?

Can I say I currently have "all" the Grace there is to have? No. The Grace of God in Christ is an inexhaustible expenditure. Can I say I have all the Mercy of God in Christ? Again, no. It is an inexhaustible expenditure. When I say to myself, I have it all on either count, I have probably missed the point altogether.

The question then turned to "why" do I NEED? Why am I a LIGHT junkie?

Probably spent at least the same 10 years above studying or trying to find "harmony" between Law and Grace. These are hard places to remedy. And again, we can sometimes turn ourselves topsy turvy on these matters. On the one hand, trying to understand and live in obedience, which in Perfect Purposes we might succomb to thinking if we have "enough Grace" then we should be able to live in obedience to His Laws. I mean we don't "murder and steal" by Grace or by Law. What then is the difference? Grace and Law are not at odds in this purpose and intent. (this is one minor example.) But most camps of christianity revolve around these 2 aspects of scripture and they toss in Gods Mercy when we need "excuses" for our failures.

By this time, after having delved headlong into just about every angle that is postured by every group and any scholar I could find, I encountered probably my first "honest" believer who "remedied" law vs. Grace for me. And he showed me a door of understanding. I'll share this, knowing now, in advance and expectation of what comes, the consequences being TWO fold. It was just a matter of having "all" the pieces put in place. A matter of understanding, of wisdom.

The exchange was brief. It went something like this:

My question: Why the law?
Response: Who is the law for?
My response: 1 Tim. 1:9. The law is for sinners. Romans 3:9, 1 John 1:8, We are all sinners. Therefore the law is for us (or against us?)
Response: Is the devil a sinner?
My response: Of course. 1 John 3:8, the devil is also a sinner, and has been from the beginning. The evil one, the wicked one. Of course, the devil and his own are assuredly sinners.
Response: Why then don't you see the LAW as being against THEM? And THEM completely UNABLE to be lawful.

I had to think about that for a minute because I had NEVER factored that possible fact into all my long years of study of these matters.

Then this scripture immediately came to mind:

Mark 4:
15 And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts.

And, at that moment, I knew not only had I been nearly completely blind, but had been stolen from. Because I DENIED to my dying breath, every time I had read that scripture prior, that this happened/happens to me, because "I, I, I" am a believer.

I spent, probably the next 3 years, on my own, studying this premise for soundness. And found it quite secure and honest to the scriptural discourses.

I knew, from my addiction to Light, that I was being STOLEN from, internally. And from that came the understanding of Grace and Mercy in Christ and WHY my need.

As a footnote, I never again saw me as "just me." NOR do I see you as just "you."

Here is our Maker, our Redeemer, in action in the package of a believer. I'll put the parties in brackets:

[the god of this world in the flesh<Jesus in our midst>the believer]

All those times where you may have read "wherever 2 or more are gathered in my name, There I am in the "midst" of them" and saw that as an external matter, IT ISN'T.

The TWO or more are seen in the construct of man, the believer, in the flesh. Count 'em. 1, , Jesus in our MIDST, 2. UPlifting the believer, Him always putting down the other working/worker.

This is the package of US, with Jesus "in our midst" DIVIDING us from our adversary, and from darkness/evil present/sin dwelling in our flesh. This is the same package that Paul shows us in many places, particularly in 2 Cor. 12:7.

Now I take His Light for myself. And KEEP it, SECURELY, always. Every Word of Him. And in this I found even MORE LIFE. More than enough to keep me running all the days of my life.

God said in the O.T. "turn ye at my REPROOF." And His Promise for those who do so:

Proverbs 1:23
Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.

Isaiah 42:16
And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.

When Gods LIGHT is shed upon us, it will EXPOSE, not only "our darkness" but the CAUSE of the problems of ourselves, and of MAN.

We are not to run away from this disclosure. It is the basis of our NEED of Mercy and Grace in Christ. And it FORCES us into Him. The enemy in hot pursuit.

When the candle of the Lord is LIT in our hearts, here is what is found, in the house of man:

Psalm 18:28
For thou wilt light my candle: the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness.

Anyone who is trying to save their darkness is wasting their time. And anyone who says they don't have any darkness "in Christ" is deceived by that darkness and the THIEF.

And they will chase their religious tails, all the days of their lives, looking for the fix, where there is NONE to be had. There is however, exposure.

Now, how much LIGHT do you want?

I want all of God's Light there is that's possible!!

Wow! What an eye opening post. That had to be straight from the Heart and Spirit of the LORD. I receive your instruction smaller, with a hungry heart and gratitude for your position with Christ Jesus your Master. Thank you so very much.
I try hard not to encroach upon the directive of these verses even though it is not natural to live this way. We live in a world filled with hate and self-centeredness and God did not do that, we did it all alone.

I lived that way the first forty-five years of my life and, honestly, there is no sugar there! There is a lot of nasty tasting vinegar but there is no sugar.

I escaped a life filled with a world filled with people just like myself and as much as they distrusted me, I mistrusted them, and not a single good thing could be found in all of that hateful mistrust.

Today I live each day wanting to go to Heaven but when I go to the VA Hospital I must not tell them that, they will lock me in, trying to save me from myself.

From 25 days before my 45th birthday, my single goal has been to live for Christ. Even in the Church when I explain to people that all I want, all I desire is to go to Heaven, I am considered strange. The single most common answer is, "Well, I want to go also but not today!"

Boys and girls, we must place our God above everything or we are not glorifying Him properly. Maybe it is so easy for me because I survived the field of combat, I don't know but I do know it is a thing we must do. (Matt. 10:37)

In the world I live in today, loving God is the single most important thing is a man's, any man's, life.

Thank you, my hero warrior. Thank you for your honesty. I too want to go home. Our life of pain and sickness is one that will be but a memory when we get there. Even Lord Jesus, come. Or take us home to be with You.
Thank you, my hero warrior. Thank you for your honesty. I too want to go home. Our life of pain and sickness is one that will be but a memory when we get there. Even Lord Jesus, come. Or take us home to be with You.
Hmmm! My heroes wear the CIB and I never earned one of those. I hid in my ship behind my M60.
Rom 6:11 Likewise reckon you also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Rom 6:12 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts.
Rom 6:13 Neither yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.
Rom 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for you are not under the law, but under grace.

Please read Romans 6.
Saved By Grace through Faith, Indwelled by the Holy spirit, Our body the Temple of God, We are a Priest of the most High God, Adopted into the Family of God, His Children,

Why do Christian Churches not like to teach the real VICTORY IN JESUS.
Colossians 3:1 "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
3:2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
3:3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory."

O my, what a challenge that's before us, discussing just what these verses really mean. The first two verses came to my mind about two months ago. Since then, I have been meditating on what I really believe concerning my position. Am I really, really risen, and seated with Jesus beside Him Who is sitting beside the Father? REALLY!!

I'm really interested in getting my mind where it's supposed to be. With all my health problems, my mind is on "things of the earth, when it's not supposed to be there.

I'd like to know what my good Forum friends have to say about these four verses, mainly 1 & 2. I have some ideas, so lets discuss this, I think, life changing possibility.

I think these verses show that from the time we have accepted Christ, our focus should be on the spiritual. We are not to be so consumed with the things of this world. Matt. 6.33 Seek ye first the kingdom of God.
The things that the world are caught up with, the worries and the anxieties of this life should not be ours. We will not be pursuing the things the world think will make them happy, but will be joyful know that we have someone who cares for our every need.
I think these verses show that from the time we have accepted Christ, our focus should be on the spiritual. We are not to be so consumed with the things of this world. Matt. 6.33 Seek ye first the kingdom of God.
The things that the world are caught up with, the worries and the anxieties of this life should not be ours. We will not be pursuing the things the world think will make them happy, but will be joyful know that we have someone who cares for our every need.

Hello abide. I don't believe that you and I have communicated before. I see you are an "old timer" July 2012, and from Barbados. Do you still live there? I liked what you had to say about Colossians 3. You appear to have a good grasp on the reality of what those verses are saying to us. I do hope you will be able to post more. I can tell by what little you wrote, that you're someone that the Holy Spirit can use to teach Truth.

I love praying for folk who have a humble heart, and it appears to me that you are that kind of Servant of our Master. Do you have a need that I can have the honor to pray for that need? I go to the Throne each morning around 4 am. I would encourage you to stay....Matthew 5:5 "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. ( mild, that is, (by implication) humble ). I honor the humble folk because, as a person who fights pride, I can always learn from one who is just the opposite.

Well, may our Lord richly bless you there in Barbados. Lets hear more from you, if that's possible....A Christian hug for you. :hug
Hello abide. I don't believe that you and I have communicated before. I see you are an "old timer" July 2012, and from Barbados. Do you still live there? I liked what you had to say about Colossians 3. You appear to have a good grasp on the reality of what those verses are saying to us. I do hope you will be able to post more. I can tell by what little you wrote, that you're someone that the Holy Spirit can use to teach Truth.

I love praying for folk who have a humble heart, and it appears to me that you are that kind of Servant of our Master. Do you have a need that I can have the honor to pray for that need? I go to the Throne each morning around 4 am. I would encourage you to stay....Matthew 5:5 "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. ( mild, that is, (by implication) humble ). I honor the humble folk because, as a person who fights pride, I can always learn from one who is just the opposite.

Well, may our Lord richly bless you there in Barbados. Lets hear more from you, if that's possible....A Christian hug for you. :hug

Thanks Chopper for your kind words. I still live in Barbados. I lived in England a few years ago and have visited the USA on two occasions.
Being a Chrisitan is no easy matter, but I try to allow God to guide and direct me. May God continue to guide and direct you too.


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