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Does Jesus Love You?


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Tonight said:
You did not read my post.

I DID NOT say God is sending people to Hell.
Actually you did say Jesus/God sends people to Hell this is your proof that He does not love them
Tonight said:
I don't believe Jesus loves everybody..........
And for those who want to argue with me about this, think about it this way. Would Jesus send someone He loves to Hell?
The fact is that Jesus made a way for them not to go to Hell because Her loves them. If they choose Hell over Salvation that doesn't change what Christ has done.
watchman F said:
Tonight said:
People send themselves to Hell by rejecting the salvation Christ died for them to receive.

That doesn't make any sense. I would venture to say that a huge number of people who exist in this world have no knowledge of Jesus. These people don't live in the US, they probably are not as well educated, they don't speak english, and they probably live a meager and sometimes miserable life. Not because they don't know Christ but because they were born in a third-world country.

So these people go to Hell for rejecting Christ? If that's the case heaven is probably reserved mostly for anglo-europeans, preferably Americans.
anthony123 said:
watchman F said:
Tonight said:
People send themselves to Hell by rejecting the salvation Christ died for them to receive.

That doesn't make any sense. I would venture to say that a huge number of people who exist in this world have no knowledge of Jesus. These people don't live in the US, they probably are not as well educated, they don't speak english, and they probably live a meager and sometimes miserable life. Not because they don't know Christ but because they were born in a third-world country.

So these people go to Hell for rejecting Christ? If that's the case heaven is probably reserved mostly for anglo-europeans, preferably Americans.
God says He makes Himself known to all that no man has an excuse.

Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
watchman F said:
God says He makes Himself known to all that no man has an excuse.

Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

I'm familiar with this rebuttal. So God makes himself more known to some and less known to others. Those others are the one's who have no idea who Jesus is. That doesn't make me feel better...seems like faith through ignorance.
anthony123 said:
watchman F said:
God says He makes Himself known to all that no man has an excuse.

Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

I'm familiar with this rebuttal. So God makes himself more known to some and less known to others. Those others are the one's who have no idea who Jesus is. That doesn't make me feel better...seems like faith through ignorance.
Jesus is the imbodiment of the Godhead. I do not think that God allows anyone to die with out given them the opportunity for Salvation.
Tonight said:
I DID NOT say God is sending people to Hell. All I said is that Jesus DOES NOT love everyone. Someone wrote He DOES love everyone.

What I wrote could of been put better.

What I should of written is, why would He allow them to go to Hell. It is your belief Jesus loves everyone? Then why does He not treat everyone the same? Why do we need to believe? Why bother? If you believe, for the simple reason to avoid Hell, I believe it is you who needs correcting. Because, according to you, the only difference between a believer and a non-believer is one is going to Hell and the other isn't. I'd like to think my relationship with Christ is more than just a "get out of Hell" card.

I hate when people do this to my posts, but there are too many questions in yours so I need to take them one at a time.

"Why would He allow them to go to Hell?"
You haven't rejected what I have said about Sin not going into Heaven. So, I assume you also believe this. So, I also assume you understand all human life is eternal. Our souls can never really just evaporate. So we cannot just "turn to dust" as Anthony so nicely put it. Our bodies can, we cannot.

So, sin cannot enter Heaven. We are born into sin. Sin is a spiritual matter. Souls are a spiritual matter. So our souls are born with sin inside of it. This is going out on a limb here..

So, because the non-Christians never put their trust in Christ, never accepted His payment for their sins. This free gift to all. Their souls are still infested with sin.

So God has two choices. Let their souls stay on earth (which will soon be destroyed in God's time) or sent them to a place that was originally intended for Satan as their sacrifice because of His law that sin = death.

They go to Hell because of the sin that they chose to keep and not accepting the free gift of Christ's death.

"It is your belief Jesus loves everyone? "

"Then why does He not treat everyone the same?"
Two reasons. First, Rain falls on the just and unjust.
Second, sin. For an eternal life in Heaven, one must be sin free. To be sin free, one must accept Christ. Christ died for all. No one is excused from this sacrifice and free give because Christ loves all.. Even the gentiles.

"Why do we need to believe? Why bother?"
huh? Why do we need to believe in what? We accept this sacrifice of Christ's death for two reasons.. Easy reasons. One, so that our lives will glorify God. Without accepting Christ's death we are disgusting in our sin. Two, be with God forever!

People miss the worst part of Hell.. They hit on the fire.. The worms that never die.. But they miss the one most agonizing thing about Hell.. God isn't there. God's presence isn't felt.

"Because, according to you, the only difference between a believer and a non-believer is one is going to Hell and the other isn't. I'd like to think my relationship with Christ is more than just a "get out of Hell" card." No, I cannot see where I could have ever meant that in any of my posts! Our lives are Christs! We are His servants! There is no such thing as a get out of Hell free card. We give our lives for Christ when we accept Him as LORD over our lives. Our lives become His. We are His doulos (Bond-servant). We nail our ear to His door. (Research that.)

I still can't possibly see that God doesn't love His creation.

To be honest with you, I think you are getting something confused.

God hates sin. God loves the sinner but hates the sin. He cannot allow sin to enter Heaven. But He still and always will love the sinner.

That is why Jesus said, "Father forgive them, they don't know what they are doing" AS Christ was being killed by SINNERS.

Jesus loved Sinners.. He ate with Tax collectors. He loves all!
jsnbrown said:
Jesus loved Sinners.. He ate with Tax collectors. He loves all!

What is the difference between a believers life and a non-believer? According to you there should be none. He loves us all the same. You see, I don't believe that.
Tonight, I understand I can do nothing to prove to you that God knows all.
(Edit: I meant LOVES.. excuse my laps of head function. )

So, can you show me scripture proving your point?

We have shown you scripture that shows God loves all. You have rejected it.

Can you show us scripture that in context shows that Jesus only loves certain people?
Tonight said:
jsnbrown said:
Jesus loved Sinners.. He ate with Tax collectors. He loves all!

What is the difference between a believers life and a non-believer? According to you there should be none. He loves us all the same. You see, I don't believe that.
The Bible says He does love us all, therefore what you ''believe'' is irrelevant.
jsnbrown said:
Tonight, I understand I can do nothing to prove to you that God knows all.
(Edit: I meant LOVES.. excuse my laps of head function. )

So, can you show me scripture proving your point?

We have shown you scripture that shows God loves all. You have rejected it.

Can you show us scripture that in context shows that Jesus only loves certain people?

You did not answer my question. What is the difference between a believers life and a non-believers?
Does God view both the same? Will He go to the same lengths for both? According to the posts I've read, the only difference is one is going to Hell and the other isn't. Basically, you view God as a God who will reward you with eternal life. Ask yourself this question; if it were not for eternal life, would I feel the same about God? Is this the only reason I love Him?
Give me scripture.

The difference between one that is saved and one that is unsaved and that, yes one is going to Heaven and one is going to Hell.. But it is deeper than that.

Those that have been redeemed are made holy through the Blood of Christ. The redeemed have the Holy Spirit within them to guide them and to give them the strength to continuously pour out the gifts of the Spirit.

Those that are still captives in sin are not holy but are enemies of God. They do not have the Holy Spirit within them to guide them and they continuously show the works of the flesh instead of the gifts of the Spirit that Christians should be showing.

God's love is equal throughout the population regardless of salvation.
If it were not for eternal life, would I feel the same about God? Is this the only reason I love Him?

My friend. This question I have to chuckle at. I was saved when I was 13. I am 21 almost now.. Still a reckless teenager (in my mind) that has very little planning skills at all. Death is, like to many teenagers, 80 years away from me at this point in my life.

My mind, though focused on eternal goals is not a worshipper of God just for the prize of living forever. But to be satisfied in all He does. How can someone know He exists but only believe in Him to live forever? That is pointless.

I do not teach the youth at my church so that I can live forever. I do it to please Him who is my Creator and adopted Father through the blood that Christ so mercifully gave. So lovingly gave for all.

God isn't willing for any to perish.. But for ALL to have eternal life. And not just any life... But a life so full that it is running over onto others.

I may seem immature in my knowledge of God's Word I guess to you. Understand this, God loves you. God also loves your neighbor. Otherwise, why would He ask that your neighbor be saved? Does God suddenly feel warm affections towards your neighbor once they become redeemed? If so, is that really love?

Can you explain away 1 John 4:8? "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."

What about Romans 5:8? "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

1st John 3:16? "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers."

Oh and of course John 3:16? "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

2 peter 3:9? The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. ("Love is Patient.. Love is Kind... " 1 Cor. 13)

1st John 4:19? "We love because he first loved us."

1st John 2:2? "He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world."

You want Old Testament?

Ezekiel 33:11? "Say to them, 'As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, O house of Israel?'"

I've said this before but I'll say it again. You are mistaking the sin for the sinner.
Now, there are places in the Bible where it says, “God hates a sinner†or “God hates an evil man.†(usually in proverbs or Leviticus.. etc. ) But we have to understand that in the context, it’s reflecting that God hates that sin and what sin has made of that individual. Not the individuals themselves.

God must send those to hell who have not received redemption for their sin. He cannot lie so He must! He gave the redemption freely through His Son. He did this for everyone. No one is excluded. But there is no changing where you go, Heaven or Hell. God is Love but God is also Absolute and a Good God. A Judge.

I hope this provided some help.

I do not mean to be rude or act like a know it all. This is just what the Bible teaches and I'm surprised people question this..
jsnbrown said:
What about Romans 5:8? "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

1st John 3:16? "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers."

Oh and of course John 3:16? "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

2 peter 3:9? The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. ("Love is Patient.. Love is Kind... " 1 Cor. 13)

1st John 4:19? "We love because he first loved us."
Who's "us"?

jsnbrown said:
1st John 2:2? "He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world."
I think "our" here is referring to the disciples. The "whole world" is anybody who believes in Him. NOT non-believers.

jsnbrown said:
You want Old Testament?

Ezekiel 33:11? "Say to them, 'As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, O house of Israel?'"
Again, He WANTS to love you. It doesn't mean He DOES love you.
watchman F said:
Re-read page 2. I posted 3 or 4 post on there, and then tell me what you don;t understand.

Let me ask it again. How are believers and non-believers treated differently from God here on earth?
Tonight said:
watchman F said:
Re-read page 2. I posted 3 or 4 post on there, and then tell me what you don;t understand.

Let me ask it again. How are believers and non-believers treated differently from God here on earth?
Believers walk in His blessing and unbelievers don't. What is your point?
Tonight said:
jsnbrown said:
What about Romans 5:8? "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

1st John 3:16? "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers."

Oh and of course John 3:16? "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

2 peter 3:9? The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. ("Love is Patient.. Love is Kind... " 1 Cor. 13)

1st John 4:19? "We love because he first loved us."
Who's "us"?

jsnbrown said:
1st John 2:2? "He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world."
I think "our" here is referring to the disciples. The "whole world" is anybody who believes in Him. NOT non-believers.

jsnbrown said:
You want Old Testament?

Ezekiel 33:11? "Say to them, 'As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, O house of Israel?'"
Again, He WANTS to love you. It doesn't mean He DOES love you.

How can you believe this junk? I'm sorry, I'm getting irritated now. The WHOLE WORLD means only those who believe in Him? " I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked" means that He only WANTS to love us?

I cannot go to the Hebrew on the second one I am exasperated about but the first.. Yes, lets go to see what the original greek word was and meant:

Ok Whole:
A primary word; “whole†or “allâ€, that is, complete (in extent, amount, time or degree), especially (neuter) as noun or adverb: - all, altogether, every whit, + throughout, whole.

kosmos is actually the same word in John 3:16 so if this isn't what we think it means, you might have us!
Oops. nah.. I think the definition for this could be either 6 or 7. I agree with you. I think the our here is referring to the disciples as well. Which means I conclude the definition to be 7.

1. an apt and harmonious arrangement or constitution, order, government
2. ornament, decoration, adornment, i.e. the arrangement of the stars, 'the heavenly hosts', as the ornament of the heavens. 1 Pet. 3:
4. the world, the universe
5. the circle of the earth, the earth
6. the inhabitants of the earth, men, the human family
7. the ungodly multitude; the whole mass of men alienated from God, and therefore hostile to the cause of Christ

So. Whole World can mean this:

all the ungodly multitude OR all he inhabitants of the earth.

Either way. Christ died for the whole world. Why, because God so loved the world. You know.. Us ungodly multitude. Or at least we were this.

I'm glad God doesn't have a conditional love like you suggest. That would be unbiblical for one thing.. But it would mean that we could not have unconditional love either. I mean.. If we were created in God's image. And God is the one to strengthen us through the Holy Spirit to acts of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. So, since one of the fruits is Love. And God's type of love is conditional based on our condition.. Then our love must be conditional as well. Which really stinks for the lost huh?

You know, I suddenly realize.. I don't care if the lost go to hell.. Hey, God gives me His love right? LOL.

Nope, if you don't care for others, then God isn't in you. For God is love. (I believe THAT is biblical. )

Christ tells us when it is that He loves us, and when His Father loves us, and when a person actually loves Him, and who does not love Him.

He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
John 14:21

Above Christ is telling us exactly who loves Him, those that are obeying, which are making the sincere effort to do the things which He says; and that is when the Father loves that person, and that is also when Christ Himself will love that person.

If a man love me, he will keep my words:
John 14:23
He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings:
John 14:24

Above Christ is telling us here exactly who actually does love Him, and who exactly does not. They that obey, making the sincere effort to do what He tells us to do are they that love Him; and they that do not are the ones that do not love Him. It is not rocket science to follow Christ, rather it is in simplicity.
costcounter, the question isn't whether we love Jesus/God but rather does Jesus love those who are not redeemed..

So, sadly what you posted didn't bring any light to the subject unless I'm mistaken. :gah Sorry!


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