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there is no SECRET rapture

the rapture is the caught up of the saints in the dead in CHRIST will rise 1st, and those who are alive will be RAPTURED (caught up)

the rapture takes place at the same time/ simultaneously with the 2ND COMING OF CHRIST


SAINTS go through a great tribulation -- book of revelation 7:14

MATTHEW 24:16air

comments are welcome

many christians preach that NO SAINT GO THROUGH THE great tribulation
$1meBERMUDA said:
there is no SECRET rapture

the rapture is the caught up of the saints in the dead in CHRIST will rise 1st, and those who are alive will be RAPTURED (caught up)
the rapture takes place at the same time/ simultaneously with the 2ND COMING OF CHRIST
SAINTS go through a great tribulation -- book of revelation 7:14
MATTHEW 24:16air
comments are welcome
many christians preach that NO SAINT GO THROUGH THE great tribulation

MY COMMENTS: Greetings. First of all, and you may know this, "saint" is applied not only to believers in Christ and members of His Body, but also to righteous Israelites and Gentile proselytes or 'God- fearers'.

Thus, in Rev. 7:14, these tribulation "saints", IMO, are not the Church/Body of Christ, but are of the nations and saved out of the Tribulation.

Why? Because the Church/Body will have been "snatched away", in a split-second changed, to meet the Lord in the air, as revealed in 1 Cor.15:52-58 and 1 Thes. 4:15-17. And this occurs before the man of sin is reavealed (2 Thes. 2:1-4).
You my not call it a secret, but I see no prophecy that needs to be fulfilled for it to occur. It certainly will not take place like the Lord Jesus' second coming to the earth with power and great glory, after signs were seen in the heavens.

Jesus came unto his own people, Israel, preaching "repent for the kingdom of the heavens is at hand."
This is the Messianic Kingdom, the hope of Israel for centuries. Jesus said 'it is near', and it could have been instigated then if Israel nationally would have repented of their sins and accepted Jesus as their Messiah. But they didn't. Of course, God and Jesus knew this, for Jesus came to die for the sins of the world, not just Israel.

The discourse given in Matthew, chapts 24 and 25, has to do with Israel---not the Church/Body of Christ.
Hey bick,
there is only one way to the father, through the son. There is only one body of Christ, made up of all believers. I guess the Bible wasn't wrong when it explained over and over that there were only two groups. Good guys and bad guys. Righteous/wicked, wheat tares, sheep/goats, etc...
adam332 said:
Hey bick,
there is only one way to the father, through the son. There is only one body of Christ, made up of all believers. I guess the Bible wasn't wrong when it explained over and over that there were only two groups. Good guys and bad guys. Righteous/wicked, wheat tares, sheep/goats, etc...

Nicely put Adam... :yes
$1meBERMUDA said:
there is no SECRET rapture

the rapture is the caught up of the saints in the dead in CHRIST will rise 1st, and those who are alive will be RAPTURED (caught up)

the rapture takes place at the same time/ simultaneously with the 2ND COMING OF CHRIST


SAINTS go through a great tribulation -- book of revelation 7:14

MATTHEW 24:16air

comments are welcome

many christians preach that NO SAINT GO THROUGH THE great tribulation
AMEN to everything you said except that it takes place at the same time as the second coming. I do not agree with that, but I do agree that at the rapture every eye will see him, the nations will mourn, the will behold us going to be with the Lord, and they will beg the mountains to fall on them and hide them from his face! so AMEN to almost all of your post!!!! And yes we go through the tribulation.- Tribulation is GOOD FOR US. Praise God brother
adam332 said:
Hey bick,
there is only one way to the father, through the son. There is only one body of Christ, made up of all believers. I guess the Bible wasn't wrong when it explained over and over that there were only two groups. Good guys and bad guys. Righteous/wicked, wheat tares, sheep/goats, etc...

Most terrific post!
:wave Greetings~

I am a saint who believes that there is only one chance to miss~ the Great Tribulation, and that is the rapture. If a Christian misses the rapture before the seven year Tribulation, it will be necessary for them to lose their heads "literally" so they may enter the Kingdom of God. BTW~ I may be the only person here who also believes that no Christian will miss the rapture. We are called to abide IN Christ.

Have you ever thought about the fact that we die daily ~ that we are daily in tribulation if we live as Christ in this present evil age? But there is an order to resurrection, just as God orders everything. Look at what He tells us plainly about His orderly plan for resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15:20-26

But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ's at His coming. Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power. For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet. The last enemy that will be destroyed is death. ( :clap sorry, small moment of celebration...)

Our hope is in that eternal life that is ours in Jesus Christ. And if Christ is not risen, then that whole thing is down the tubes; faith is vain, preaching is vain, hope is vain. Christ is the firstfruits of those that rise from the dead. The word firstfruit, firstborn, often indicates not just the first necessarily in a sequential order, but the most important. But here, of course, it is a reference to the sequential order. Christ the firstfruit, the first one to rise from the dead. :)

Now, those who were waiting for God's promise to be fulfilled, those faithful patriarchs of the Old Testament, Hebrew's chapter 11 tells us concerning them that they all died in faith not having received the promise, but seeing it from afar off, they embraced it. They claimed that they were only strangers and pilgrims here.

Hey man, I'm looking for a city which has foundations whose maker is God. This world is not my home. I'm just passin' through. I'm looking for the city of God, the kingdom of God." :thumb

And so they died in faith not having received the promise. God having reserved a better thing for us that they apart from us couldn't come into the perfected state. They could not come into the perfected state until the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Here we see that believing Israel will be resurrected... :nod Matthew's gospel chapter 27 tells us, "and the graves of many of the saints were opened and they were seen walking through the streets of Jerusalem after the resurrection of Jesus from the dead." He led the captives from their captivity. He opened the prison doors to those that were bound. So Christ. The Old Testament saints at His resurrection, the firstfruits of those who rise from the dead. :yes

This company will be completed when the Day of the Lord comes and Jesus is ready to return to the earth with His saints to establish the kingdom of God. Right now, the first resurrection is a process over a period of time. It began with Jesus Christ. He is the firstfruits. And it continues as each child of God, living and believing in Jesus Christ, as they fall asleep in Christ, the first resurrection continues. It will be completed when all of the martyred saints from the tribulation period have been fulfilled and entered the heavenly realm. That will complete the first resurrection.

The second resurrection of the unrighteous dead will not take place until the end of the thousand year millennial reign of Jesus Christ. The great white throne judgment of God, Revelation, chapter 20, as John saw the throne of God, the books were opened, death and hell gave up the dead which were in them. They all stood before God and they were judged according to the things written in the books. This is the second resurrection.

So Paul gives the order here, every man in his own order... Christ the firstfruits, and after wards they that are Christ's at His coming. That is, the full compliment will be completed at the time that Jesus comes again. And then will come the end when He delivers the kingdom up to the Father, when He will have put down all rule and authority and powers.
(YES! :approve this message is highly approved of on my part)

But lets look ahead in this chapter to see the rapture here, to see when it takes place.

Now behold, I show you a mystery; We're not going to all sleep, [we're not all going to die,] but we're all going to be changed, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 1 Corinthians 15:50

So Paul here is now bringing them a new revelation, a mystery. Something that hasn't been revealed by the Lord up until this point, and this, that there's going to be one day a glorious transformation of the children of God. We're not going to all sleep, or die, but we're all going to be changed, in a moment in a twinkling of an eye. This is the event called the rapture, when all of us will be changed and this corruption will put on incorruption; this mortal will put on immortality.

A caterpillar has an interesting little body that is designed to crawl on the earth. And that little caterpillar crawls through the fields. And I've watched them as they've crossed the highways on hot summer days. And I've walked across the road on hot summer days and that black asphalt can get awfully hot. And I can imagine that little caterpillar with all of those feet walking across the highway, having crossed through the fields, could probably be saying, "Oh, I'm so tired of hot dirty feet. I wish I could fly."

And that little caterpillar might try to fly. It might climb up a tree and out on a twig and jump and wiggle as fast as it can, but the body is not designed aerodynamically. It is designed only to crawl on the ground or up the side of the wall. And so the body falls. But one day that little caterpillar crawls up the wall of your house and exudes a little glue and sticks itself under your windowsill and spins a chrysalis around itself. And after a period of time, you watch that chrysalis hanging there, you'll see it begin to jerk, convulsive kinds of jerks. If you continue to watch it, soon you will see it burst open and beautiful gold and black wings will unfurl.

And it will perch there for a moment on the chrysalis, and then that tiger swallow tailed butterfly will begin flying around the yard. Over the fence and away. What's happened? A metamorphosis, a change of body that has allowed it to exist in a totally new environment. No more hot, dirty feet. It can now fly. As I look around this world in which we live and I see the mess, I sometimes say, "God, I'm so tired of hot, dirty feet. I wish I could fly." ...For I die daily...:heart

"I show you a mystery. We're not gonna all sleep. But we're all gonna be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet. And this corruption will put on incorruption. And this mortal will put on immortality." And I am gonna soar through the skies, to be forever with my Lord... When He comes back to reign on the earth, I will come back, but I will have my new body then. And only God knows what it is gonna be like~ I do not know that it will look anything at all like this body, and I really do not care. It is going to please God, and I know it will please me. :biggrin I expect improvements.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58



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