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Fatal attraction? Or God destined?


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So I'm new to these forums. Hello!

I'm only desiring bible supported answers, feel free to share experiences too in context of the situation.

I am a 20 year old uni student. I met a guy who was my bible teacher (personally, and as a group)- awesome guy- the first guy I've ever fallen in love with (in an emotional sense). I've changed a lot thanks to what God has used him for in my life. I got to my senses and backed off for a long while to seek purity and pursue Christ alone. I mean what are you supposed to do with these feelings when they come? For me, I know there to choices: explore something more than friends or drop it.

I've been very influenced by my own broken family and articles. I want to be part of God's plan of redeeming families by being married someday in the near future. I know God has called me to be content in all circumstances, but I also know he created marriage to be a good thing (e.g. Adam and Eve), and that he's definitely called me towards marriage (with a healthy desire for sex and serving my future husband and family).

So this guy, I've been trying to get over him for 2.5 years! Yet we are so distant now. I can't imagine any other godly man like him! Perhaps I need to be more open but I either need to (1) confront him about what happened since I backed off (2) kindly get back into his path and assess his potential for being a husband (3) back off and let go of those expectations and move on

So is it wrong to make future plans in my mind ans somehow assume this guy will be in my plans? I honestly effortlessly do that but I know there is not commitment involved so these are empty plans. However any godly, Christ loving, repentant, family-oriented man could fit that part. It's just extremely rare. And as a girl, if my role is to trust God, wait and help make it happen, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do when encountered that in a room full of people I can only see this guy. And trust me, I'm probably not the only girl who thinks this way, which makes me guard myself to not feel like I need to control the situation and put it into my own hands. Rather, I should take opportunities when I see them to get to know my brother and be loving towards him.

Please pray for me.

If you have any thoughts, and biblical wisdom feel free to share.
I just wanted to compliment you and tell you that from this post you sound like a mature young woman with a good head on her shoulders. :) I think that if you are making plans in your mind that include this man in your future, then you probably need to approach him and be direct about your wish to get to know him more. Otherwise, making plans in your head can only lead to disappointment and heartache later. Do you know if he had an interest in you previously? It is possible that when you backed off, then he took that as you not having any interest. I think there is nothing wrong with letting him know that you do have an interest in getting to know him more, and then leave the ball in his court. Guys are not often bright about knowing when a woman has an interest (sorry, guys!).

When I meet men like that, men who are totally awesome godly men, I look at it as God's way of showing me that good men do exist in this world and showing me good qualities. I have come to realize that the object of my interest is not the man, but the qualities he possesses and God within him.
Thanks for the response. I'm wondering though, what do you mean by letting him know I am "interested in getting to know him" better? How would I approach it? It's a communication thing. I can obviously jump in ask him questions about his current plans, hopes, dreams. However I'm a bit on the fence on directly telling him my desire, and making sure it stays on his court so he can decide. So far I've been in the background in my school work and hearing about him, from him once in a while.

Has he shown interest in me? I didn't receive clarity on this ever. It's really hard to tell in the years before since he is really great with everyone. He did spend a fair deal of time with me- in discipleship and approaching me to know me quite personally (or I just trusted him too much with information in my more naive times). I did feel `special`being singled out by a guy like him. He was much different than the single guys I knew- he was a caring brother, never flirted with me. We merely shared eye contact and a lot of quality time. I guess he speaks my love language and took initiative to guide and correct me not by throwing values at me but really tending to my heart. Kind of touchy when it's between a guy and a girl. I felt like he was willing to talk to me about anything. He told me once that he loved me as a sister. I`m a girl so I could have chosen to read way more into that or read it as, he was not interested. I know his past isn't perfect and he had a thing with spending a bit too much quality time with the girls who probably became attracted to him as well due to their own broken family history. He has been repentant about that. He always treated these issues with honour and purity. I was a much more broken person when I met him, which was easy to look towards a Christ-like guy to point the way. I also know he is broken in many ways too, but Christ is his rock. I am shocked by my own ability to overlook his flaws... I am too afraid to think he would be the type to defraud me- that was not his intention. He drew me in by his character and the word of God, so innocently. I wasn't even physically attracted to him at first place. Sometimes I wonder if I'm trying to kick off this as an unhealthy emotional attachment. Or should I see it as a God given desire. Am I willing to shed more light on it?

So in short, I know he cares about me, but he may not care me in the more than friends spectrum as far as I am concerned- I was taught that I should take a guy at face value- if he didn`t say he was interested, that means he was not interested. There`s really nothing I can do about it then, is there?

I feel like I need to start over sometimes. But I had been wanting for over a year to talk to him about girl/guy communication issues. The communication was delayed, my thoughts are in the background in fear of figuring out the next step to take is. Every time I run into him nowadays (which is much rarer), I feel like running away. I think I have kept too many old memories, and I want to get back to reality. I would really like to re-know him again if a time comes, when the time is right. I'm going to run into him in a couple of weeks... at a wedding. OH COMMUNICATION, such a valuable thing to have!!
Male Opinion Inbound. :)

As someone who has personal experience as being both a teacher and also being interested in some of the young ladies I taught, a respectful young man would make teaching the priority, so that may be why things are unclear.

The simple answer is to pray about the next step. God will help you know which steps to take.

Whatever direction you feel God is leading you to, the best approach is making the young man aware of how you feel. This doesn't have to be coming out and saying that you want to pursue a future, but it might be making efforts that make him feel like you see him differently then you do others. I would also wait for God to confirm things to him. A good sign in any relationship with a guy is that he is willing to follow God's lead and take steps in faith.

When I began getting to know Caroline, my wife, I didn't know what God wanted to come of the building friendship, but I was confident that God had brought her to my attention. If the young man doesn't feel confident about the direction God is steering him towards, a relationship is that much more difficult.

This reply is a combination of replies to both your posts. These issues don't have simple answers, hence the length of my post!

The Bible is not specific about relationship issues such as these, other than 2 Corinthians 6:14-15: "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?" This doesn't apply in your situation, as the guy you're interested in is obviously a Christian. :)

However, the Bible does have a few general principles that are important to keep in mind.

Matthew 5:28: "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

Please be careful about your thoughts and plans for you and this guy. Firstly, your plans are not necessarily God's plans. Submit your life to God's leading, and He will take care of you. Secondly, God considers intent and desire in our thoughts as equivalent to the action, hence my quote of that verse above. In your case, your making plans with this guy in your head is equivalent to going ahead and acting on those plans. Think about it like this: what if he's NOT the guy for you? What if God is going to have him marry another young woman? If that is the case then in your thoughts you are, in effect, trying to get together with someone else's husband! How do you think the young woman would feel if she knew?

God knows who you will marry, if indeed that is His intention for you. And believe me, the one whom God has purposed for you - if you choose to follow Him and Him alone - will fit you better than you possibly imagined. But you must surrender to Him first - surrender your desire for marriage, and surrender your desire for marriage to this particular man.

Psalm 37:3-5: "Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass."

This is not a blanket "God will give you what you want", but rather "God will give you the things to desire, and fulfill them". I am not saying that you won't get married. More than likely you will. But it is my experience that the Lord often asks us to relinquish our desires into His hands before He acts.

Here's an example from my own life, or rather from my wife's life. We recently married just a month and a bit ago.

We first met online, and having started out the friendship from the standpoint of "we're getting to know each other in order to know whether the Lord would have us marry", we quickly discovered that we shared similar beliefs, similar interests, and similar desires in life. We were "compatible" from almost every angle, and thoroughly enjoyed each other's company (online). Our friendship blossomed, and feelings rose on both sides. However, having been "burned" by moving too quickly in the past, I was purposedly taking things slowly. I wanted to guard our hearts from premature expressions of "feelings" and "love" and the heady emotion that comes with them until I knew it was right in the Lord's eyes for me to say such things.

On the other side of the Atlantic, my now-wife was having a similar battle to the one you're facing. She liked me, had feelings for me, and wanted some resolution - were we going to move forward with the relationship or not? Because if we weren't going to move forward, she knew she would have to take a step back from the friendship, as not knowing for sure was tearing her apart. She wanted us to be more than friends, but she didn't know exactly where I stood (as I hadn't told her, other than my initial statement right at the beginning that I was pursuing the friendship for the purpose of possible marriage) and in her mind, my lack of further clarification now we knew each other so much better was an ominous "sign" that I wasn't interested in her romantically.

Then one day my now-wife was praying to the Lord about the situation, and suddenly she understood that He wanted her to "let go" of all her fears and desires concerning me and simply trust Him with everything. So that's what she did - she committed it all to the Lord, and told Him that she was happy and content whatever happened between us. If the Lord wanted us to be just friends, that was okay - she would just enjoy the friendship that we had. If the Lord wanted us to get married, but not for a while, that was okay too - she would relax into the process and wait patiently. And with that prayer, she was suddenly filled with an indescribable peace, joy, and lightness of spirit. The burden of her fears and battling desires lifted instantly.

Back in England, I was having a battle of my own. I had always been interested romantically in my now-wife (contrary to her fears!), and the feelings were growing day by day as we maintained constant communication with each other. However, I hadn't yet said anything for fear that it was "too soon". I was worried that expressing my feelings would disrupt our wonderful friendship, which I didn't want to lose. But the Lord had other plans, and through a wonderful couple that I knew, made very clear to me that I had to say something to my now-wife. My feelings for her had to come out into the open, for both our sakes.

Note that this was happening to me at precisely the same time she was resolving her battle with the Lord. A few days later, God gave us the opportunity to have that very important conversation, and thus we discovered how the Lord had arranged things for the both of us - at the very time He was telling her to trust Him with me, He was telling me to trust Him with my fear of disrupting the friendship! And so almost immediately after she "let go" of her need for resolution and trusted God with it, He had me take a step of faith and talk to her about things, giving her the very resolution she had been longing for!

This is often how God works - behind the scenes, arranging things to come together at the right time. Our role is simply to trust Him to work things out as He sees fit, and surrender our own desires to those of the Lord.

Ephesians 5:22-26: "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Saviour of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word..."

This principle of headship is another thing to be aware of when it comes to relationships. Men (husbands) are created to be the leader in the relationship - that is our role, our duty, given to us by God. We are the ones who are to bear the final weight of responsibility for our families, both spiritually and physically. How that works out in the details of life is between the couple and God, but Biblically the husband should be the leader, and the wife should follow.

I personally believe this applies to some extent in a relationship prior to marriage, as well. Allow me to explain, again using the example of my now-wife. I said earlier that we met online. It was on a Christian networking website - she was the first to see my profile, and then I saw hers. Now she could have taken the first step, writing to me to see whether I wanted to pursue a friendship. However, because she believes that it is the man who is to initiate at every step - that he is to lead, in effect - she didn't do anything about the potential she saw in my profile. It was I who first wrote to her, several days later.

Similarly, as you saw earlier, she could have brought up her feelings for me in conversation, essentially pushing me to state my own position and thus achieve the resolution she desired. But that would mean she would be the one leading, not me, so she didn't. She purposed to wait, even though waiting caused her such turmoil. Of course, as we know, God stepped in and resolved things.

Now I'm not saying that this is the only Biblical way to do things - the Bible is not specific, so it is a matter of interpretation and personal conscience. However, I put my own example forward as what I believe was a Godly way to go about things, for you to think about. My now-wife allowing me to initiate and lead at every step of the relationship not only honoured that Biblical principle of headship, it showed me respect and established the Biblical pattern for our marriage right from the start.

Think about it this way. If you act like the "head" of the relationship now, then it is going to be much harder for him to be the head if you get married. And even if you don't marry, it will make it harder for him to be the leader in the actual relationship that culminates in his marriage later down the line. The earlier you establish these Biblical principles in both your lives, the better, in my opinion.

The key with all of this is your relationship with the Lord. Seek Him in prayer and His Word - seek His guidance, seek His comfort, seek His peace. Surrender everything to Him - your plans, your friend, your fears, your desires. Tell the Lord (and mean it) that it's okay if you don't marry this guy, that it's okay if you don't get married for several years, that it's even okay if you don't marry at all, that you will follow Him and Him alone. Sounds easy "on paper", but I know personally that that's not an easy prayer to really pray. It may take you a while, it may take you literally forcing the words from your mouth, but if you are willing for God to do the work required in your heart, you will come to the place when you can honestly pray it.

You can also pray that God will turn this guy's heart towards you - but the important thing is to let God do it, and not to worry if it doesn't happen. God will do it in His good time, if it is His will. And if it isn't, believe me that it's better that way! Another prayer to pray is to ask the Lord to take away the feelings that cause you such conflict when they occur. Memorize some Scripture - perhaps the verses I quoted from Psalm 37 above - and recite them to yourself when those feelings come upon you. I've found that's often a good "shield" when troubling thoughts come.

You can turn some of your comments in your last post into prayers, too. Tell the Lord that you feel like you need to "start over", that you "want to get back to reality", and that you want to pursue a friendship with your friend but don't know how. God knows the details!

Regarding the wedding in a few weeks, I think the key is to be surrendered to the Lord's will, whatever it is. God's love will cast out your fear.

A final comment, if I may. You said that a Godly, Christ loving, repentant, family-oriented man is "rare". The thing is, you only need one, and God knows where they all are! :) He is more than able to bring that precious, rare jewel to you at the right time, both for the guy and for you.

You probably have questions after everything I've said - please do feel free to ask!

In Him, inhopeofglory
inhopeofglory said:

This reply is a combination of replies to both your posts. These issues don't have simple answers, hence the length of my post!

The Bible is not specific about relationship issues such as these, other than 2 Corinthians 6:14-15: "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?" This doesn't apply in your situation, as the guy you're interested in is obviously a Christian. :)

However, the Bible does have a few general principles that are important to keep in mind.

Matthew 5:28: "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

Please be careful about your thoughts and plans for you and this guy. Firstly, your plans are not necessarily God's plans. Submit your life to God's leading, and He will take care of you. Secondly, God considers intent and desire in our thoughts as equivalent to the action, hence my quote of that verse above. In your case, your making plans with this guy in your head is equivalent to going ahead and acting on those plans. Think about it like this: what if he's NOT the guy for you? What if God is going to have him marry another young woman? If that is the case then in your thoughts you are, in effect, trying to get together with someone else's husband! How do you think the young woman would feel if she knew?

God knows who you will marry, if indeed that is His intention for you. And believe me, the one whom God has purposed for you - if you choose to follow Him and Him alone - will fit you better than you possibly imagined. But you must surrender to Him first - surrender your desire for marriage, and surrender your desire for marriage to this particular man.

Psalm 37:3-5: "Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass."

This is not a blanket "God will give you what you want", but rather "God will give you the things to desire, and fulfill them". I am not saying that you won't get married. More than likely you will. But it is my experience that the Lord often asks us to relinquish our desires into His hands before He acts.

Here's an example from my own life, or rather from my wife's life. We recently married just a month and a bit ago.

We first met online, and having started out the friendship from the standpoint of "we're getting to know each other in order to know whether the Lord would have us marry", we quickly discovered that we shared similar beliefs, similar interests, and similar desires in life. We were "compatible" from almost every angle, and thoroughly enjoyed each other's company (online). Our friendship blossomed, and feelings rose on both sides. However, having been "burned" by moving too quickly in the past, I was purposedly taking things slowly. I wanted to guard our hearts from premature expressions of "feelings" and "love" and the heady emotion that comes with them until I knew it was right in the Lord's eyes for me to say such things.

On the other side of the Atlantic, my now-wife was having a similar battle to the one you're facing. She liked me, had feelings for me, and wanted some resolution - were we going to move forward with the relationship or not? Because if we weren't going to move forward, she knew she would have to take a step back from the friendship, as not knowing for sure was tearing her apart. She wanted us to be more than friends, but she didn't know exactly where I stood (as I hadn't told her, other than my initial statement right at the beginning that I was pursuing the friendship for the purpose of possible marriage) and in her mind, my lack of further clarification now we knew each other so much better was an ominous "sign" that I wasn't interested in her romantically.

Then one day my now-wife was praying to the Lord about the situation, and suddenly she understood that He wanted her to "let go" of all her fears and desires concerning me and simply trust Him with everything. So that's what she did - she committed it all to the Lord, and told Him that she was happy and content whatever happened between us. If the Lord wanted us to be just friends, that was okay - she would just enjoy the friendship that we had. If the Lord wanted us to get married, but not for a while, that was okay too - she would relax into the process and wait patiently. And with that prayer, she was suddenly filled with an indescribable peace, joy, and lightness of spirit. The burden of her fears and battling desires lifted instantly.

Back in England, I was having a battle of my own. I had always been interested romantically in my now-wife (contrary to her fears!), and the feelings were growing day by day as we maintained constant communication with each other. However, I hadn't yet said anything for fear that it was "too soon". I was worried that expressing my feelings would disrupt our wonderful friendship, which I didn't want to lose. But the Lord had other plans, and through a wonderful couple that I knew, made very clear to me that I had to say something to my now-wife. My feelings for her had to come out into the open, for both our sakes.

Note that this was happening to me at precisely the same time she was resolving her battle with the Lord. A few days later, God gave us the opportunity to have that very important conversation, and thus we discovered how the Lord had arranged things for the both of us - at the very time He was telling her to trust Him with me, He was telling me to trust Him with my fear of disrupting the friendship! And so almost immediately after she "let go" of her need for resolution and trusted God with it, He had me take a step of faith and talk to her about things, giving her the very resolution she had been longing for!

This is often how God works - behind the scenes, arranging things to come together at the right time. Our role is simply to trust Him to work things out as He sees fit, and surrender our own desires to those of the Lord.

Ephesians 5:22-26: "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Saviour of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word..."

This principle of headship is another thing to be aware of when it comes to relationships. Men (husbands) are created to be the leader in the relationship - that is our role, our duty, given to us by God. We are the ones who are to bear the final weight of responsibility for our families, both spiritually and physically. How that works out in the details of life is between the couple and God, but Biblically the husband should be the leader, and the wife should follow.

I personally believe this applies to some extent in a relationship prior to marriage, as well. Allow me to explain, again using the example of my now-wife. I said earlier that we met online. It was on a Christian networking website - she was the first to see my profile, and then I saw hers. Now she could have taken the first step, writing to me to see whether I wanted to pursue a friendship. However, because she believes that it is the man who is to initiate at every step - that he is to lead, in effect - she didn't do anything about the potential she saw in my profile. It was I who first wrote to her, several days later.

Similarly, as you saw earlier, she could have brought up her feelings for me in conversation, essentially pushing me to state my own position and thus achieve the resolution she desired. But that would mean she would be the one leading, not me, so she didn't. She purposed to wait, even though waiting caused her such turmoil. Of course, as we know, God stepped in and resolved things.

Now I'm not saying that this is the only Biblical way to do things - the Bible is not specific, so it is a matter of interpretation and personal conscience. However, I put my own example forward as what I believe was a Godly way to go about things, for you to think about. My now-wife allowing me to initiate and lead at every step of the relationship not only honoured that Biblical principle of headship, it showed me respect and established the Biblical pattern for our marriage right from the start.

Think about it this way. If you act like the "head" of the relationship now, then it is going to be much harder for him to be the head if you get married. And even if you don't marry, it will make it harder for him to be the leader in the actual relationship that culminates in his marriage later down the line. The earlier you establish these Biblical principles in both your lives, the better, in my opinion.

The key with all of this is your relationship with the Lord. Seek Him in prayer and His Word - seek His guidance, seek His comfort, seek His peace. Surrender everything to Him - your plans, your friend, your fears, your desires. Tell the Lord (and mean it) that it's okay if you don't marry this guy, that it's okay if you don't get married for several years, that it's even okay if you don't marry at all, that you will follow Him and Him alone. Sounds easy "on paper", but I know personally that that's not an easy prayer to really pray. It may take you a while, it may take you literally forcing the words from your mouth, but if you are willing for God to do the work required in your heart, you will come to the place when you can honestly pray it.

You can also pray that God will turn this guy's heart towards you - but the important thing is to let God do it, and not to worry if it doesn't happen. God will do it in His good time, if it is His will. And if it isn't, believe me that it's better that way! Another prayer to pray is to ask the Lord to take away the feelings that cause you such conflict when they occur. Memorize some Scripture - perhaps the verses I quoted from Psalm 37 above - and recite them to yourself when those feelings come upon you. I've found that's often a good "shield" when troubling thoughts come.

You can turn some of your comments in your last post into prayers, too. Tell the Lord that you feel like you need to "start over", that you "want to get back to reality", and that you want to pursue a friendship with your friend but don't know how. God knows the details!

Regarding the wedding in a few weeks, I think the key is to be surrendered to the Lord's will, whatever it is. God's love will cast out your fear.

A final comment, if I may. You said that a Godly, Christ loving, repentant, family-oriented man is "rare". The thing is, you only need one, and God knows where they all are! :) He is more than able to bring that precious, rare jewel to you at the right time, both for the guy and for you.

You probably have questions after everything I've said - please do feel free to ask!

In Him, inhopeofglory

Hello, inhopeofglory

Thank you that you found time for answering this post. To some extent I found some answers to my questions too , or even better to say, I got confirmations towards some issues I have been thinking over for some time.
Blazin Bones said:
Male Opinion Inbound. :)

As someone who has personal experience as being both a teacher and also being interested in some of the young ladies I taught, a respectful young man would make teaching the priority, so that may be why things are unclear.

The simple answer is to pray about the next step. God will help you know which steps to take.

Whatever direction you feel God is leading you to, the best approach is making the young man aware of how you feel. This doesn't have to be coming out and saying that you want to pursue a future, but it might be making efforts that make him feel like you see him differently then you do others. I would also wait for God to confirm things to him. A good sign in any relationship with a guy is that he is willing to follow God's lead and take steps in faith.

When I began getting to know Caroline, my wife, I didn't know what God wanted to come of the building friendship, but I was confident that God had brought her to my attention. If the young man doesn't feel confident about the direction God is steering him towards, a relationship is that much more difficult.

I totally agree with the issue of "teaching" being the priority and the lack of clarity. I will definitely pray. Thanks! I'm a bit iffy on the telling this guy how I feel, I think it's a bit premature and I want to have a stronger foundation of what I base my feelings on... but thanks for your point of view! I will definitely consider putting myself in his path and see how things go...
inhopeofglory said:
Matthew 5:28: "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

Please be careful about your thoughts and plans for you and this guy. Firstly, your plans are not necessarily God's plans. Submit your life to God's leading, and He will take care of you. Secondly, God considers intent and desire in our thoughts as equivalent to the action, hence my quote of that verse above. In your case, your making plans with this guy in your head is equivalent to going ahead and acting on those plans. Think about it like this: what if he's NOT the guy for you? What if God is going to have him marry another young woman? If that is the case then in your thoughts you are, in effect, trying to get together with someone else's husband! How do you think the young woman would feel if she knew?

Totally, totally agree. I had been in conflict with that thought as well. There are just some things I shouldn't be trivializing in my own thought life...

God knows who you will marry, if indeed that is His intention for you. And believe me, the one whom God has purposed for you - if you choose to follow Him and Him alone - will fit you better than you possibly imagined. But you must surrender to Him first - surrender your desire for marriage, and surrender your desire for marriage to this particular man.

Yeah a good reminder... I really need to have my relationship with God to be solid and let the rest fall into his plan.

Psalm 37:3-5: "Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass."

This is not a blanket "God will give you what you want", but rather "God will give you the things to desire, and fulfill them". I am not saying that you won't get married. More than likely you will. But it is my experience that the Lord often asks us to relinquish our desires into His hands before He acts.

Hmm, for some reason I disagree that I need to relinquish my desires. I think the desire for marriage is a God given desire. However when I don't trust God' s timing, that is when things go wayward, when I start to be impatient and covet what is not mine... and to be truly content and delighting in God. It makes sense that if I delight myself in God, he will give me the desires of my heart. I will wrestle with this verse a bit more... I want to believe and understand it better.

Here's an example from my own life, or rather from my wife's life. We recently married just a month and a bit ago.

We first met online, and having started out the friendship from the standpoint of "we're getting to know each other in order to know whether the Lord would have us marry", we quickly discovered that we shared similar beliefs, similar interests, and similar desires in life. We were "compatible" from almost every angle, and thoroughly enjoyed each other's company (online). Our friendship blossomed, and feelings rose on both sides. However, having been "burned" by moving too quickly in the past, I was purposedly taking things slowly. I wanted to guard our hearts from premature expressions of "feelings" and "love" and the heady emotion that comes with them until I knew it was right in the Lord's eyes for me to say such things.

On the other side of the Atlantic, my now-wife was having a similar battle to the one you're facing. She liked me, had feelings for me, and wanted some resolution - were we going to move forward with the relationship or not? Because if we weren't going to move forward, she knew she would have to take a step back from the friendship, as not knowing for sure was tearing her apart. She wanted us to be more than friends, but she didn't know exactly where I stood (as I hadn't told her, other than my initial statement right at the beginning that I was pursuing the friendship for the purpose of possible marriage) and in her mind, my lack of further clarification now we knew each other so much better was an ominous "sign" that I wasn't interested in her romantically.

Then one day my now-wife was praying to the Lord about the situation, and suddenly she understood that He wanted her to "let go" of all her fears and desires concerning me and simply trust Him with everything. So that's what she did - she committed it all to the Lord, and told Him that she was happy and content whatever happened between us. If the Lord wanted us to be just friends, that was okay - she would just enjoy the friendship that we had. If the Lord wanted us to get married, but not for a while, that was okay too - she would relax into the process and wait patiently. And with that prayer, she was suddenly filled with an indescribable peace, joy, and lightness of spirit. The burden of her fears and battling desires lifted instantly.

Back in England, I was having a battle of my own. I had always been interested romantically in my now-wife (contrary to her fears!), and the feelings were growing day by day as we maintained constant communication with each other. However, I hadn't yet said anything for fear that it was "too soon". I was worried that expressing my feelings would disrupt our wonderful friendship, which I didn't want to lose. But the Lord had other plans, and through a wonderful couple that I knew, made very clear to me that I had to say something to my now-wife. My feelings for her had to come out into the open, for both our sakes.

Note that this was happening to me at precisely the same time she was resolving her battle with the Lord. A few days later, God gave us the opportunity to have that very important conversation, and thus we discovered how the Lord had arranged things for the both of us - at the very time He was telling her to trust Him with me, He was telling me to trust Him with my fear of disrupting the friendship! And so almost immediately after she "let go" of her need for resolution and trusted God with it, He had me take a step of faith and talk to her about things, giving her the very resolution she had been longing for!

This is often how God works - behind the scenes, arranging things to come together at the right time. Our role is simply to trust Him to work things out as He sees fit, and surrender our own desires to those of the Lord.

Trust and surrender to God, got that. Let him do the work, got that. Keep trusting even though my mind is saying, "Easier said than done!!". Great story, and good job on both of your parts on demonstrating leadership and submission.

Ephesians 5:22-26: "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Saviour of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word..."

This principle of headship is another thing to be aware of when it comes to relationships. Men (husbands) are created to be the leader in the relationship - that is our role, our duty, given to us by God. We are the ones who are to bear the final weight of responsibility for our families, both spiritually and physically. How that works out in the details of life is between the couple and God, but Biblically the husband should be the leader, and the wife should follow.

I personally believe this applies to some extent in a relationship prior to marriage, as well. Allow me to explain, again using the example of my now-wife. I said earlier that we met online. It was on a Christian networking website - she was the first to see my profile, and then I saw hers. Now she could have taken the first step, writing to me to see whether I wanted to pursue a friendship. However, because she believes that it is the man who is to initiate at every step - that he is to lead, in effect - she didn't do anything about the potential she saw in my profile. It was I who first wrote to her, several days later.

Similarly, as you saw earlier, she could have brought up her feelings for me in conversation, essentially pushing me to state my own position and thus achieve the resolution she desired. But that would mean she would be the one leading, not me, so she didn't. She purposed to wait, even though waiting caused her such turmoil. Of course, as we know, God stepped in and resolved things.

Now I'm not saying that this is the only Biblical way to do things - the Bible is not specific, so it is a matter of interpretation and personal conscience. However, I put my own example forward as what I believe was a Godly way to go about things, for you to think about. My now-wife allowing me to initiate and lead at every step of the relationship not only honoured that Biblical principle of headship, it showed me respect and established the Biblical pattern for our marriage right from the start.

Think about it this way. If you act like the "head" of the relationship now, then it is going to be much harder for him to be the head if you get married. And even if you don't marry, it will make it harder for him to be the leader in the actual relationship that culminates in his marriage later down the line. The earlier you establish these Biblical principles in both your lives, the better, in my opinion.

The key with all of this is your relationship with the Lord. Seek Him in prayer and His Word - seek His guidance, seek His comfort, seek His peace. Surrender everything to Him - your plans, your friend, your fears, your desires. Tell the Lord (and mean it) that it's okay if you don't marry this guy, that it's okay if you don't get married for several years, that it's even okay if you don't marry at all, that you will follow Him and Him alone. Sounds easy "on paper", but I know personally that that's not an easy prayer to really pray. It may take you a while, it may take you literally forcing the words from your mouth, but if you are willing for God to do the work required in your heart, you will come to the place when you can honestly pray it.

You can also pray that God will turn this guy's heart towards you - but the important thing is to let God do it, and not to worry if it doesn't happen. God will do it in His good time, if it is His will. And if it isn't, believe me that it's better that way! Another prayer to pray is to ask the Lord to take away the feelings that cause you such conflict when they occur. Memorize some Scripture - perhaps the verses I quoted from Psalm 37 above - and recite them to yourself when those feelings come upon you. I've found that's often a good "shield" when troubling thoughts come.

You can turn some of your comments in your last post into prayers, too. Tell the Lord that you feel like you need to "start over", that you "want to get back to reality", and that you want to pursue a friendship with your friend but don't know how. God knows the details!

Regarding the wedding in a few weeks, I think the key is to be surrendered to the Lord's will, whatever it is. God's love will cast out your fear.

Thanks for the encouragement. I will keep those things in prayer, and seek God in these matters.

A final comment, if I may. You said that a Godly, Christ loving, repentant, family-oriented man is "rare". The thing is, you only need one, and God knows where they all are! :) He is more than able to bring that precious, rare jewel to you at the right time, both for the guy and for you.

That's pretty insightful. You're right, I only need one. And God knows.

You probably have questions after everything I've said - please do feel free to ask!

In Him, inhopeofglory

I don't have too many questions other than I agree with most of the things you say and I needed to hear that. Thanks a lot! Would love to hear more about your story with you and your wife when the opportunity comes! I gotta focus on the school work, memorize some scripture, pray and trust God and obey him in not worrying.
Esther1, you're welcome. I'm glad that it was useful for you.

wisdom.hiddenheart, I'm grateful that you too found my reply useful. I would like to clarify one point, though, if I may.

I agree that the desire for marriage is (usually) a God-given desire. He has built the majority of us to marry, have kids, and raise Godly families. What I meant, however, by saying that "the Lord often asks us to relinquish our desires into His hands before He acts" was that, in my experience and that of many of my friends, God often calls us to let go of even our desire to marry - to be content whatever His will is for us, even if that's not to marry - before He "gives it back to us" and sets things in motion. Sometimes that gap between our surrender and His action is days, weeks, months, even years. Sometimes it's mere moments. But we have to be content, resting in His plan for our lives. If we're still clinging to anything, whether it's marriage or a certain person or a job or anything at all - if we want it so much that we fear not having it, or we're scared to lose it - then it has become an idol and we need to let go of it if we are move ahead with what the Lord has for us.

Remember that God can and does change our hearts. My own wife, earlier in her life, came to the point where she believed that God didn't want her to marry at all, and was happy with that. Of course, we know now that God ultimately restored her previous desire to marry. Are you willing for God to do that for you - to take away this strong desire for marriage? Maybe that's His will for you, impossible as it seems at the moment. Only He knows. If you're not willing, then I would gently suggest that you still need to "relinquish your desire for marriage into His hands". :)

I remember well the night God broke my refusal to surrender to Him. I was days from leaving for the USA, during which trip I would be meeting my now-wife for the first time in person. This was the make-or-break point. During this trip, I would either receive the approval of my now-wife's parents to move forward in the relationship, or the Lord would shut the door. I was confident that God had led me every step of the way in the relationship so far, and that I was in His will, but at the same time I knew that He could still make this a learning experience rather than the actual marriage relationship I longed for, and the thought terrified me. All those months of wonderful friendship, of asking for and receiving God's leading... to have it all end now was a difficult thought for me to bear. I knew, though, that God was insistent on wanting me to pray that prayer of surrender to His will, whatever it might be. If He wanted us to move forward, then so be it. And if He didn't, so be it.

And so, after much wrestling in my heart with the Lord, I tearfully choked it out. I gave up fighting, and deliberately, willfully chose to place all my fears and desires into God's hands. And He answered. Suddenly I knew deep within that He had accepted my feeble efforts to surrender, and that crushing weight of fear lifted.

From that point I was literally a changed man. That whole trip - my Bible College friend's wedding beforehand, the few days I had relaxing before taking my flight to see my now-wife and her family, the actual time I spent with them - I was totally relaxed inside. Whatever the outcome, my life was in God's hands, and I trusted Him with the consequences.

As it turned out, my then-friend WAS the woman I would marry, a little over a year later. God had it all in hand, and my hopes and desires were indeed true to His plan for us, but the point is that before any of that could happen, the Lord wanted me to trust Him regardless. He wants you to trust Him, too.

Well, I hope that has clarified things for you, and now you know a little more of my story. As before, feel free to ask any questions you have!

In Him, inhopeofglory
Just tell the dude you like him, easy as that.
If he likes you back he'll go out with you, if not, oh well, at least you'll know & not live life forever wondering. Guys like woman who are straight up, rather than playing little hint games.
wow, you guys give some really thought out replies around here. I'm use to quick short responses, but I like. :thumb

"When I meet men like that, men who are totally awesome godly men, I look at it as God's way of showing me that good men do exist in this world and showing me good qualities. I have come to realize that the object of my interest is not the man, but the qualities he possesses and God within him."

^ this, is perfect :yes

Also, and I didn't quite read through all the replies, I've learned that if something is meant to be, then it will "fit". It will fit into your belief, will not contradict the word, and will be confirmed. The key is figuring out what you feel led to do and how to proceed. That's where the holy spirit comes in. Stay close to him, and things really do pan out. It's amazing when your trust in God begins to bare fruit without any real effort on our part. Good luck :)
Thanks for your thoughtful replies. Just an update, nothing happened in the wedding. My feelings have waned but it's definitely true I am attracted to the characteristics God has placed in Him. I am currently in his small group and am not desperate to make things go my way. I will use this time to know God's love and grow in understanding of God's passionate love for his people. With this guy, he's pouring passion into out small group and I want to let things be as I focus on my studies. I am not compelled to do anything other than pursue purity and treat him as my brother and respect him, and respect God's timing and opportunities.

Ditto ^ thanks for the thoughtful replies.
I decided to let go of this issue for a year as I seek build my foundation on Christ. I'll get back to you guys in a year if you still stay on these forums hehe. Thanks for the advice and encouragement brothers and sisters. Please keep me in prayer.


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