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  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ

    Heard of "The Gospel"? Want to know more?

    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."

Gospel + Ammo for Christians to use in debates 1


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Warning: this is quite long!!

Jesus loves humans, they are created in His Image. Our Creator became our Redeemer! The reason this was done is because all humans are sinners. A sinful person could not die for sin. We needed a perfect man, Jesus, to die for sin. The solution was for the perfect, sinless Creator to become a man so He could be our Savior! He resurrected on the 3rd day. This was possible because God, being Omnipotent, can do ANYTHING. He is NOT bound by the laws of physics that He created!
promoting the Gospel:
if your worldview contradicts the Bible, it is false. i can explain why.
There is NOTHING bad about my posts, but yet people aggressively, maliciously ABUSE the report system on me. Jesus accurately predicted that the unGodly would go after true Christians! if you report, you are proving JESUS right, and you are on the WRONG side! Please do actually DEBATE me, and not attack me out of rage and malice if nonChristian! I love you, even if you hate me or my Creator.
your belief or lack of in God is a Most important Question in your life!! so read ALL of my above post, and TRY to understand its message! Jesus our Creator LOVES us SO much! Also, it might increase your AttentionSpan. Life is so short, why not spend it wisely and see what things you can learn? PLEASE do NOT dismiss this knowledge if you BELIEVE this "isn't" important, "doesnt matter", etc. There's no good reason to ASSUME it does NOT; because It DOES matter!
Worldview means:
"The overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world.
A collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group.
One's personal view of the world and how one interprets it."

God created the universe in 6 literal days. Humans sinned and due to the sin, the creation is cursed. It used to be perfect though. But JESUS offers us hope and THE ONLY Way to Heaven!
My LOVE for you is the REASON WHY i am giving you this info!
"!! DON'T ABORT THIS THREAD !! it touches on an IMPORTANT THING in YOUR life!!
if your worldview contradicts the Bible, it is false. i can explain why.
your belief or lack of in God is one of, if not the most important Question in your life!! so read ALL of my above post, and TRY to understand its message! Jesus our Creator LOVES us SO much! Also, it might increase your AttentionSpan. Life is so short, why not spend it wisely and see what things you can learn? PLEASE do NOT dismiss this knowledge if you BELIEVE this "isn't" important, "doesnt matter", etc. There's no good reason to ASSUME it does NOT; because It DOES matter!

Strats: (use for any nonChristian)
'Jesus loves you. What does your belief/view have to offer? What has your view/belief done for you throughout life? Have you lied/cheated/stolen/hated humans/coveted/lust/adultry//<other sin>?'
'What did you believe before you believed what you believe today?'
'What convinced you to believe the beliefs you currently hold?'
'Why do you think this about Christians, Christianity, God, and or the Bible?'
Get them to realize flaws and bad effects of their beliefs. Get them to dislike their old beliefs and love Jesus.
Use their logic on them. Point out potential fallacies. Point out plausible implications of their beliefs.
According to the Bible, the number of man is 6. God made humans on day 6. Carbon is a chemical element; it has symbol C and atomic number 6. C is the 3rd letter in the english alphabet. Carbon has 3 of the 1st english letter, CAB. 3+3=6. The english word "Carbon" has 6 letters. Humans have 46 chromosones; there goes that 6 again!! The Bible is proven right so much, because it IS God's written revelation to mankind. This is one example among MANY.
Argument from Benefit: "Christianity is the most morally good and objectively beneficial faith for huamnity."
Argument from Knowledge: "The evidence wemost strongly points to Christianity, rather than anything else."
Good Fruits of Christians: Imagine making a discovery so important that a whole branch of science dates its calendar by it. That is what happened because of a Christian doctor. Joseph Lister’s discovery of antisepsis has led some to divide the history of medicine into the eras “before Lister” and “after Lister.” His work did more to save lives in the hospital than any other in history. It took nearly a generation for his discovery to become accepted. He faced strong opposition from doctors and surgeons who didn’t believe him and weren’t about to change their ways. In the end, however, because of Lister’s perseverance in teaching what he knew was right, and from the dramatic success of those who followed his procedures, his ideas finally took hold, and at his death, he was a world-wide hero.
"Why would i believe X? What benefit is there to believe X? How can we know that X is true?"
Christianity can answer these. 1. Because it offers hope, peace, love, joy. Also it is true, and there is an eternal reward for those who truly believe. 2. See 1. 3. We can know it is true because of much evidence such as eyewitness testimonies, testimonies (people commenting on living waters videos and isaiahsaldivar videos, for example.), fulfilled prophecy (euphrates drying, people being more narcisisstic over time. Increased rejection of God has a relationship to increased narcisissm.) scientific evidence (the laws of physics themselves, being so organized and not changing with time.) , archeological evidence, (tertullian, Discovered in a farmer’s field in northeastern Egypt, this inscribed monument bears the name of one of the few pharaohs actually named in the Old Testament. Hophra led an Egyptian army into Judah to help King Zedekiah resist an invasion by Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. The ploy was only temporarily successful, and true to the prophecy in Jeremiah 44:30, the pharaoh was killed by his enemies after a disastrous foray into Libya.
The stele contains 15 lines of hieroglyphics, so far untranslated. Mostafa Waziry, secretary general of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, described it as a border stele which “the king erected during his military campaigns towards the east.” This raises the intriguing possibility that it might describe Hophra’s campaign to support Zedekiah.) , and more!

"if God why bad??"
1. If NOT God, why good?
2. God has written His Laws on our hearts and we just cherry pick. You wouldnt know of good n evil if God was "fake".
3. They do this by asking on what basis is something deemed evil? If there is some moral standard the critic is basing their position on, then the problem of evil becomes an argument for not against the reality of God. After all, in order to call something good or evil, there must be an underlying standard of right and wrong. Theists argue that this standard is rooted in God and His nature. We know His moral law exists so we recognize the reality of evil and suffering. But unless there is a moral standard, we have no real basis for calling anything good or evil.
4. Freewill, God is not a Pie in the sky like athiests, etc. assume. Also, ironically, IF God jumped thru the skeptic's lil hoop, mabye that WOULD be the bad thing. So their demands on God would be self defeating. I applaud your effort to pull actual science from the mass of propaganda for Evolution you report on (at least on those rare occasions when there actually is any science in the propaganda). I also must say that I'm amazed at your capacity to continually plow through the propaganda day after day and provide cutting and amusing commentary.... I can only hope that youthful surfers will stop by your website for a fair and interesting critique of the dogma they have to imbibe in school. — a technical writer living in Jerusalem

Supply Believers
'Athiests prove the Bible right with their thoughts, actions, & words. Psalm 14:1 and Romans 1.'

'It's good to use logic & 'tripologetics' (apologetics +2) to spread the Word!
1. Explain the existing nonChristian beliefs the person has and show the person why their beliefs are false and/or lacking.
2. Explain that Christianity is better, and how it is, and show the person the Biblical interpretation of what the person believes.
3. Share the Gospel.
Swap 2 or 3 depending on circumstance. It's good to keep 1 solid.'

'Christianity is more about relating to CHRIST JESUS, less about religion.'
Christianity has always withstood scrutiny. No other faith stands up, however. This is evidence Christianity is true and other beliefs are fake.
Christianity is THE BEST faith, factually and morally. It gives logical, sufficient answers to many questions. It'ss illogical to continue to not believe it because of the MASSIVE evidence for it. Attempts to justify nonbelief tend to be fallacious and or grasping at straws.
Inform & encourage people to preach and stand on a literal Genesis and inform that the Bible is a Book of facts. Inform people to preach a literal Genesis, teach how to think (logic,reason,evidence), and preach preaching. And encourage them to remember what they are taught, because history shows that people forget good values. The Israelites kept forgetting, and the USA has forgot its traditional roots. Point out that a big challenge to the Gospel is bad worldviews, and that people's existing worldview needs to be debunked before preaching the Gospel. But inform them that there are situations where we might be limited to simply preaching the Gospel, say, if there's not enough time, the unbeliever is too quick to go, or other situations.
There is a sufficient quantity and quality of bad beliefs that Christianity and evidence can refute. This is good evidence Christianity is true, as it is the only view that can be sufficiently proven.
May I suggest asking the non Christian,.
What do you believe about God, Christianity, life, evil, saving the whales etc etc etc?
When they have explained what they believe ask.
What evidence do you have for your belief?
People like to talk about what they belief, but it is the second question that is important.
There the holes in their world view are exposed and one can show how rational the Christian world view is compared to theirs.
Warning: this is quite long!!

Jesus loves humans, they are created in His Image. Our Creator became our Redeemer! The reason this was done is because all humans are sinners. A sinful person could not die for sin. We needed a perfect man, Jesus, to die for sin. The solution was for the perfect, sinless Creator to become a man so He could be our Savior! He resurrected on the 3rd day. This was possible because God, being Omnipotent, can do ANYTHING. He is NOT bound by the laws of physics that He created!
promoting the Gospel:
if your worldview contradicts the Bible, it is false. i can explain why.
There is NOTHING bad about my posts, but yet people aggressively, maliciously ABUSE the report system on me. Jesus accurately predicted that the unGodly would go after true Christians! if you report, you are proving JESUS right, and you are on the WRONG side! Please do actually DEBATE me, and not attack me out of rage and malice if nonChristian! I love you, even if you hate me or my Creator.
your belief or lack of in God is a Most important Question in your life!! so read ALL of my above post, and TRY to understand its message! Jesus our Creator LOVES us SO much! Also, it might increase your AttentionSpan. Life is so short, why not spend it wisely and see what things you can learn? PLEASE do NOT dismiss this knowledge if you BELIEVE this "isn't" important, "doesnt matter", etc. There's no good reason to ASSUME it does NOT; because It DOES matter!
Worldview means:
"The overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world.
A collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group.
One's personal view of the world and how one interprets it."

God created the universe in 6 literal days. Humans sinned and due to the sin, the creation is cursed. It used to be perfect though. But JESUS offers us hope and THE ONLY Way to Heaven!
My LOVE for you is the REASON WHY i am giving you this info!
"!! DON'T ABORT THIS THREAD !! it touches on an IMPORTANT THING in YOUR life!!
if your worldview contradicts the Bible, it is false. i can explain why.
your belief or lack of in God is one of, if not the most important Question in your life!! so read ALL of my above post, and TRY to understand its message! Jesus our Creator LOVES us SO much! Also, it might increase your AttentionSpan. Life is so short, why not spend it wisely and see what things you can learn? PLEASE do NOT dismiss this knowledge if you BELIEVE this "isn't" important, "doesnt matter", etc. There's no good reason to ASSUME it does NOT; because It DOES matter!

Strats: (use for any nonChristian)
'Jesus loves you. What does your belief/view have to offer? What has your view/belief done for you throughout life? Have you lied/cheated/stolen/hated humans/coveted/lust/adultry//<other sin>?'
'What did you believe before you believed what you believe today?'
'What convinced you to believe the beliefs you currently hold?'
'Why do you think this about Christians, Christianity, God, and or the Bible?'
Get them to realize flaws and bad effects of their beliefs. Get them to dislike their old beliefs and love Jesus.
Use their logic on them. Point out potential fallacies. Point out plausible implications of their beliefs.
According to the Bible, the number of man is 6. God made humans on day 6. Carbon is a chemical element; it has symbol C and atomic number 6. C is the 3rd letter in the english alphabet. Carbon has 3 of the 1st english letter, CAB. 3+3=6. The english word "Carbon" has 6 letters. Humans have 46 chromosones; there goes that 6 again!! The Bible is proven right so much, because it IS God's written revelation to mankind. This is one example among MANY.
Argument from Benefit: "Christianity is the most morally good and objectively beneficial faith for huamnity."
Argument from Knowledge: "The evidence wemost strongly points to Christianity, rather than anything else."
Good Fruits of Christians: Imagine making a discovery so important that a whole branch of science dates its calendar by it. That is what happened because of a Christian doctor. Joseph Lister’s discovery of antisepsis has led some to divide the history of medicine into the eras “before Lister” and “after Lister.” His work did more to save lives in the hospital than any other in history. It took nearly a generation for his discovery to become accepted. He faced strong opposition from doctors and surgeons who didn’t believe him and weren’t about to change their ways. In the end, however, because of Lister’s perseverance in teaching what he knew was right, and from the dramatic success of those who followed his procedures, his ideas finally took hold, and at his death, he was a world-wide hero.
"Why would i believe X? What benefit is there to believe X? How can we know that X is true?"
Christianity can answer these. 1. Because it offers hope, peace, love, joy. Also it is true, and there is an eternal reward for those who truly believe. 2. See 1. 3. We can know it is true because of much evidence such as eyewitness testimonies, testimonies (people commenting on living waters videos and isaiahsaldivar videos, for example.), fulfilled prophecy (euphrates drying, people being more narcisisstic over time. Increased rejection of God has a relationship to increased narcisissm.) scientific evidence (the laws of physics themselves, being so organized and not changing with time.) , archeological evidence, (tertullian, Discovered in a farmer’s field in northeastern Egypt, this inscribed monument bears the name of one of the few pharaohs actually named in the Old Testament. Hophra led an Egyptian army into Judah to help King Zedekiah resist an invasion by Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. The ploy was only temporarily successful, and true to the prophecy in Jeremiah 44:30, the pharaoh was killed by his enemies after a disastrous foray into Libya.
The stele contains 15 lines of hieroglyphics, so far untranslated. Mostafa Waziry, secretary general of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, described it as a border stele which “the king erected during his military campaigns towards the east.” This raises the intriguing possibility that it might describe Hophra’s campaign to support Zedekiah.) , and more!

"if God why bad??"
1. If NOT God, why good?
2. God has written His Laws on our hearts and we just cherry pick. You wouldnt know of good n evil if God was "fake".
3. They do this by asking on what basis is something deemed evil? If there is some moral standard the critic is basing their position on, then the problem of evil becomes an argument for not against the reality of God. After all, in order to call something good or evil, there must be an underlying standard of right and wrong. Theists argue that this standard is rooted in God and His nature. We know His moral law exists so we recognize the reality of evil and suffering. But unless there is a moral standard, we have no real basis for calling anything good or evil.
4. Freewill, God is not a Pie in the sky like athiests, etc. assume. Also, ironically, IF God jumped thru the skeptic's lil hoop, mabye that WOULD be the bad thing. So their demands on God would be self defeating. I applaud your effort to pull actual science from the mass of propaganda for Evolution you report on (at least on those rare occasions when there actually is any science in the propaganda). I also must say that I'm amazed at your capacity to continually plow through the propaganda day after day and provide cutting and amusing commentary.... I can only hope that youthful surfers will stop by your website for a fair and interesting critique of the dogma they have to imbibe in school. — a technical writer living in Jerusalem

Supply Believers
'Athiests prove the Bible right with their thoughts, actions, & words. Psalm 14:1 and Romans 1.'

'It's good to use logic & 'tripologetics' (apologetics +2) to spread the Word!
1. Explain the existing nonChristian beliefs the person has and show the person why their beliefs are false and/or lacking.
2. Explain that Christianity is better, and how it is, and show the person the Biblical interpretation of what the person believes.
3. Share the Gospel.
Swap 2 or 3 depending on circumstance. It's good to keep 1 solid.'

'Christianity is more about relating to CHRIST JESUS, less about religion.'
Christianity has always withstood scrutiny. No other faith stands up, however. This is evidence Christianity is true and other beliefs are fake.
Christianity is THE BEST faith, factually and morally. It gives logical, sufficient answers to many questions. It'ss illogical to continue to not believe it because of the MASSIVE evidence for it. Attempts to justify nonbelief tend to be fallacious and or grasping at straws.
Inform & encourage people to preach and stand on a literal Genesis and inform that the Bible is a Book of facts. Inform people to preach a literal Genesis, teach how to think (logic,reason,evidence), and preach preaching. And encourage them to remember what they are taught, because history shows that people forget good values. The Israelites kept forgetting, and the USA has forgot its traditional roots. Point out that a big challenge to the Gospel is bad worldviews, and that people's existing worldview needs to be debunked before preaching the Gospel. But inform them that there are situations where we might be limited to simply preaching the Gospel, say, if there's not enough time, the unbeliever is too quick to go, or other situations.
There is a sufficient quantity and quality of bad beliefs that Christianity and evidence can refute. This is good evidence Christianity is true, as it is the only view that can be sufficiently proven.
It says in scripture not to engage in debates and arguments with non-believers.Maybe trie developing relationships with people around you first.
It says in scripture not to engage in debates and arguments with non-believers.Maybe trie developing relationships with people around you first.
No it says don't get involved with time wasters or the disrespectful.
Look at Paul, he spent days debating with people, but would walk away when it was clear they were wasting his time etc.


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