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hardest things I have faced being a Christian


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I want to share some of the hardest things I have faced being a Christian:

I had to go out to preach in the streets with my parents when I was younger - that made me real popular with the older kids on my block.

I had to sit next to my father in church when i was 16, yet all the young people sat next to each other.

I did a power point slide presentation on Roe vs. Wade in my class where I stated that I was pro life - only one guy was on my side.

I have to reject invitations to clubs from people that I like. Saying NO to physically attractive women.

When I was 5 - 9 yrs old I had to go to church 4 times a week to listen to some intense adult oriented preachings, on tuesdays it was prayer night we had to bend our knees and pray for 2hrs in a cold little church.

Throughout junior high my father came every day to pick me up after school with a Bible under his arm and for dessert he would give some of the teens along the way Christian literature.

God Bless all of ya

p.s. feel free to share any goodies
Hardest things I have faced as a believer:

Losing a friend of thirteen years after having my faith attacked.....

Having to find myself without answers that I wish I had when speaking with agnostic friends or acquaintances....and deal with doubts because of some good questions they asked.....

Being called a child of satan because I show compassion towards members of the Catholic faith
on a Christian board in which had members mostly consistant of Christians who are living in an area where they are being persecuted heavily by some people of the Catholic faith.....

Having to try to learn to have faith...even when I feel I know how things will turn out....especially when they do and not for the least, not so much in my eyes. For I forget sometimes, God allows things to unfold as they do for a reason....

Having to learn an ex-boyfriend of mine in highschool whom some of us had and had not witnessed to...died instantly in a hit and run....last we knew...he did NOT know Jesus. So that will haunt me the rest of my life....

Having prayed for my grandmother in my youth and watching her die slowly of cancer. Forgetting I asked God to do one of two heal her, or take her home. Forgetting for a time....that I had asked Him to do His will and if she were not to stay to take her to be with Him. many of us want to let go of a loved one?

My apologies...this likely sounds like a sob story. That is not so. These are just mere obstacles I have gone through...and perhaps still struggle with.

Nyc Christian...Thank you for posting this. Perhaps we all could learn from one another's experiences.
What a great thread!!!

I share many (and I suspect we all do) of the things already mentioned.

I've faced ridicule from family, friends, and even strangers. We as christians are constantly questioned and ridiculed about our beliefs on just about every aspect from creation to abortion issues and beyond! Most that do this are trying to make themselves feel intellectually superior. They belittle christians and they hold all christians accountable for the actions of some who claim to be christians. :screwloose

Namecalling, lots of namecalling as childish as it might be, grown people do it.

I too had to sit with my dad through my teenage years at church. :)

Trying to explain why bad things happen to good people. Trying to explain why evil people seem to prosper.

more later......I believe we can learn alot from this as well. :thumb
being called a homophobe of all things because i speak up against the gay rights, and i do tell those who call me a homophobe, why i believe what i believe.

mocked for going to church.

like ll, had to deal with hard questions still recovering from that slavery question, but the lord is real.
Coming off of drugs and alcohol, and chasing down women, like God was never going to make another one, was the hardest thing for me, being a Christian. It was so bad that I have ran into women, who asked me did I remember them, and I could not, because my one night stands were to many, I am not bragging, because I was trapped, and I could not stop, and I tried for years to stop. Thought I was going to die that way, but God stepped in. Now I don't have that desire anymore.
My biggest challenges since becoming a Christian this year...

- It has strained my relationship with my wife that is not a believer. We are working on it but it has caused friction at my house and has made for some uncomfortable situations.

- Trying to embrace the principle of unity and love while some Christians I have met and come across share more feelings of divisiveness and ridicule.

- Coming to grips with several tenants of Christianity that make me uncomfortable. I am still working on these and actively seaking answers.

That's about it for now.
Aero_Hudson said:
My biggest challenges since becoming a Christian this year...

- It has strained my relationship with my wife that is not a believer. We are working on it but it has caused friction at my house and has made for some uncomfortable situations.

- Trying to embrace the principle of unity and love while some Christians I have met and come across share more feelings of divisiveness and ridicule.

- Coming to grips with several tenants of Christianity that make me uncomfortable. I am still working on these and actively seaking answers.

That's about it for now.
why i dont often agree with your political views, i'm glad that you have come to christ, and i'm where you are, aint easy with an unbelieveing wife. i want to give more she fights that.
I think my biggest struggles in Christianity has been 1. Controlling my sex drive, which I often times fail and give in, so its always a constant let down. 2. Gossip. I catch myself gossiping and saying things sometimes I shouldnt and before I know it I feel so worldly. 3. Losing patience or focus. I lose patience or focus pretty easily. 4. Telling somebody about Jesus and helping them get saved. So I feel unprofitable and like I am just a sitting duck. I must say just off these few things, it really seems to hinder my spiritual life and these four things are going to be a huge challenge for me. I fail at these 4 things time and time again. Not to mention I lost my virginity to the girl I was supposed to marry a few years ago and it really gets to me how I just let it go. Also, how I ruined her purity for her future husband.
The hardest things I have had to deal with are:

- Denying the flesh, allowing God to do his will through me...really struggling with that right now!

- Having to tell my homosexual sister that I would not attend her "engagement party" (she "married" her "partner"). She did not speak to me for months.

-Also, I am surrounded by homosexuals on every side! My cousin, my neighbors, my friend at work, two other friends, my sister. I am probably forgeting somebody. I am not judging them! I actually had a relationship with a girl when I was in my 20's before being saved. But I'm not going to hide the fact that I believe it is sin. It's hard because I feel like by accepting them I am condoning it. My sister's partner has two kids...what am I going to do, ignore them? No, they are sweet children and I treat them like part of the family. However, I do feel like my sister thinks maybe I am not so anti-gay now, which is not the case.

- Witnessing to perfect strangers, or more accurately, failing to. God gave me a gift for evangelism and there were many times I was too terrified to use it. Now I have to wonder what will happen to all those people I didn't witness to, and also, where has the gift gone?

Other than that, I think Christian life is wonderful! Overall, I have not experienced the ridicule that others have. I also did not get saved until I was 30, so didn't have to put up with mean children.
thank for sharing this , as i have a freind who has a lesbian daughter and has told me some of the same things, i have hidden my foray into bisexuality from my parents and grandparents. i feel that i must use wisdom when discussing that with anyone.

it is hard for me not tell others about when they are talking about it that is ok to be gay or not when i'm the uniform of soldier, as "coming out" would shorten my career.

i support the dont ask dont tell, but if it was lifted the oppurtunity to witness would be there. as i have been asked how did you stop desiring men by a friend already. i told him it was through the power of the holy may "choice" to act on both desires of the sexes(man or woman) according to some, but the male to male atraction didnt go away when i said no to it. the lord told me to stop being with a man and i did, and he healed of those desires , even thought seems to think otherwise at times. but i have power in that i dont have to act or listen to the devil anymore.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I want to encourage you to instead of talking about how hard it is to be a Christian to remember

Philippians 4:8,9 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. 9 The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.

Remember any suffering you are going through is nothing compared to the spiritual knowledge you gain from the experience. He will turn your mourning into joy! Quit complaining to anybody that will listen, you will never reach your full potential if you are negative. Don’t let Satan steal your joy! Keep getting back up. Pray for a persevering attitude. Even secular medical science tells us a right attitude will have an impact. You say you can’t, God says He will. I’m sure one of Satan’s favorite tools is a negative, complaining Christian.

If you are like I am, you think you’re not one of these Christians, as a matter of fact I always considered myself to be a very positive person, but one time I decided to listen to myself for a day to see how many negative things came out of my mouth, I was amazed! I discovered I would say something negative to start a conversation, I would say, “man it’s miserably hot, I can’t wait until winterâ€, or man it is miserably cold, I can’t wait until summerâ€.

Fight the good fight of faith!

I Timothy 2:12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

I Corinthians 9:26-27 Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. 27No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

We need to realize this is WAR! We have an enemy, and his weapon is influence. If he can get the Christian to have a bad attitude, he has won that battle. Get up! fight, refuse to give into the negativity. Let's start talking about the good things God has brought to you, and think about where you would be if it were not for God.

I am sorry you feel like you were mistreated NYC Christian, and I am not trying to negate your feelings, BUT, I suspect your fathers life was not an easy one, and he knows from first hand experience the power of Christ to heal hurts.

Think about your fathers life before Christ and what kind of life you, personally would have had if your father was still living in his sin. I am sure there are people on this forum that will tell you their one and only wish as a child would have been a father to sit with at church.

Love, Kelli
of course it is war, some here may be casualities like the ones in darfur. though isnt a bad thing as the reward is worth it.
Thanks Kelli. I do agree, however, that listing our struggles may help each other realize that we aren't alone. Perhaps we can find solutions to make these struggles easier?

The hardest thing I have faced being a Christian has been slipping: malicious thoughts, gossip, lust, disobedience. When these things happen I feel guilt in my heart.

Not interacting with my unsaved/gay friends.

Going to church for 19 yrs straight and not understanding the Lord fully until after a 7 year "break." Wish I was saved earlier...

Covering up my body completely-after living in a warm beach town for so long.

Finding a suitable partner (it was so much easier when being Christian didn't come first)

Correcting people and standing up for my faith without looking "obsessed" or being made fun of.

Dealing with judgmental, condescending, overzealous Christians at times.

Knowing that I will have to submit fully to a man one day (after God of course).

Realizing that some of my loved ones aren't saved yet.

Kelli said:
My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I want to encourage you to instead of talking about how hard it is to be a Christian to remember

Philippians 4:8,9 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. 9 The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.

Remember any suffering you are going through is nothing compared to the spiritual knowledge you gain from the experience. He will turn your mourning into joy! Quit complaining to anybody that will listen, you will never reach your full potential if you are negative. Don’t let Satan steal your joy! Keep getting back up. Pray for a persevering attitude. Even secular medical science tells us a right attitude will have an impact. You say you can’t, God says He will. I’m sure one of Satan’s favorite tools is a negative, complaining Christian.

If you are like I am, you think you’re not one of these Christians, as a matter of fact I always considered myself to be a very positive person, but one time I decided to listen to myself for a day to see how many negative things came out of my mouth, I was amazed! I discovered I would say something negative to start a conversation, I would say, “man it’s miserably hot, I can’t wait until winterâ€, or man it is miserably cold, I can’t wait until summerâ€.

Fight the good fight of faith!

I Timothy 2:12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

I Corinthians 9:26-27 Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. 27No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

We need to realize this is WAR! We have an enemy, and his weapon is influence. If he can get the Christian to have a bad attitude, he has won that battle. Get up! fight, refuse to give into the negativity. Let's start talking about the good things God has brought to you, and think about where you would be if it were not for God.

I am sorry you feel like you were mistreated NYC Christian, and I am not trying to negate your feelings, BUT, I suspect your fathers life was not an easy one, and he knows from first hand experience the power of Christ to heal hurts.

Think about your fathers life before Christ and what kind of life you, personally would have had if your father was still living in his sin. I am sure there are people on this forum that will tell you their one and only wish as a child would have been a father to sit with at church.

Love, Kelli


I do not think this thread was meant for complaining rather that it was meant for sharing so that way when we see ourselves going through trials we would more easily remember we are not alone. Perhaps even to learn from one another.

I think this is very brave of you to share as well. I praise God that you were delivered. He is so faithful! I have another Christian friend who was delivered of same sex activities/attraction. Just like you, he was obedient first, and then God healed the desires. I still sometimes look at women, but it is just a natural fleshy thing and I have no desire to act on it. God really healed me of lust on both sides of the aisle.
faithtransforms said:

I think this is very brave of you to share as well. I praise God that you were delivered. He is so faithful! I have another Christian friend who was delivered of same sex activities/attraction. Just like you, he was obedient first, and then God healed the desires. I still sometimes look at women, but it is just a natural fleshy thing and I have no desire to act on it. God really healed me of lust on both sides of the aisle.
so you were a bisexual, with the atraction to women. i always resisted those thought till that one day i gave in, and had that short male relationship which the lord intervened and got me out. i had thoughts yrs before that.

i think that longer one is in that sin, the longer the healing time from it. it is a core problem in the heart that needs to be healed. just like pornography. they are both as destructive as we that have been defiled by them need to be healed by the Word, so that we are able function normally in a relationship.

i have been sharing here a while, look up my posts though you will notice that name of the sin was called homosexaultiy in my earlier posts, as i was recently corrected on what the orientation had.
lol some that dont know would assume that you are homophobic, if i get called that i know that others will call all those that are freed from that sin and calling others to repent and be saved homophobic as well.

I think these posts are a good idea, its not to complain. I myself put it up in a comical way to let others know that I did go through some tough and embarrasing moments, but I dont mind because I love God.

I have a good relationship with my whole family - my parents have been married for over 35yrs.

As for being a Christian I think it would be wrong to portray it as Joel Osteen and other Christians do. It's not all rainbows and butterflies, its not cake - I think feeding people a Christianity with both sides of the coin is more honest. I love Christ, but its not easy to serve him. Eventhough I am happy with my life I cant fade out reality neither. I do agree that we need to remain positive :wave

Back to the posts:

I recently decided to leave my current job because I found out that what I do somehow facilitates procedures that go against my moral standards. I have been praying for this quite a while.

I had to see how my friends from church started leaving one by one as soon as they found a wordly gf, at one point I was the only 20yr old male in my church.

I was disrespected by the youth leader in my present church all because I wanted to do a big project, he felt it would make him look bad because he doesnt even do much for the youth therefore he took all my research and passed it as his own.

The prettiest girls I have met have all been wordly therefore when I feel tempted I do what is most difficult, I witness to them. Maybe they may convert and make another guy who felt that same way I did a good match. Because all we have to do is plant that seed; God does the rest.


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