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Hello! :wave
Ok, so I'm here to learn a bit more about Christianity because I like to learn and to know things and because part of my Dad's family is Christian.

I am 19 years old and live in Europe. I'm Jewish but not very religious eventhough I light the candles on Friday nights, do the blessings, learn Hebrew and read the Torah. I also try to respect the Shabbat even if it's very hard as I live in the Diaspora.
Oh and I am gay too but do certainly not think it is a sin even as a Reform Jew so please do not try to convince me otherwisebut hey, if you do not think like me, it's your choice. I'd be happy though to share my Torah based point of view with you if you ask me.
And please don't go think I'm a horrible kid living in sin, I am a likeable kid, I help my parents at home, do the groceries and cook for my grandma, give the Tsedakah (charity) and love my family as much as they love me.

so yeah, as I have already said earlier, I'm here to learn a bit more about your religion.
Welcome! :wave

I'd very much like to hear your view of the Torah, and other parts of the Bible.
Welcome oy-vey in the name of Jesus to CF Ministries. I hope in Christ you enjoy your stay here, and I am also interested in the Torah, and wonder if the views on homosexuality are the same as in the Bible. [truthfully not being a smarty pants] Like you, a good opportunity to learn. Does the Torah have the 10 commandments, plus the two highest the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul and mind, and to love each other as HE has loved us. Does the Torah, and the Bible share any simular scriptures? Does it talk about the last days, like Revelation does in the Bible? Gosh I got so many questions, and I think it's great your here with us at CF.

Have you ever been to the Wailing Wall? OK, enough with the questions....sorry! I am excited that someone is here to answer my questions about the Torah. I've really want to know of the differences, and traditions. Like I've always wondered why the Jewish men have the curls on both sides of their head, and what it represents in their faith. OK some of you may think my questions are....well... stupid, but the only stupid question to me is the one not asked. Like what is the little box [what's it called?] on their foreheads represence as they pray. Why do they rock at the wailing wall as they pray, is it symbolic? Denominations are so confusing to me, I've just always looked at myself as a Child of God.

So oy-vey I hope in Christ your 19 year old self can teach this old 56 year old women something she's been wondering about. I do have my husband and my name in the wailing wall put there by a friend of mine friend who lives there. She sent me a piece of gravel from the wailing wall, and an olive leaf from there that I cherish...she also sent me a mini microTorah, but it's so small I can't read it, but never the less I appreciate her kind heart to send it to me. I have a little bottle of water from the River Jordan where Christ was baptized. And what's weird is that trhough the years of me having it is that there's a bright red setiment settling on the bottom that gets deeper each year. I have a stone from the wilderness, and a stone from Gethsemane where Christ prayed.

So I hope in Christ we can learn from each other.....
Thank you all for your warm welcoming messages :)

Carol Lowery said:
Welcome oy-vey in the name of Jesus to CF Ministries. I hope in Christ you enjoy your stay here, and I am also interested in the Torah, and wonder if the views on homosexuality are the same as in the Bible. [truthfully not being a smarty pants] Like you, a good opportunity to learn. Does the Torah have the 10 commandments, plus the two highest the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul and mind, and to love each other as HE has loved us. Does the Torah, and the Bible share any simular scriptures? Does it talk about the last days, like Revelation does in the Bible? Gosh I got so many questions, and I think it's great your here with us at CF.

Have you ever been to the Wailing Wall? OK, enough with the questions....sorry! I am excited that someone is here to answer my questions about the Torah. I've really want to know of the differences, and traditions. Like I've always wondered why the Jewish men have the curls on both sides of their head, and what it represents in their faith. OK some of you may think my questions are....well... stupid, but the only stupid question to me is the one not asked. Like what is the little box [what's it called?] on their foreheads represence as they pray. Why do they rock at the wailing wall as they pray, is it symbolic? Denominations are so confusing to me, I've just always looked at myself as a Child of God.

So oy-vey I hope in Christ your 19 year old self can teach this old 56 year old women something she's been wondering about. I do have my husband and my name in the wailing wall put there by a friend of mine friend who lives there. She sent me a piece of gravel from the wailing wall, and an olive leaf from there that I cherish...she also sent me a mini microTorah, but it's so small I can't read it, but never the less I appreciate her kind heart to send it to me. I have a little bottle of water from the River Jordan where Christ was baptized. And what's weird is that trhough the years of me having it is that there's a bright red setiment settling on the bottom that gets deeper each year. I have a stone from the wilderness, and a stone from Gethsemane where Christ prayed.

So I hope in Christ we can learn from each other.....

Hey Carol,

Well, basically, the Torah is the old Testament ascaromurp previously said but the thing is, Jews have another way of thinking, there's that whole jewish philosophy thing. And there are exactly 613 commandmants all pointed out in the Talmud. And wow that's a lot of questions in one go :biggrin but I'll try to reply to most of them and if I forget something or if you have another question , you can go on, it's a pretty good website I have myself consulted more than once.
So back to the Jewish way of thinking. We say you can find everything and it's opposite in the Torah, it might seem a little weird to you, but it's true :biggrin So when it comes to homosexuality for example, when you read the Torah in Hebrew you can read it in multiple ways, I mean, you can understand it in multiple way and rabbis will always tell you to search all the meaning and not just stay to the facts. So when you read Berechit (the Genesis), you can read that Eve was created from Adam's rib or from one of his side. If you read it in this way, you get that every human being is symbolically one half and only gets entire when married to another half and no matter the sex of the opposite half. Now, I'am not saying it is how every Jew think, but it is one of the ways you can read it.
And also Leviticus 18:22 "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination" is often used to prove the Law against homosexuality but many say that that verse is only refering to, pardon my language, anal sex.
And I also know a lesbian rabbi and know that there are many gay rabbis around the world even in Israel. Now, many Jews do not recognise the lattest and I'm not saying I'm holding the truth here.

I have never been to Israel (yet!!) but I am planning to go there (and therefore to the Kotel- Wailing Wall) in April and May and do some voluntery work to there. And if you are interested in putting your prayers at the Kotel, I know of a very good service that will do it for you, no matter your faith orlocation, for free just click on the following link for more information: you can follow them on twitter, their very reliable and provide a wonderful service :)
As for the side curls, the Torah says, "You shall not round off the peyos of your head" (Leviticus 19:27). The word peyos refers to sideburns -- i.e. the hair in front of the ears that extends to underneath the cheekbone which is level with the nose (Talmud - Makkot 20a). The Talmud explains that this law only applies to men, not to women. They're a sign of piety to G-d.
The tefilin (little black leather boxes) contain Bible verses. they're worn during prayer because they're one of the Mitzvot (commandmants). G-d commanded Jews to wear Tefillin: "And you shall bind them for a sign upon your hand, and they shall be an ornament for your head between your eyes." (Deuteronomy, 6:4-8)

So yeah, that's it, don't hesitate to ask your questions, I'll be glad to answer you if I can and otherwise, I can seek a rabbi's help or send you a link to a better explaination. there are a few good websites about Judaism such as: (where you can ask a rabbi online in live!), (i think that's it),

I hope my reply answered your questions,

ov-vey i'm jewish by ancentry but i was never raised in the temple, my dad was, and never cared for it. my grandma still attends.
Welcome to the forum
Even though you are jewish, you're still accepting the Christmas presents I have for you :biggrin
ah, hannakah, i got the gifts but never light the menora, shame though i wanted to do that one. but maybe i will celebrate that with the messianic jews.
jasoncran said:
ov-vey i'm jewish by ancentry but i was never raised in the temple, my dad was, and never cared for it. my grandma still attends.
My dad is a goy.
My mother's Jewish (you're Jewish by the mother) but noone in my family is religious, they do not practise. I chose another path because I really felt it was the right one, I respect my parents for what they think as they do for me. They do not participate when I do the blessings and all, and we don't go to the Synagog. I wasn't raised religiously, I just kinda got the fiberrecently and it has become a very important part of my life.
according the traditonal orthodoxy yes, that is correct, but then unorthodox aslo accept both.i'm, a mut in truth. i carry the hebrew/other culture mix last name. as my dad's lineage comes from savannah georgia(his father and mother) but their parents are russian jew and german jew i think.
Thanks oy-vey for answering my questions....though some of them may have been out of my ignorance to different cultures/religions/denominations. So many thanks to the sharing of your wisdom with me. Never to old to learn. And the thing that really amazes me is that the Torah is the Old cool! And it brings things together for me in my other wonderings. Thanks to Caroline, and you on that......very interesting indeed.

I appreciate oy-vey the links for my future questions....I wont appear so ignorant! :biggrin But you were very thorough, and your efforts are greatly appreciated from this old bird. :thumb I'm really glad you're here, and I find it a new window of opportunity to explore. I just hope in Christ that I have the same opportunity to share some wisdom with you in the future as well.

God Bless.........
I am glad I could help you :) don't worry 'bout sounding "ignorant", the ignorants are those who don't want to learn and don't ask in my opinion ;) ! And don't worry, I mysself don't know half the things there are to know about Judaism, and it's my own culture/religion! It takes more than a lifetime to know everything there is to know about it, that is why Rabbis never stop studying!

However I have to make a correction. I checked an Old Testament we have here at home. There are more books in the Old Testament; there are only the first 5 books in the Torah.
BTW oy-vey, I just love your personal statement signature down there....the irony of that truth is laughable...especailly with the nature of mankind. I have had the same analysis. Save the whales while thousand of children die daily from starvation. Or make all this effort to save a seal, but what about the air we breathe....we have sources for clean air, clean living, clean solar energy for this entire planet.....but lets just keep polluting the water/air/land. When will this planet make a joint effort to save mankind from ourselves? We're so busy trying to save everything, but what is most important. Go figure huh?

Like today, I went to Wal-Mart to get our little grand daughter a childs gold/diamond cross necklace and ear-rings on sale for church. I stood at the jewelry counter for about 45 minutes waiting for someone to help me. If it was self serve, then no problem. I saw several people wanting to purchase expensive jewelry...and no help to serve the customers. One lady had waited for over an hour. Finally I asked for the third time for someone to help me, and if it was a problem to serve me, I can go to problem, it's just down the road a mile.

I was informed they were on lunch....over an hour? And wouldn't you think it would serve them better to have a replacement in the jewelry department while another is on lunch? Instead it served them better to have no one behind the counter to save that employee fill-in hour at lunch, and loose hundreds of dollars in that lunch hour by having no one behind the counter. Yeah save $8.00 for that hour and lost hundreds in the process. About a half an hour later, I came by after I got my stuff from there and they had to have 3 employees behind the jewelry counter to handle all the people wanting to buy the jewelry on sale.

Go figure!


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