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Imminent Destruction of the United States


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I understand this is a new idea but consider it carefully as it is the message of God which I am supposed to speak to the people.

Trump's new policy "Make America Great Again" is the beginning of the message that this nation should turn inward and thereby reduce and stop many of our activities in the rest of the world. This is the fulfillment of this passage in scripture:

Ah, you destroyer, who yourself have not been destroyed, you traitor, whom none has betrayed! When you have ceased to destroy, you will be destroyed; and when you have finished betraying, they will betray you. ~Isaiah 33:1

Our imminent destruction is at hand. I reveal to you that we are the 7th Babylon according to the word in Revelations:

they are also seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come, and when he does come he must remain only a little while. ~Revelation 17:10

And we only have about 250 years of history and are certainly young in comparison to the other nations of the world. We will not remain much longer either. For New York City is the prostitute which is to be destroyed according to Revelations:

And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the prostitute. They will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire ~Revelation 17:16

And so the North country as described in Daniel is this beast with ten horns and it is about to be formed.

I wrote this all and revealed this in scripture and by historical fact through a small book which I wrote. It is the word of God which I am to speak to the people so that you may be warned and may take warning and do what God requires of you. The book is free. When you have time to read it, please take the time.

(Edited until 25 post count is attained)
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hi. david wilkerson wrote about America as the new babylon, I think starting in the 50s or so. kind of...frightening, as an american, to think of it that way...
hi. david wilkerson wrote about America as the new babylon, I think starting in the 50s or so. kind of...frightening, as an american, to think of it that way...
The key difference here is that we are not the 8th Babylon which is the beast, the North country in Daniel. We are the 7th Babylon, the last of the prostitute, where the rest of the world will destroy it in order to establish the beast, a globalist nation and agenda. That is why the beast has no city because the prostitute is the city that ruled mankind. But after the prostitute is destroyed there will be no city that this globalist regime rules from.
The key difference here is that we are not the 8th Babylon which is the beast, the North country in Daniel. We are the 7th Babylon, the last of the prostitute, where the rest of the world will destroy it in order to establish the beast, a globalist nation and agenda. That is why the beast has no city because the prostitute is the city that ruled mankind. But after the prostitute is destroyed there will be no city that this globalist regime rules from.
You are going to need to draw us a roadmap of how you came to these conclusions using scriptures.
I'm lost without it (as I'm sure everyone else is)...and gratuitous assertions by someone we don't know have as much standing as a homeless wacko on the sidewalk shouting.
You are going to need to draw us a roadmap of how you came to these conclusions using scriptures.
I'm lost without it (as I'm sure everyone else is)...and gratuitous assertions by someone we don't know have as much standing as a homeless wacko on the sidewalk shouting.
Just read my book. It's free and it's in the bottom link of the original post. It goes through everything in scripture AND history, proving that these things are the case.
Just read my book. It's free and it's in the bottom link of the original post. It goes through everything in scripture AND history, proving that these things are the case.
You are not allowed links yet...not high enough post count.

But in the meantime we, the long standing members of this community, would like to discuss all these assertions you have made so we can understand them.

Take a deep breath and relax. Start at the beginning and then one point at a time begin to explain and prove your points. Then we are much less likely to dismiss everything as easily as you have said them.

I can claim the moon is made of green cheese...but no one will believe me unless I have something to back it up with. Same thing with your 4011 assertions claiming we are headed for imminant destruction.
Our imminent destruction is at hand. I reveal to you that we are the 7th Babylon according to the word in Revelations:

they are also seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come, and when he does come he must remain only a little while. ~Revelation 17:10
The woman is Babylon.
The beast she rides has 7 heads.
You are conflating the two.
But then, it is an apocalyptic vision so it's really hard to tell what it really means.

Interesting that the 9/11 attacks took out the "World Trade Center."
Rev 18:3
For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.
Rev 18:11-13
And the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her, for no one buys their merchandise anymore: merchandise of gold and silver, precious stones and pearls, fine linen and purple, silk and scarlet, every kind of citron wood, every kind of object of ivory, every kind of object of most precious wood, bronze, iron, and marble; and cinnamon and incense, fragrant oil and frankincense, wine and oil, fine flour and wheat, cattle and sheep, horses and chariots, and bodies and souls of men.
(Edited and removed until 25 post count is attained)

This is the link to the book. This book is free and explains everything you need to know.
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Someone has a different view and a few more facts and scriptures to back up his claim. Something other than a self published book.
And we only have about 250 years of history and are certainly young in comparison to the other nations of the world. We will not remain much longer either. For New York City is the prostitute which is to be destroyed according to Revelations:

Now in every instance of scriptures of Old and New Testament Israel is described as a prostitute. Hosea is a book dedicated to this premise.
Now you wish for us to believe that now it's New York City?

That's a huge leap of faith to make with nothing but a gratuitous assertion to back it up.
I'll make the post again when I get to 25 posts.

Israel is the virgin. She is the antipodal symbol of the prostitute. I explain this in my book.
I'll make the post again when I get to 25 posts.

Israel is the virgin. She is the antipodal symbol of the prostitute. I explain this in my book.
That's not really going to work.

Like I said before...
Explain here...
Start slowly and carefully as to how the Jews are not the prostitute?

(This forum is not about promoting books but is ALL ABOUT DISCUSSION)
I dont see the bible mentioning America .we didn't displace three horn and start off by blaspheme.while not perfect we tried to enshrine some biblical principles.a theocracy outside of God's plans has never worked
This is taken from John Daniel's book "The Grand Design Exposed"

In Scripture, Rev.13:1-18, two world powers are described. The first, which received worship and ruled brutally for over a thousand years, but then lost her temporal power to Protestantism, is fittingly named in Scripture, the “Beast”. It is the world’s greatest hidden Occult influence of Rome.

The second power described as the “Image” to the beast, is the U.S.A. As a daughter is the splitting image of her mother (harlot), so the U.S.A. was quietly founded in the ‘Image’
of Rome and its Occultism by Jesuits and Freemasons. The long range purpose was a ‘grand design’ to once again bring the world under the control and tyranny of the Occult Sun system of Rome, through what we know today as the NEW WORLD ORDER.

Revelation 13:15 - And he (USA) had power (Influence Legislation) to give life (Establish former persecution) unto the image to the beast, (USA Church and State) that the image to the beast (Protestant USA Church and State) should both speak, (Legislation) and cause that as many as would not worship the image (Protestant church and state system with enforced worship in America) should be killed. This predicts a dramatic change in America. Persecution of God’s people for refusing to go along with forced laws of worship. Revelation 17 unites with 10 kings to make war on Gods chosen people.

Revelation 13:16 - And he (USA Church and State power) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark (mark of Beast, or mark of Rome’s power in their right hand, or foreheads: (Note: God also puts a seal in His people's forehead but its not visible, Revelation 14:1).

Revelation 13:17 - And that no man might buy or sell, (USA boycott all refusing to worship the national and world church and state system) save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name being 666.

Revelation 13:18 - Here is wisdom, let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: (Rome's Power) for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred threescore and six: 666.

So let’s consider again, as the angel of God says unto John, “And there are seven kings (or kingdoms); five are fallen, and “one is”, and the other is not yet come; (even today, it still has not yet come) and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.” (a literal 42 months or 1260 literal days) “And the beast “that was”, and “is not”, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.” (Revelation 17:10&11)

I will also add 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 as every nation will come under the dictaorship when the son of perdition takes his seat on the very ground where once housed the Temple of God who indwelled it, but no longer dwells in Temples made by hand, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12; Acts 7:48, 49; 17:24.
Now in every instance of scriptures of Old and New Testament Israel is described as a prostitute. Hosea is a book dedicated to this premise.
Now you wish for us to believe that now it's New York City?

That's a huge leap of faith to make with nothing but a gratuitous assertion to back it up.

I hear they even make salsa in NYC!!?!
I dont see the bible mentioning America .we didn't displace three horn and start off by blaspheme.while not perfect we tried to enshrine some biblical principles.a theocracy outside of God's plans has never worked

Well, they did wear 3 corner hats back in King George's day, and we displaced him; so that counts, right?

Kevin, you could have an interesting conversation about one of your points at a time with some mature and discerning Christians here. But we're not likely to swallow your book whole
Well, they did wear 3 corner hats back in King George's day, and we displaced him; so that counts, right?

Kevin, you could have an interesting conversation about one of your points at a time with some mature and discerning Christians here. But we're not likely to swallow your book whole
Three corner hats ,another thread
Everyone, the 7th Babylon is NOT the beast and has nothing to do with the beast. The desctruction of the 7th Babylon escorts in the coming of the beast which is the 8th Babylon. Please understand the difference. The 8th Babylon is the beast and has no city because it is a globalist power made up of 10 different nations. This 8th beast has NOTHING to do with the 7th Babylon other than its destruction. This is the plain understanding of Revelations. Please read it plainly and you will see this to be the case.

The 7th Babylon and the 8th Babylon have nothing to do with the seals in heaven. These are end times events which are separated from the seven seals. The seven seals begins the time of tribulation and the first seal has not been broken yet.
Everyone, the 7th Babylon is NOT the beast and has nothing to do with the beast. The desctruction of the 7th Babylon escorts in the coming of the beast which is the 8th Babylon. Please understand the difference. The 8th Babylon is the beast and has no city because it is a globalist power made up of 10 different nations. This 8th beast has NOTHING to do with the 7th Babylon other than its destruction. This is the plain understanding of Revelations. Please read it plainly and you will see this to be the case.

The 7th Babylon and the 8th Babylon have nothing to do with the seals in heaven. These are end times events which are separated from the seven seals. The seven seals begins the time of tribulation and the first seal has not been broken yet.
every time i see man tell exactly who what and when and where in the end times.. i run the other direction :oops:mouthdrop


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