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Judgment seat of Christ


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It is often referred to by Preachers/teachers as the Bema Seat, as I understand it. And my understanding of that is the Bema Seat was where the Greek Athletes received their Awards at the Olympics. As I see it this will be where we receive our Crowns. And I see these Crowns as metaphor for acknowledgement for our good deeds done in the name of the Christ. Just my thoughts.
We will give an account (stored in the subconscious which I believe we'll carry forward to judgment) of "everything" we've EVER done. Every single thought we've ever had, every word spoken, every action and interaction taken will be examined. Consider it like a scan of hard drive data. I wouldn't expect it to take very long in the LIGHT of the Spirit.

In that account will be found both good and evil, beyond any doubt. We sometimes don't realize here on earth how many "self defense" mechanism's are cloaked in our minds in order to function and perform in this world. But all of that will be gone. Everything exposed, opened and laid bare before Christ.

What is worthy to remain, will remain. What isn't will be torched. Cleansed if you prefer. Essentially we will be "OPENED." And there will be no fear involved. I'd consider it more as a washing process, where we will experience very real Forgiveness and Love, not like we "think" we have here on earth. It will be a direct encounter with God in Christ, The Spirit of the Living God without any barriers, without any secrets, without any "holding back" anything.

From there, reuniting, celebration, new garb, new language. And on, into our "place" in the Heavenly City, the Gemstone of souls/spirits in New Jerusalem. It is not built of sticks and bricks, but of our souls and spirits joined, in which God and His Christ will Be and Move, A Living Presence.

It will get progressively more interesting from there.

Citings available upon request.
It is often referred to by Preachers/teachers as the Bema Seat, as I understand it. And my understanding of that is the Bema Seat was where the Greek Athletes received their Awards at the Olympics. As I see it this will be where we receive our Crowns. And I see these Crowns as metaphor for acknowledgement for our good deeds done in the name of the Christ. Just my thoughts.
Good thoughts my friend. Great that you quote "Bema Seat"

Are we not also judged on deeds that are of the flesh, do not glorify Christ. Things done for purely selfish motives or things not done that could glorify Christ but we were embarrassed or fearful?
Good thoughts my friend. Great that you quote "Bema Seat"

Are we not also judged on deeds that are of the flesh, do not glorify Christ. Things done for purely selfish motives or things not done that could glorify Christ but we were embarrassed or fearful?
It would depend, a great depend on whether or not we repent of such actions or not before we pass from this life onto the next, I believe. I do not have any citations for this but rather it is a principal I got from my studies of the Christian Bible as One Book.
We sometimes don't realize here on earth how many "self defense" mechanism's are cloaked in our minds in order to function and perform in this world. But all of that will be gone. Everything exposed, opened and laid bare before Christ.

I agree, so when it's laid bare what happens next?

As th1b states, its the Bema Seat, a place where atheletes would receive awards. So there would have been someone handing out those awards/prize.

That being the case my assumption is that different awards are presented/awarded. Modern day olympics and olympinans on the bema seat wil receive Gold, Silver or Bronze medal.

So rewards will be given accordingly before Jesus?
It would depend, a great depend on whether or not we repent of such actions or not before we pass from this life onto the next, I believe. I do not have any citations for this but rather it is a principal I got from my studies of the Christian Bible as One Book.
So if we don't repent then what?
Is that what will be judged? If so then what?
I agree, so when it's laid bare what happens next?

As th1b states, its the Bema Seat, a place where atheletes would receive awards. So there would have been someone handing out those awards/prize.

That being the case my assumption is that different awards are presented/awarded. Modern day olympics and olympinans on the bema seat wil receive Gold, Silver or Bronze medal.

So rewards will be given accordingly before Jesus?

The "rewards" are what we are in our final state. It's not like something separate from what we will be, but part of our "being."
So if we don't repent then what?
Is that what will be judged? If so then what?
As I studied I concluded that in Heaven and in Hell, there will be levels just as there already are. There is God, the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit just as there are different levels or status standing among the Angels. And God being the God of Justice, could it possibly be different for the one's called to His service? I think not.
The "rewards" are what we are in our final state. It's not like something separate from what we will be, but part of our "being."
Ok so are you saying my reward will be my final state and not a bronze medal as opposed to gold medal, or a nice big mansion as opposed to a garden shed at the end of someone else's garden?

Not being obtuse but what would be my final state?
Ok so are you saying my reward will be my final state and not a bronze medal as opposed to gold medal, or a nice big mansion as opposed to a garden shed at the end of someone else's garden?

Not being obtuse but what would be my final state?

1 John 3:2

Where we observe the term "mansion" it is maybe a good thing to understand that "man" in our current state, in the language of the Spirit, is A HOUSE. Luke 11:24.

So, upgrade to mansion, according to 1 John 3:2. I'd suggest it's more substantial than we are presently able to comprehend, but not anything resembling 4 walls and a roof on a mansion scale. Sorry to disappoint anyone looking for a physical dwelling like a house on earth, only bigger. Where we are now, in Spiritual language is a house. (one of many other association terms for where man is now.)

As the "mansion" we are still we, like we are currently, "a house."

"We" are the mansion.
Dear Brother Wrg1405,
The judgment seat of Christ is in operation today as Jesus walks among the candlesticks (Rev 2:1) and has His angel record what appears of the church through Revelation Chapters Two & Three. Some are told to repent and others to remain faithful unto death for instance in Rev 2:10.

Rom 14:10 But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.

2 Co 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment (Bema) seat of Christ (this is not the great white throne judgment); that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

Will we appear before some later chastening or other reprehend for the things done in our spiritual walk? NO! Rev 22:12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me , to give every man according as his work shall be.

1 Pet 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God . .

There is promised reward also such as with Philadelphia in Rev 3:10. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

Now compare that with the church of Thyatira in Rev 2:22. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.
There are levels of punishment in Hell, would the God that is Just not also have a rsanking or level of rewards?
I agree, but could this lead to a works based salvation?
I think it can and I think it's been a prevalent teaching in today's church.

Salvation is by faith alone, that faith should result in works based on the work of the Holy Spirit who manifests nis fruit in us.

So if our mindset is works to please God then basically we are stuffed.

But I think many a beleiver has a concept of "I must please God by my works" rather than I love Jesus and just want to be like him and that being the case that is what matters and if do not he understands and will help us.

When we focus on works then we have lost our focus on Jesus. When we lose our focus on Jesus then we have problems.
There is promised reward also such as with Philadelphia in Rev 3:10. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

I love this letter to Philadelphia. It gives me great comfort and shows the compassion and love of our Father.



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