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Learning from other religions


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It isn't a matter of either being religious or having a relationship with Jesus, it's a matter of either being religious without Jesus or being religious and having a relationship with him.

Of course.

Of course but that is not what you have said. What you have said is: "Religion is worthless"; "Religion completely takes God out of the equation"; "True Christianity is not a religion". So who is right, you or God?
At that time Jesus said, "I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants. Matthew 11:25 NASB

No need to go any further.
At that time Jesus said, "I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants. Matthew 11:25 NASB

No need to go any further.
You're dodging my question and the first point I made. Please address my post.
False religions are all demonic.

But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. 1 Corinthians 10:20​

They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not Deuteronomy 32:17​

We also know that satan is the master of confusion which masquerades as an angel of light. We see in the old and new testament satan twisting what God spoke. Here are two examples of satan distorting God's truths.

Now the serpent was more subtil (note this: satan is subtil) than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Genesis 3:1 (satan said every; God commanded only one)​

And [satan] saith unto [Jesus] him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. Matthew 4:6​

Scripture says we must become less and less, while Jesus (God the Son) must increase. With evolution we see God becoming less and less (people want religion pushed out of everything, and the mere mention of God is called pushing stuff down their throat), while man becomes more and more (man says what is moral, and becomes God [transhumanism]). This is also the general deception of Genesis 3 which echoes through false religions. The genesis 3 decption: satan said "Ye shall not surely die, for God knows that in the day ye eat thereof, your eyes will be opened, ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil" let's reiterate - ye shall not surely die (with no God in evolution, then sinning is ok and you won't die). Your eyes will be opened (Enlightenment: a lot of atheists act like believing in a 'magic sky daddy/imaginary friend' is just a weak-minded coping mechanism. I.e. Athiests have open eyes, and Christians are dumb) Ye shall be as gods (evolution to transhumanism/singularity), knowing good and evil (today, relative morality is a result of disbelief in God ).

Satan also deals with the flesh. Our flesh is the curse that Jesus was born into. God put himself in flesh, and the judge took our punishment. Jesus taught we must be born again, that is a spiritual birth. Satan teaches, through evolution, the flesh becomes more and more while God becomes less and less (as opposed to Jn 3:30). Likewise, as Christ taught "ye must be born again [into the spirit], reincarnation teaches that you are 'born again' into the cursed flesh.

Also a lot of religions revere snakes and serpents. We see the serpent teaching (false) enlightenment in the garden. We also see religions like Hinduism teach types of meditation where serpents possess and enlighten them. Like the kundulini spirit.

Also the use of psychedelics (aka entheogens) further this deception. Psychedelic means "soul manifesting" and entheogen means "becoming divine within." Psychedelics not enlarge the pupils ("your eyes shall be open"), but many teach psychedlics open the mind/third eye/pineal gland ("your eyes shall be opened"). Psychedelics are physically harmless ("ye shall not surely die") and are perceived as relatively harmless, despite the mental health implications. Many come to a conclusion from taking thigs such as LSD, Mescaline, or DMT, that they are gods. ("Ye shall be as gods"). Revelation tells us that in the last days, the nations would be decieved by SORCERIES. Sorceries: in the greek Pharmakeia. The word "pharmacy" is derived from "Pharmakeia". Pharmakeia can also mean "the administration of drugs". And I believe the root word is something like "Pharmakeus" meaning "one who makes magic potions". Many DMT trips hold themes of snake and red dragon deities. Transhumanists believe psychedelics aid in the process of evolution.

We can also see that most religions go back to Babylon, ultimately Nimrod.

So can we learn from other religions. Yes. Would God want us learning from other religions? Maybe. And I say maybe, because while first and foremost we should know the scriptures so we are prepared for the twisting of scriptures and using the sword against principalities, God may lead people to learn about other religions; NOT to believe them, but so that the person will know the enemy. Should we take from their teachings, or believe them? [At least for the 99% most part] No. You're learning half-truths. Ideas of God's truths warped into perverted lies. So they may teach to love, and all that stuff. But they don't hold the testimony of prophecy. And they teach warped love and kindness. For example some religions will reverence animals as people. But people are scripturally more important than animals. Or perhaps they don't, but they just teach a general kindness the scripture teaches. Does that belong to them? Or did they steal what was God's? And if they know not God, what good is their kindness and fruit? Scripture teaches that love and good fruits are only by God, otherwise man's love and good deeds are in vain. The proverbs say "there is a way that seems right unto a man, but the way thereof is death," and "the fruits are by Jesus Christ," also "it's God that worketh in us," and furthermore "we know your works are not in vain in the Lord."

Edit: Now I'm thinking back to a podcast I want to find. Back in the day there were giant orgies, then the babies, and then would take those babies and sacrifice them. Today we call it planned parenthood: sexual freedom and abortion. Ecclesiastes says there is no new thin under the sun. Well in the podcast they actually elucidated further. Thy explained somethig about how today we off murdered babies for science, and back in the day sacrificed children were used for something like medicine or alchemist science.
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You're dodging my question and the first point I made. Please address my post.
When Jesus sacrificed His life on the cross, He opened the door for us to live free of religious bondage. His blood was shed so that we could have abundant life, not a life burdened by rules that we cannot keep. His actions were motivated by love. Once we understand the true love of God, we become relationship-minded instead of religion-minded.

My point is this: religion has flaws and inconsistencies. But a relationship with God, like any other relationship, grows on a daily basis when it is nurtured. I encourage you to make a decision to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. When you do, you will experience all the joys that come from an enduring relationship with Him.
False religions are all demonic.

But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. 1 Corinthians 10:20​

They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not Deuteronomy 32:17​

We also know that satan is the master of confusion which masquerades as an angel of light. We see in the old and new testament satan twisting what God spoke. Here are two examples of satan distorting God's truths.

Now the serpent was more subtil (note this: satan is subtil) than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Genesis 3:1 (satan said every; God commanded only one)​

And [satan] saith unto [Jesus] him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. Matthew 4:6​

Scripture says we must become less and less, while Jesus (God the Son) must increase. With evolution we see God becoming less and less (people want religion pushed out of everything, and the mere mention of God is called pushing stuff down their throat), while man becomes more and more (man says what is moral, and becomes God [transhumanism]). This is also the general deception of Genesis 3 which echoes through false religions. The genesis 3 decption: satan said "Ye shall not surely die, for God knows that in the day ye eat thereof, your eyes will be opened, ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil" let's reiterate - ye shall not surely die (with no God in evolution, then sinning is ok and you won't die). Your eyes will be opened (Enlightenment: a lot of atheists act like believing in a 'magic sky daddy/imaginary friend' is just a weak-minded coping mechanism. I.e. Athiests have open eyes, and Christians are dumb) Ye shall be as gods (evolution to transhumanism/singularity), knowing good and evil (today, relative morality is a result of disbelief in God ).

Satan also deals with the flesh. Our flesh is the curse that Jesus was born into. God put himself in flesh, and the judge took our punishment. Jesus taught we must be born again, that is a spiritual birth. Satan teaches, through evolution, the flesh becomes more and more while God becomes less and less (as opposed to Jn 3:30). Likewise, as Christ taught "ye must be born again [into the spirit], reincarnation teaches that you are 'born again' into the cursed flesh.

Also a lot of religions revere snakes and serpents. We see the serpent teaching (false) enlightenment in the garden. We also see religions like Hinduism teach types of meditation where serpents possess and enlighten them. Like the kundulini spirit.

Also the use of psychedelics (aka entheogens) further this deception. Psychedelic means "soul manifesting" and entheogen means "becoming divine within." Psychedelics not enlarge the pupils ("your eyes shall be open"), but many teach psychedlics open the mind/third eye/pineal gland ("your eyes shall be opened"). Psychedelics are physically harmless ("ye shall not surely die") and are perceived as relatively harmless, despite the mental health implications. Many come to a conclusion from taking thigs such as LSD, Mescaline, or DMT, that they are gods. ("Ye shall be as gods"). Revelation tells us that in the last days, the nations would be decieved by SORCERIES. Sorceries: in the greek Pharmakeia. The word "pharmacy" is derived from "Pharmakeia". Pharmakeia can also mean "the administration of drugs". And I believe the root word is something like "Pharmakeus" meaning "one who makes magic potions". Many DMT trips hold themes of snake and red dragon deities. Transhumanists believe psychedelics aid in the process of evolution.

We can also see that most religions go back to Babylon, ultimately Nimrod.

So can we learn from other religions. Yes. Would God want us learning from other religions? Maybe. And I say maybe, because while first and foremost we should know the scriptures so we are prepared for the twisting of scriptures and using the sword against principalities, God may lead people to learn about other religions; NOT to believe them, but so that the person will know the enemy. Should we take from their teachings, or believe them? [At least for the 99% most part] No. You're learning half-truths. Ideas of God's truths warped into perverted lies. So they may teach to love, and all that stuff. But they don't hold the testimony of prophecy. And they teach warped love and kindness. For example some religions will reverence animals as people. But people are scripturally more important than animals. Or perhaps they don't, but they just teach a general kindness the scripture teaches. Does that belong to them? Or did they steal what was God's? And if they know not God, what good is their kindness and fruit? Scripture teaches that love and good fruits are only by God, otherwise man's love and good deeds are in vain. The proverbs say "there is a way that seems right unto a man, but the way thereof is death," and "the fruits are by Jesus Christ," also "it's God that worketh in us," and furthermore "we know your works are not in vain in the Lord."

Edit: Now I'm thinking back to a podcast I want to find. Back in the day there were giant orgies, then the babies, and then would take those babies and sacrifice them. Today we call it planned parenthood: sexual freedom and abortion. Ecclesiastes says there is no new thin under the sun. Well in the podcast they actually elucidated further. Thy explained somethig about how today we off murdered babies for science, and back in the day sacrificed children were used for something like medicine or alchemist science.
I agree God does get less and less in some peoples minds, and he also gets greater too. But in reality God isnt really greater or lesser than anything, its only what you make him to be in your mind.
I agree God does get less and less in some peoples minds, and he also gets greater too. But in reality God isnt really greater or lesser than anything, its only what you make him to be in your mind.

Know ye that Yahweh is God, it is he that hath made us, not we ourselves. Psalm 100:3​

The testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy Revelation 19:10
The god in people's minds are not the true living God. The imagined gods don't hold the testimony of prophecy which the Messiah does. The Messiah is embeded into every letter of the Jewish texts, the texts of the people which rejected Christ. He is in the name meaning of the patriarchs, the Israelites formed a cross around the tabernacle, YHWH means pictographically "behold the hand, behold the nail," there's 30 parallels in the story of Isaac being sacrificed, and 60 in the life of joseph, and 300 prophecies concerning Christ. If Christ was an imagination, the martyrdom of the apostles would be foolish. They saw Christ crucified, and witnessed him risen. Paul saw him apart from the 12. You'd have to have some sorta synchronized schizophrenia to die over an imagination or a lie.

People do have made up god's in their minds. Their god is the god of this world, the prince of the powers of the air: Satan and his demons. When you learn about Nimrod and the Nephilim you will see the source of false religions.

What other person can tell the end from the beginning? No imagination can.

God is beyond our minds, not in our minds. If he were in our minds thats to say he can be decieved, for the satan the god of this world blinds the minds of unbelievers.

Furthermore, to say that god is what we make him in our mind yet again is putting the person at the level, or worse, above God. Thus that mentality makes one themselves god in their false reality. And thus it is furthermore the same lie of Genesis 3 wrapped up in another package. When you read the scriptures front and back, you will see it utterly exposes the Luciferian lie and the deceptive matrix we live in. You must be born again. God wants none to perish, but come to life. There is no life in the flesh. The heart is deceptive. We need Christ in our hearts, to dwell within us, that we be not decieved. He gives us new life. Through him we are born into the Spirit. We need to be born of the Spirit. Flesh can only produce flesh, and the flesh shall perish. But to be born to the Spirit is to be born of God.
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Know ye that Yahweh is God, it is he that hath made us, not we ourselves. Psalm 100:3​

The testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy Revelation 19:10
The god in people's minds are not the true living God. The imagined gods don't hold the testimony of prophecy which the Messiah does. The Messiah is embeded into every letter of the Jewish texts, the texts of the people which rejected Christ. He is in the name meaning of the patriarchs, the Israelites formed a cross around the tabernacle, YHWH means pictographically "behold the hand, behold the nail," there's 30 parallels in the story of Isaac being sacrificed, and 60 in the life of joseph, and 300 prophecies concerning Christ. If Christ was an imagination, the martyrdom of the apostles would be foolish. They saw Christ crucified, and witnessed him risen. Paul saw him apart from the 12. You'd have to have some sorta synchronized schizophrenia to die over an imagination or a lie.

People do have made up god's in their minds. Their god is the god of this world, the prince of the powers of the air: Satan and his demons. When you learn about Nimrod and the Nephilim you will see the source of false religions.

What other person can tell the end from the beginning? No imagination can.
When Jesus sacrificed His life on the cross, He opened the door for us to live free of religious bondage. His blood was shed so that we could have abundant life, not a life burdened by rules that we cannot keep. His actions were motivated by love. Once we understand the true love of God, we become relationship-minded instead of religion-minded.

My point is this: religion has flaws and inconsistencies. But a relationship with God, like any other relationship, grows on a daily basis when it is nurtured.
You're still dodging. Please address my points, particularly the contradictions with what you have said.

I encourage you to make a decision to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. When you do, you will experience all the joys that come from an enduring relationship with Him.
Cut the self-righteous, spiritually superior nonsense.
Free, iLOVE

26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.

27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

James 1:26-27 King James Version (KJV)
To answer the question in the OP, I don't think God is against learning.

[EDIT: Ahh! I just noticed that Yosef posted this same verse in the previous post! hi-5 Yosef! ]
On the issue of religion, yeah I suppose Christianity is a religion though I like this description from James:
JAS 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Basically, to help the poor and [to at least try] to live by the values of Heaven rather than the values of the world.
There is only one way to the Father and that is through Jesus Christ. All those, including your Hindu example, reject Christ and no matter how sincere they are, their works are still seen as filthy rags.
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Hi Jesse. Did you try the experiment I suggested, i.e. inserting the name "Hindu" in the parts where Jesus used "Samaritan" when telling the parable? Do you feel the overall lesson Jesus was communicating changed by doing so, and if so, how did it change?
This parable is an example for US as believers, as this was written to believers, that we should love others with the same love that Christ loves us. It doesn't matter who or what you insert for who are what, it doesn't take away from the point Christ is making that we should love and do unto others as He would do.

It's a parable.

A person who does good without Christ is still without Christ and all the work we do without Him are filthy rags, we can not come to the Father or enter the Kingdom without first acknowledging WHO Christ is and our need of Him as our Savior.
Edited reba
I know exactly what you are trying to show, that people can be saved through their good works and not through Christ.
It's a worldly religious concept that you are presenting.
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Hi Jesse. No, I'm promoting faith in Jesus. I think you're just not understanding me properly. It happens. Maybe next time.

Does learning from other religions offend God.
They have nothing to add that is of any value to my salvation. Besides Jesus did a good job of teaching perfection as well. (Loving one another)
The worshippers that God seeks are those who worship in Spirit and in truth.

What about Yoga? I think we would all agree that the religious aspects of it may offend. But I have learned the physical exercise portion of it is useful and provides for a healthy body.
It depends on what you're learning, but in general it doesn't offend God.
No, No, No... of course it offends God. To stray from His Word to find knowledge in another 'god'? To learn what, exactly? Do you spend time with another mans wife to find qualities/faults in her you don't find in your own? Man.. come on. God is COMPLETE, PERFECT. Look unto no other! What do you get from others that you can't get from Christ!? Does God need justification!!? Did Elijah spend time with the worshippers of baal to confirm his faith in God was right and they were wrong!? No! he knew it already! He spent time in prayer with God, alone, spent years in a cave being fed by a raven, not chasing after other 'gods' to justify God! Wake up people! God is all we need, stop looking for answers outside of Christ! Get on your knees, pray, humble yourselves before His mighty hand.
Jim - is that a real answer??

Of course we can offend God!!! The Bible is littered with people, nations and behaviours that offend God.
God is not a human being with human passions.
God is unchanging. Becoming angry or offended is a change.
The language describing God's wrath and anger and jealousy etc. is, I believe, used so that we human beings can relate to what is being taught.
It is my understanding that all the "wrathful" actions taken by God are didactic; they are done that we might learn that our actions, which brought about the wrath of God, as self destructive. It is similar to when a parent tells his young child not to play in the street. After a few warnings, if the child continues to disobey the parents command, the parent may spank the child. In that way, the child will relate disobedience and the self-destructive behavior with pain. The child will perceive the parent as being angry with him.

So also, God, from time to time, has "spanked" individuals and even all of mankind in order that they, or others who observe or learn of the "spanking" (the flood story is essentially universal), would learn not to disobey by behaving in a self-destructive manner. The objective of the wrath is than people do not end up in hell just as the objective of the child's spanking was that he not be killed by getting run over by a truck.

In both cases, the "wrathful" action taken was an act of love having the objective of preserving the life of the subject of the wrath.

Anyway, that's the way I see it.

iakov the fool


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