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Acts 11

When Peter comes back to Jerusalem, the supporters of circumcision criticize him. So he explains to them all the details and they stop objecting. Then some Christians keep speaking to the Jews and others start talking to the Greek-speaking people and many more people become Christians. And Barnabas is sent by the congregation in Jerusalem as far as Antioch and more people become Christians. He goes for Paul in Tarsus and he brings him to Antioch. Then for a whole year they assemble in the congregation and there the disciples are called Christians for the first time.

- Here we see how difficult it is to accept changes!

- And time is necessary to adapt!

- Everybody is different and needs time according to that difference!

- Human differences are also difficult to accept or to understand!

- A lot to think about!
Acts 11

When Peter comes back to Jerusalem, the supporters of circumcision criticize him. So he explains to them all the details and they stop objecting. Then some Christians keep speaking to the Jews and others start talking to the Greek-speaking people and many more people become Christians. And Barnabas is sent by the congregation in Jerusalem as far as Antioch and more people become Christians. He goes for Paul in Tarsus and he brings him to Antioch. Then for a whole year they assemble in the congregation and there the disciples are called Christians for the first time.

- Here we see how difficult it is to accept changes!

- And time is necessary to adapt!

- Everybody is different and needs time according to that difference!

- Human differences are also difficult to accept or to understand!

- A lot to think about!
Acts 11

When Peter comes back to Jerusalem, the supporters of circumcision criticize him. So he explains to them all the details and they stop objecting. Then some Christians keep speaking to the Jews and others start talking to the Greek-speaking people and many more people become Christians. And Barnabas is sent by the congregation in Jerusalem as far as Antioch and more people become Christians. He goes for Paul in Tarsus and he brings him to Antioch. Then for a whole year they assemble in the congregation and there the disciples are called Christians for the first time.

- Here we see how difficult it is to accept changes!

- And time is necessary to adapt!

- Everybody is different and needs time according to that difference!

- Human differences are also difficult to accept or to understand!

- A lot to think about!
Acts 12

Herod the king begins mistreating some members of the congregation. He puts James the brother of John to death by the sword. As it pleases the Jews, he also arrests Peter. So the congregation is intensely praying to God for him. Herod is going to bring him out but God sends one of his angel to free him. Peter thinks he is seeing a vision. Then he goes to the house of Mary the mother of John who is called Mark. And the people in the house can’t believe it. So Peter tells them what has just happened. Later Herod speaks in front of an audience and they say “a god’s voice, and not a man’s!” Instantly God’s angel strikes him because he did not give the glory to God, and he is eaten up with worms and dies.

- Well, apparently he is finally punished for his bad deeds!

- He has an appropriate end according to his deeds!

- Barnabas and Saul, after fully carrying out the relief work in Jerusalem, return and take along with them John also called Mark.

- They are quite a good team working together for God!
Acts 13

Barnabas and Saul are selected by the holy spirit. Then they go to Cyprus and they proclaim God’s word in the synagogues of the Jews. They go through the whole island. There they meet a Jewish man named Bar-Jesus, a sorcerer and a false prophet. He is with the proconsul Sergius Paulus, an intelligent man and he wants to hear God’s word so he calls Barnabas and Saul. But Bar-Jesus also called Elymas opposes them. Then, Saul, filled with holy spirit, looks at him intensely and he speaks against him and because he opposes God, he will be blind which happens instantly. And the proconsul becomes a believer being astounded at God’s teaching. Then Paul and his companions go on from Perga and come to Antioch in Pisidia. They go to the synagogue on the Sabbath day. Then Paul speaks to the people and he speaks about Israel’s history from Egypt to the wilderness and to the land of Canaan (for about 450 years). Then he tells about judges until Samuel the prophet and the King Saul for 40 years and the king David and finally the Jesus the savior. Before Jesus comes, John the Baptist invites people to get baptize in symbol of repentance. And Paul says that he and his companions has telling about this word of salvation. Jesus has to die before being resurrected. Then Paul and his companion,s are invited to come back the next Sabbath and speak again about their message. But the Jews meaning the religious leaders are jealous and they begin blasphemously contradicting Paul. Thus he tells them that because they reject God’s word, the time has come for them to turn to the nations. So the people of the nations begin to rejoice and many become believers. Then the Jews oppose Paul and Barnabas inciting the prominent women who are God-fearing and the principal men of the city against them. So they go to Iconium.

- There we get an important event: Paul and Barnabas are going to turn to the nations to teach them God’s word!

- As usual, the Jews or religious leaders oppose them because they are jealous!

Acts 14

In Iconium They both teach in the synagogue and many Jews and Greeks become believers. As usual, the Jews oppose them. But they keep speaking with boldness. Finally there is a division in the city: some are for the Jews but others for the apostles. So some people of the nations and the Jews with their rulers want to stone them they flee to other cities and keep declaring the good news. In Lystra Paul cures a man who is lame from birth because of his faith. And the crowds take them for gods. And they call Barnabas Zeus and Paul Hermes as he takes the lead in speaking. And the priests of Zeus want to offer sacrifices. But then the apostles Barnabas and Paul rip their garments and leap out into the crowd and cry out telling they are just humans. But Jews arrive from Antioch and Iconium and persuade the crowds to stone Paul and drag him outside the city thinking he is dead. But he gets up and enters the city. Then They move to other cities to make disciples and at the same time to encourage the disciples. They appoint elders in each congregation.

- Paul and Barnabas know what they have to do and they keep doing it!

- Paul is stoned but survives and goes as usual!

- He knows it is not going to be the last time!

- But he is ready to serve God at any cost!

- What a STRENGTH!
Acts 15

Some men come down from Judea teaching the disciples to get circumcised to be saved. Then a discussion occurs between these men and Paul and Barnabas. So some of these men and Paul and Barnabas go up to the apostles and elders in Jerusalem. They are well received in Jerusalem. But some Pharisees who have become believers say it is necessary to be circumcised and obey the Law of Moses. So the apostles and the elders gather together to talk about this matter. Finally, Peter speaks about the people of the nations who became believers and receive the holy spirit. Then Barnabas and Paul relate the facts about their action. Then, in turn, James speaks about the matter. And the conclusion about the disciples from the nations is that they must abstain from:





And the apostles and the elders, together with the whole congregation, decide to send chosen men to Antioch along with Paul and Barnabas with a letter explaining the decision which was made. After that and some days, Paul says to Barnabas to return and visit the brothers in all the cities they have been. But Barnabas wants to take along John also called Mark. But Paul disagrees because he had left them and had not share the work. So they have an argument so they decide to separate Barnabas takes Mark to go to Cyprus and Paul takes Silas to go to Syria and Cilicia.
- It is definitely an interesting part!

- Some Pharisees became Christians!

- But they still want to follow the Law of Moses and the circumcision and they want the disciples from the nations to do so!

- A group goes to Jerusalem so a decision can be taken!

- It is decided what the Christians must abstain!

- So it is also important for us!

- Barnabas and Paul have an argument!

- They disagree about whom to take with them!

- Maybe we may think it is not important!

- But it is because it is related to their work for God!

- And if you need to work together it is better to agree!
Acts 16

Paul wants Timothy, the son of a believing Jewish woman but of a Greek father, to accompany him so he takes him and circumcises him because of the Jews where he goes for they all know his father is a Greek. In all the cities they go, they tell the disciples about the decrees decided by the apostles and the elders in Jerusalem. They can’t go to some places because they are forbidden by the holy spirit and by the spirit of Jesus. Then Paul gets a vision at night where a Macedonian tells him to go into Macedonia to help them. In Philippi they speak to a group of women. One of them, Lydia who is a worshipper of God listens to them and God opens her heart. Then she and her household get baptized and she invites them to stay with them. Then they meet a servant girl with a spirit, a demon of divination, and she keeps following them saying: “These men are slaves of the Most High God and are proclaiming to you the way of salvation.” After many days, Paul gets tired and orders the spirit to leave the girl. But her masters have made a lot of profit by fortune-telling. So they seize Paul and Silas and drag them into the marketplace to the rulers and speak against them. So the crowd rises up together against them and the civil magistrates , after tearing the garments off them, give the command to beat them with rods and throw them into prison. But at night, when Paul and Silas are praying and praising God with song, and the prisoners are listening to them, suddenly a great earthquake occurs and all the doors are instantly open, and everyone’s bonds come loose. When the jailer wakes up and sees that the prison doors are open, he wants to kill himself but Paul tells not to do it because they are all present. And the jailer asks Paul and Silas what he must do to be saved and Paul tells him to believe in the Lord. So they teach him with all those in his house. And the jailer washes their wounds and he and his household are baptized. In the morning, Paul and Silas are released. But Paul refuses and says that the civil magistrates must come themselves and escort them out. They are Romans and didn’t do anything wrong so they don’t want to be thrown out secretly. When they hear that Paul and Silas are Romans, the civil magistrates grow fearful so they come and escort them out and request them to depart from the city. But they go to the house of Lydia. And they encourage the brothers and depart.

- Paul and Silas travel and teach people and baptize them!

- Paul orders a spirit to leave a girl and they get into trouble, they are beaten and put into prison!

- But God provokes an earthquake to destroy the prison!

- As a consequence, the jailer and his household become Christians!

- And Paul will keep doing God’s work!

- And he knows he will get into trouble on many occasions!

- But nothing can prevent him from serving God because it is his purpose in life!

- Nothing else counts!

- Another good example to think about!

Acts 17

Paul arrives in Thessalonica and he goes to the synagogue of the Jews. For three sabbaths he reasons with them from the Scriptures, explaining and proving by references that it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead. As a result, some of them become believers and associate themselves with Paul and Silas, and so do a great multitude of the Greeks who worship God, along with quite a few of the principal women. As usual, the Jews are getting jealous and they make a mess. They assault the house of Jason and are seeking to have Paul and Silas brought out to the mob. They can’t find them so they drag Jason and some of the brothers to the city rulers who finally free them. Then the brothers send Paul and Silas to Beroea who go to the synagogue. There the Jews are more noble-minded and they accept the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things are so. Therefore, many of them become believers, and so do quite a few of the reputable Greek women as well as some of the men. But the Jews from Thessalonica go to Beroea to agitate the crowds against Paul and Silas and those who have accepted their message. Then Paul is sent to Athens and then Silas and Timothy. Paul becomes irritated on seeing that the city is full of idols. He begins to reason in the synagogue with the Jews and the other people who worship God and every day in the marketplace with those who happen to be on hand. Some Epicurean and Stoic philosophers discuss with them and they bring them to the Areopagus. And Paul speaks about God, a living God, not one made of gold or sliver or stone or sculptured by men. Time has come for God to judge the inhabited earth by a man whom he has appointed and resurrected from the dead. Some become believers.

- In Beroea, the Jews carefully examine the Scriptures daily to see whether these things are right!

- That’s interesting because they listen but not only, they carefully examine the Scriptures!

- Moreover, they do it daily!

- That’s what we can call 100% active!

- It is not possible to let others think for us!

- It is not possible to let others decide for us!

- The equipment is here: the Bible!

- We just have to dig again and again!
Acts 18

In Corinth, Paul makes tents and talks every sabbath to persuade Jews and Greeks. But because the Jews oppose him and speak abusively he decides to turn to the nations. And many Corinthians become Christians. In a vision at night, the Lord tells Paul to stay in Corinth and not to be afraid and keep on speaking. And Paul stays in the city for a year and a half. And the Jews organize an attack against Paul and bring him before the proconsul but he sees that the matter has nothing to do with the Romans, so they must solve the problem by themselves. Then Paul goes to Ephesus. And he gets into the synagogue and reasons with the Jews. Then he keeps moving from different places strengthening all the disciples. A Jew named Apollos arrives in Ephesus. He is an eloquent man who is well-versed in the Scriptures and he has been instructed in the way of God so he is speaking and teaching accurately about Jesus but he was only baptized by John the Baptist. And he goes to Achaia and keeps teaching about Jesus and helps many disciples.

- Here we are told about Paul who keeps being active teaching people and encouraging the disciples!

- He is not afraid of anybody!

- He has a vision and the Lord tells him to stay in the city and teaching people and not being afraid!

- And Paul does according what he is told!

- We are also told about Apollos who is a Jew and a disciple!

- He also does a good job to help strengthen the disciples!
Acts 19

Paul goes to Ephesus and asks the disciples there if they had received holy spirit but they have never heard about it. In fact, they were baptized in john’s baptism. Thus they get baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then he lays his hands on them and they receive holy spirit and begin speaking in foreign languages and prophesying. There are 12 men in all. Then Paul teaches in the synagogue for three months. As usual some Jews oppose him speaking injuriously about the Way before the crowd. As a consequence, he gives talks daily in the school auditorium of Tyrannus for two years. And many people are cured, even cloths and aprons that have touched Paul’s body cure the sick. But when seven sons of a Jewish chief priest names Sceva try to do it, the wicked spirit opposes them and he attacks them and they flee naked and wounded out. Many who become believers come and confess and report their practises openly and many valuable books about magical arts are brought and burnt. But some oppose the Way and Paul because they make a lot of money through business related to religion and especially about the worship of the goddess Artemis. So there occurs a lot of confusion in the city. The disciples tells Paul not to go in public to protect him. And the city recorder finally calms the crowd down.

- More and more disciples are added!

- Paul does a good teaching job!

- And as usual, opponents bring confusion and violence to oppose him and the Way!

- It is always connected to personal and financial interests!

- But Paul is never impressed!

- Only the disciples prevent him from risking his own life!
Acts 20

Paul goes to Macedonia and Greece and back to Macedonia instead of Syria because of a plot organized by the Jews. In Troas, during a meal, Paul makes a speech till midnight and a young man falls asleep and falls from the third story and dies. But Paul throws himself on him and embraces him and brings him back to life. So they sail and Paul wants to go to Jerusalem for the festival of Pentecost. But sooner or later he can expect imprisonment and tribulations. Knowing that he won’t be able to come back to Ephesus, he meets the elders in Miletus where he encourages them to stay faithful and warns them about the coming of oppressive wolves and they pray together.

- When Paul speaks about tribulations, he knows what it means!

- He has lived through tribulations!

- And through all his letters, he keeps warning the disciples about the coming tribulations and the oppressive wolves!

- Oppressive wolves will come and look for their own interests and modify Jesus’ message!

- He knows that hard times are coming and tribulations and oppression!

- But Jesus told the same before his death!

Acts 21

Paul sails again and arrives at Tyre. He stays 7 days with the disciples. All the disciples tell Paul not to go to Jerusalem. When they arrive at Cesarea, a prophet goes to Paul and tells him that he is going to be bound by the Jews in Jerusalem and he will be given to the people of the nations. The disciples try to stop him but Paul goes to Jerusalem. Many Jews have become believers but they say that Paul teaches an apostasy telling the Jews among the nations not to circumcise their children or to follow the customary practices. When Paul is in the temple some Jews try to kill Paul and the commander of the army take soldiers and army officers because of the confusion and goes to them. When they see the soldiers they stop beating Paul. And the commander orders Paul to be bound and taken to the soldiers’ quarters because of the disturbance. Then Paul starts to speak to the commander. And after getting the permission from the commander, he speaks to the crowd.

- Before going to Jerusalem, Paul knew what was going to happen to him!

- But he was ready!

- So first he is beaten by the Jews who want to kill him!

- Then the Roman commander arrives!

- He asks permission to speak to the crowd!

- We are going to listen to his message!

- Nobody can stop Paul speaking about God’s kingdom!

- Since the day he was chosen by Jesus, he has been teaching people about God’s kingdom!

- And he knew he had to suffer many tribulations!
Acts 22

Paul tells about his history and how he used to persecute the Way. Then he has a vision of Jesus resurrected and becomes blind before recovering his sight. God chooses him to be a witness to all men of the things he has seen and heard. He speaks about the murder of Stephen. But the Jews raise their voices against Paul. So the commander orders Paul to be brought into the soldiers’ quarters to be interrogated under scourging. Then Paul asks the army officer if it is lawful to scourge a Roman who has not been condemned. And the military commander becomes afraid because Paul is a Roman. The next day, he releases Paul and assembles the chief priests and all the Sanhedrin with Paul to know what Paul is being accused by the Jews.

- Paul speaks boldly to the crowd!

- He is not afraid!

- he defends himself in front of the military commander!

- He knows he works for God!

- And he represents him!

- He has been chosen for that!

- Not for a peaceful life!

- He knows he will get into trouble again and again!

- But he is faithful!

- And that’s the most important thing for him!

Acts 23

Paul speaks in front of the Sanhedrin. Knowing that there were half Sadducees and half Pharisees, he presents himself as a Pharisee and son of Pharisee and being judged because of the hope of the resurrection of the dead. And a dissension arises between them so the military commander decides to bring Paul into the soldiers’ quarters. The following night the Lord appears to Paul telling him that he will bear witness in Rome. The Jews want to kill Paul who escapes an organized ambush. So the military commander sends Paul to Felix the governor in Caesarea with many soldiers to prevent any attempt.

- As usual, the Jews try to kill their religious opponents, in this case Paul!

- They can’t bear being challenged!

- Jesus tells Paul he will go to Rome to bear witness!

- It shows us what happens when people have no arguments!

- But it leads nowhere!

- It only shows your inability to defend your faith!

- We remember how the Pharisees and Sadducees did against Jesus!

- And Jesus went on accusing them with more strength and powerful arguments!

- Thus you show to whom you look like by your behavior!

- Like Jesus or like the Pharisees and Sadducees!

- Many of them were paid with the destruction of Jerusalem!
Acts 24

The high priest Ananias with some elders and a public speaker Tertullus present their case against Paul to the governor Felix. The Jews also join in the attack. Then Paul answers. So he tells he hasn’t done anything wrong. Felix wants the military commander to come before taking a decision. So Paul is under arrest but given some freedom and his people are allowed to attend to his needs. Some days later, Felix come with his wife Drusilla who is Jewish to listen to Paul about Jesus. But hearing Paul, Felix becomes frightened and stop the discussion. Then he speaks with Paul from time to time, hoping that he will give him money. But after two years Felix is succeeded by Porcius Festus and he leaves Paul in custody to gain favor with the Jews.

- Well, we hear about corruption and human justice!

- Paul as usual defends his faith!

- But he stays in custody for two years having done nothing wrong!

- The Jews are corrupted!

- The Romans are corrupted!

- In time, they would pay for it as their world would be completely destroyed!

- It takes time but you get what you deserve!

- Let’s use the time left to prepare ourselves for what comes next!

- It’s always better to be prepared for what’s next even if it is unimaginable!

- But who could have imagined what we live today!

- We need to see things happened to realize it!

Acts 25

The Jews ask Festus to send Paul to Jerusalem so they can kill him along the road. But he refuses and asks them to bring some men in power among them to come with him and accuse Paul if he has done something wrong. So they accuse Paul but they can’t prove what they say. Paul says he hasn’t done anything wrong. Then he appeals to Caesar. So he is sent to Rome. King Agrippa gives a visit to Festus and he asks for hearing Paul. Festus is looking for something to write to Caesar about Paul.

- The Jews keep going straight away with their bad actions!

- So far away from God!

- Political leaders, religious leaders same unfair fight against God!

- What a culpability!

- No way to escape!

- And they never listen to warnings!

- No regret!

- God’s law!

Acts 26

Paul defends himself in front of King Agrippa. He explains that he used to be a Pharisee. He explains how he went against the disciples of Jesus and then how Jesus appeared to him. So he keeps bearing witness to the Christ. Then Agrippa says that Paul could have been released if he had not appealed to Caesar.

- Once again Paul has to defend himself in front of important people!

- And he keeps doing it as usual!

- And they find nothing against him!

- And he will have to go to Rome to speak in front of Caesar!

- And he will do the job!

- Because he has been CHOSEN for that!


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