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Spiritual Warfare


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Do you believe in it? How would you define it? Do you engage in it? If so, in what way? If not, why?

Ref: Eph 6:10-17; 2 Cor 10:4-5

I'm signing off now. But I hope to have a lively discussion about this. I'm not saying you guys on here, but I think a lot of Christians ignore spiritual warfare, to the detriment of themselves and to the cause of Christ.

Thanks for your replies! :wave
as in claiming victory over the devil and "talking" to the devil in prayer? ie rebuking the spirit of a city and claiming the lost souls?
jasoncran said:
as in claiming victory over the devil and "talking" to the devil in prayer? ie rebuking the spirit of a city and claiming the lost souls?

Well, right now I'm not planning on revealing my particular views. I am curious as to other people's views of it. The bible is clear we are in a war with spiritual forces of wickedness in high places. So I am wondering, how do people on this forum feel about that. What do they do about it, etc.
my church does the above,and yes the enemy is real.

most churches that i have gone to teach ephesians as supportive on putting the whole armor of god and fighting the devil on the offense.
As Jason put it... the enemy is real.
I'll tell you a little bit about my experiences battling it out with the enemy...

Satan is like Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde and I think there are two faces of Satan we need to be aware of.

The FIRST face... the "diabolic" Satan.
This is Satan in his natural form, just pure evil/wickedness.

I personally had first hand encounters with what I believe to be Satan or a demonic spirit of some sort. I'm fairly certain my childhood house was haunted.

But the confusing thing about this is that the more troubling experiences occurred when I was a strong mature Christian. To this very day I do not understand why God would allow Satan to get so close to me. It makes you really wonder, is God really protecting me? If God is not protecting me then am I really saved?

The way I dealt with one of the more problematic experiences that I had was through prayer. I had prayed that God would put a protective hedge around my home. That seemed to have worked effectively.

The SECOND face... the "good" Satan (2 Corinthians 11:14)
This one is perhaps the most deceptive face of Satan and I believe the most powerful.
This is where Satan comes actually looking like Christ so that people are deceived into following and worshipping him instead of God Almighty. He pretends to be very righteous and good yet this face is filled with lies.

We know from scripture that when Jesus was tested, Satan knew the scripture very well and tried to tempt Jesus into sinning. He'll preach a gospel of lies mixed with the truth so that the poison is so subtle it is almost barely detectable. He'll twist the meaning of scripture around so subtly so that his preaching stings with a vengance as it leads people astray into spiritual darkness.

I had an encounter with this type of attack in my college years.
When I first started to really grow in spiritual maturity two people approached me on campus and asked if they could do a bible study with me. I figured "why not?" but soon they started to tell me that I needed to be water baptized in order to be saved. They totally took John 3:5 out of its correct context. They also tried to support their conclusions by those who were saved in the book of Acts.
It was a progressive brainwashing approach, their bible studies would last many many hours. Something in my spirit started to trouble me about this and at the time I wasn't well versed with scripture as I am now. For about one week I could not focus on my homework or my classes too well. I was constantly searching the scriptures and seeking for the truth. I truly felt like I was being under spiritual attack and I felt very mentally weak and drained. The day I made a decision to join their church because I felt they were right, I was listening to the radio and a pastor explained why water baptism is NOT a requirement for salvation. Talk about God's protection... that was quite a "coincidence". Anyhow, I told them I would not be doing bible study with them anymore and they tried to harrass me and over again through phone calls and the like. I just kept telling them no and they stopped bothering me.

To guard against this form of Satan we need to be well versed with scripture in its correct meaning and context.

Although Satan is a defeated foe and we have all power in Christ to conquer Satan in any situation, I wouldn't go around trying to pick fights with Satan. He has many thousands of years of experience ahead of us. It's like saying well since Christ protects me I'll just take a stroll down the African Safari where all the lions roam. I think it's best to try to avoid Satan altogether whenever you can.
I believe though that if we ever have to do battle with the forces of evil as long as we stand our ground in Christ and His Word the devil will flee.

1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

James 4:7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Spiritual Warfare is a deep thing to me.
It purpose is to repel all fallen angels, demons, and spirits.
Sin is an attachment to satan, a chain so to speak.
Spiritual Warfare is when the Lord has us to cut these chains loose and send the spirit elsewhere, preferably into the abyss...

How deep would you like to discuss warfare?
I brought this up in another thread. I think it's very important to keep Satan out of the context of God when considering his reach. He's not omnipresent or omniscient as is God. To say that Satan is everywhere implies a God attribute that should be reserved for God. Some may flippantly say "the devil" or "Satan", when they mean his army of evil spirits, but I don't think this should be said flippantly. It tends to put him on the level of God as an omnipresent spirit when he is just a created one. He was well aware of Jesus, but I'm not so sure he even knows I am around.

From 1 Peter, chapter one (and keep in mind, Satan was a created angel that fell):
" 10Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, 11trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow. 12It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things."

But I would never discount the war going on around us all the time. I know there is spiritual warfare going on over my soul. Obviously, I don't have a clear picture of Hell's corporate structure, but I believe there are evil spirits that are very aware where my weakness are and are trying to exploit them. It is only by calling on the Power of God that we can fight against this evil legion.

Ephesians 2:9 when Jesus is addressing an evil spirit:
9Then Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" "My name is Legion," he replied, "for we are many."

Ephesians 6:
"10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

Good discussion, Faith!
This is something that we are not taught enough about..but the Bible reveals that there's a spiritual realm which is unseen but which affects the physical world. The devil and his demons are waging a vicious and evil spiritual battle all around us, trying to thwart God's plans and trying to prevent people from walking with the Lord. Christians need to know about this spiritual battle so that we're aware of the devil's schemes (2 Corinthians 2:11), and so that we can take our stand against the devil's schemes (Ephesians 6:11), and so that we can protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our ministries (Ephesians 6:16). If we're blind to the battle and unaware of what's going on around us simply because we can't directly see it, then it becomes easy for the devil to deceive us in clever, subtle ways and to prevent us from being effective at doing God's work here on earth.

We do not need to focus on demons... but we should gain a deeper understanding of who we are in Christ and the authority that we have over the demonic realm. Our focus must always be on Jesus, but in order to be effective soldiers for Christ it's helpful for us to understand the nature of our enemy...Always.. Let the Holy Spirit be your guide.
Brian said:
Spiritual Warfare is a deep thing to me.
It purpose is to repel all fallen angels, demons, and spirits.
Sin is an attachment to satan, a chain so to speak.
Spiritual Warfare is when the Lord has us to cut these chains loose and send the spirit elsewhere, preferably into the abyss...

How deep would you like to discuss warfare?

As deep as anyone is willing to go. I think this a VERY important subject that a lot of Christians ignore altogether (not saying people here, it is just a general observation). The devil and his wicked spirits are out to destroy our walk with Christ, our fruitfulness in the Lord, cause division and strife in which are every evil work, to discredit and slander the name of Christ throughout the world and on and on. I personally believe that if the devil isn't trying to mess with you, he must not consider you much of a threat. If we are serving God, evangelizing, winning souls, blessing people, the devil IS going to attack. God does protect us, but it is clear we have to fight. I have lots more to say on this, but too tired right now to elaborate.

But great responses so far everybody! Thanks so much for your input! There are other posts on this thread I want to quote and reply to, I'm just too tired to do it now. But I look forward to a fruitful discussion on this!
what about the pentacostal and charismatic thing to engage city spirits? and claim the city for the lord, they do to this, i did.
jasoncran said:
what about the pentacostal and charismatic thing to engage city spirits? and claim the city for the lord, they do to this, i did.

What do they do when they do this? I'm not really familiar with this type of practice.

In my own personal walk I don't look for demons in everything. (I'm not saying charismatics do... I just want to clarify what I meant in my above post) If a situation arises where I'm confronted with one and if it becomes very clear that I am. I'll pray about it to the Lord and leave the fight up to Him. But I will not try to focus on demons or give Satan any time of day.

I know there are many that try to find Satan in all sorts of different ways.
Satan did this today... or Satan did that yesterday, or that person's possessed we need to rebuke the evil spirit... or an evil spirit of jealousy has overtaken me we need to rebuke it....etc. That's the type of stuff I try to avoid. I look for reasonable explanations for everything first and if all else fails and I'm left to conclude that there cannot be any other explanation but something possibly in the spirit realm is interferring, then that's when I'll engage through prayer.
archangel_300 said:
jasoncran said:
what about the pentacostal and charismatic thing to engage city spirits? and claim the city for the lord, they do to this, i did.

What do they do when they do this? I'm not really familiar with this type of practice.

In my own personal walk I don't look for demons in everything. (I'm not saying charismatics do... I just want to clarify what I meant in my above post) If a situation arises where I'm confronted with one and if it becomes very clear that I am. I'll pray about it to the Lord and leave the fight up to Him. But I will not try to focus on demons or give Satan any time of day.

I know there are many that try to find Satan in all sorts of different ways.
Satan did this today... or Satan did that yesterday, or that person's possessed we need to rebuke the evil spirit... or an evil spirit of jealousy has overtaken me we need to rebuke it....etc. That's the type of stuff I try to avoid. I look for reasonable explanations for everything first and if all else fails and I'm left to conclude that there cannot be any other explanation but something possibly in the spirit realm is interferring, then that's when I'll engage through prayer.

you havent done this, when praying for the local community to be saved. you pray for the lost to know the lord then you go on to rebuke the city devil that "owns" the community and also you may walk the block praising the lord and shouting singing loudly, as a group.
archangel_300 said:
In my own personal walk I don't look for demons in everything. (I'm not saying charismatics do... I just want to clarify what I meant in my above post) If a situation arises where I'm confronted with one and if it becomes very clear that I am. I'll pray about it to the Lord and leave the fight up to Him. But I will not try to focus on demons or give Satan any time of day.

I know there are many that try to find Satan in all sorts of different ways.
Satan did this today... or Satan did that yesterday, or that person's possessed we need to rebuke the evil spirit... or an evil spirit of jealousy has overtaken me we need to rebuke it....etc. That's the type of stuff I try to avoid. I look for reasonable explanations for everything first and if all else fails and I'm left to conclude that there cannot be any other explanation but something possibly in the spirit realm is interferring, then that's when I'll engage through prayer.

I agree...

Satan has no power but what we allow. We resist and he flees.

James 4:7 said:
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
We only give place to the devil when we aren't walking uprightly before God. For greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Satan deserves no attention, whatsoever...he is a defeated enemy seeking whom he MAY devour. Not can devour...he has no hold on the children of God.
Ephesians 4:24-30 said:
And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil. Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
We are all involved in spiritual warfare, whether we like it or not, and whether we realize it or not. Imagine a soldier on a battlefield who can't see or hear an enemy and therefore he doesn't believe there's an enemy out there, so he wanders around without his weapons, not carrying out his assigned duties, completely defenseless and vulnerable, stumbling into the enemy's camp without even being aware of it. The enemy doesn't care if that soldier was ignorant or if he was "just playing around." That soldier won't last long before being hurt by the enemy, yet this is how many of us live. We don't know that there's a war being fought in the spiritual plane, and we don't understand that there's an enemy of pure evil out there. We don't understand that God has an assigned place for each and every Christian, and that we have all been given spiritual gifts and spiritual weapons (defensive and offensive) for waging the battle in the heavenlies while we are here on earth.
awaken said:
We are all involved in spiritual warfare, whether we like it or not, and whether we realize it or not. Imagine a soldier on a battlefield who can't see or hear an enemy and therefore he doesn't believe there's an enemy out there, so he wanders around without his weapons, not carrying out his assigned duties, completely defenseless and vulnerable, stumbling into the enemy's camp without even being aware of it. The enemy doesn't care if that soldier was ignorant or if he was "just playing around." That soldier won't last long before being hurt by the enemy, yet this is how many of us live. We don't know that there's a war being fought in the spiritual plane, and we don't understand that there's an enemy of pure evil out there. We don't understand that God has an assigned place for each and every Christian, and that we have all been given spiritual gifts and spiritual weapons (defensive and offensive) for waging the battle in the heavenlies while we are here on earth.

Agreed. However, I like what C. S. Lewis said in his introduction to The Screwtape Letters: There's two mistakes that people make. 1) denying evil forces and 2) becoming obsessed with them.

There's a certain place where you are aware of the battle going on around you and keep your guard up, but you don't let it consume you in worry. We are in the Hands of a very capable God and need to know evil holds nothing over Him.
I was hoping for a dedicated line of questioning...
Where you want me to start?
Discerning of spirits?

A couple comments for thought...
1) Pentecostal and Charismatic...come on, please...these people usually limit God in some form or another....who limits God's power in word??? Hahahaha the god of the world can not stand hahahaha :)
2)People that say "I resist the devil and he flees" and never offer a thought for your fallen brethren are selfish and cowards...don't you know that you are not worthy of the kingdom of God, because you have darkness, and no compassion...!...

Most spiritual warriors are only puppets controlled by demonic forces...they make an appearance like they are something, and then a General for Lucifer tells the spirits to "come" a show, bravo false brethen, lol...u may deceive some of the elect, but not this elected one, false brethren... Hahahaha :)

:) with a joyful laugh.
mjjcb said:
awaken said:
We are all involved in spiritual warfare, whether we like it or not, and whether we realize it or not. Imagine a soldier on a battlefield who can't see or hear an enemy and therefore he doesn't believe there's an enemy out there, so he wanders around without his weapons, not carrying out his assigned duties, completely defenseless and vulnerable, stumbling into the enemy's camp without even being aware of it. The enemy doesn't care if that soldier was ignorant or if he was "just playing around." That soldier won't last long before being hurt by the enemy, yet this is how many of us live. We don't know that there's a war being fought in the spiritual plane, and we don't understand that there's an enemy of pure evil out there. We don't understand that God has an assigned place for each and every Christian, and that we have all been given spiritual gifts and spiritual weapons (defensive and offensive) for waging the battle in the heavenlies while we are here on earth.

Agreed. However, I like what C. S. Lewis said in his introduction to The Screwtape Letters: There's two mistakes that people make. 1) denying evil forces and 2) becoming obsessed with them.

There's a certain place where you are aware of the battle going on around you and keep your guard up, but you don't let it consume you in worry. We are in the Hands of a very capable God and need to know evil holds nothing over Him.

This is why we are to put on the whole armour of God,so that we will be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For instance, if you do not have your loins girt about with truth. Then the devil can penetrate your armour, at the point of your loins.
Spiritual warfare is a very serious question and to some measure a disputable one. And there are a lot of points of view on this subject. From my viewpoint we Christians should be very wise in this question. Because it is very dangerous to take up the struggle without being up in arms as it said in the Bible: “Finally,(M) be strong in the Lord and in(N) the strength of his might. 11(O) Put on(P) the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against(Q) the schemes of the devil. 12For(R) we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against(S) the rulers, against the authorities, against(T) the cosmic powers over(U) this present darkness, against(V) the spiritual forces of evil(W) in the heavenly places. 13Therefore(X) take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in(Y) the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. 14Stand therefore,(Z) having fastened on the belt of truth, and(AA) having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15and,(AB) as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. 16In all circumstances take up(AC) the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all(AD) the flaming darts of(AE) the evil one; 17and take(AF) the helmet of salvation, and(AG) the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God†(Ephesians 6:10-17).
Only with Armor of God we can take up the spiritual struggle. A lot of “young†Christians who are very eager acting hastily, forgetting about protection.
Of course every Christian should be sober and wise. And in my understanding to struggle on it`s own spiritual level and conquer territory step by step (as every of us has different spiritual age and power).
faithtransforms said:
Do you believe in it? How would you define it? Do you engage in it? If so, in what way? If not, why?

Ref: Eph 6:10-17; 2 Cor 10:4-5

I'm signing off now. But I hope to have a lively discussion about this. I'm not saying you guys on here, but I think a lot of Christians ignore spiritual warfare, to the detriment of themselves and to the cause of Christ.

Thanks for your replies! :wave

Hey Faith, you want to see something interesting? A fellow servant who is in warfare shared the demonice causes of earthquakes and such.

Watch this if you can, and it will open your eyes to the global war from the Lord vs the enemy.

Let me know what you think.



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