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The Heavenly Tabernacle


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I’m working on my 4th book called, “The Heavenly Tabernacle” in which I’m advocating a new, or let’s say “less explored” grand theme of the book of Revelation. So many Bible scholars and students of eschatology focus on the unraveling of mysteries; such as the meaning of the number 666, or who, when, and where the beast might be. I will be arguing that these end-times enthusiasts are completely missing the grand theme of the book . . . that the book of Revelation is about worship, and more specifically, worship in the Heavenly Tabernacle.

There are 10 celebrations of worship throughout the Book of Revelation, and after each celebration, something remarkable happens. Just as there were 10 plagues in the Exodus account until Pharaoh let the people of Israel go, the enemies of God are driven out of their strongholds and judged through the course of these 10 celebrations of worship.

I’m interested in discussing this theme and a number of sub-topics that flow out of the premise, such as: what and why is the Millennial Kingdom? When is the Rapture? and who are the 144,000? Any opinions, objections, or criticisms along the way are welcome.
Hello Paul River.
I believe the tabernacle being spoken of is the entire body of believers from the beginning of creation until the end of this world.
The Tabernacle of God, Gods' house, is where His Spirit resides.
I would disagree, Journeyman. Hebrews 8:1-5 says "Now the main point in what has been said is this: we have such a high priest, who has taken His seat at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, a minister in the sanctuary and in the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, not man. For every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices; so it is necessary that this high priest also have something to offer. Now if He were on earth, He would not be a priest at all, since there are those who offer the gifts according to the Law; who serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things, just as Moses was warned by God when he was about to erect the tabernacle; for, “SEE,” He says, “THAT YOU MAKE all things ACCORDING TO THE PATTERN WHICH WAS SHOWN YOU ON THE MOUNTAIN.”

So Moses was instructed by God to very carefully build the Wilderness Tabernacle, based on what was already in Heaven. And now, here in the book of Revelation, as we see the Heavenly Tabernacle in operation, we find every element of the Temple / Tabernacle throughout the book. Angels are pictured acting as priests in the Heavenly Tabernacle, including gathering coals from the altar and taking them to the Golden Altar (Revelation 11:15-17)

So your view does not represent the complexity or the redemptive effect of the Tabernacle in Heaven.
The Ministry of the Priesthood is a significant theme throughout Revelation, as we find angels acting as priests throughout the book: 1) Living Creatures surround God's throne just as the Levitical Priests would carry the Ark of the Covenant Rev 4:5-10 2) The living creatures and the twenty-four elders carrying bowels of incense Rev 5:8 3) Angels and the living creatures worshiping God Rev 5:11-12 4) Angels blowing trumpets just as the Levitical Priests did so at Jericho Rev 8-11 (5 An angel takes a golden censer from the altar to the golden altar Rev 8:3 6) Angel administers little book to John Rev 10:8-11 as a priest would administer a scroll in Num 5:23 7) Angels carry out ceremonial actions as a priest would in Temple worship Rev 14:14-19 8) Angels come out of the temple of the tabernacle of testimony in heaven with the 7 plagues as priest would bring out bowls of water during the libation ceremony of Sukkot Rev 15:5-8
(Hebrews 5:5-6, Ps 110:4) Messiah acts as the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek: Personal appearance and voice of Melchizedek - Rev 1:10-20, Melchizedek Instructs John about the churches - Rev 2 - 3, Melchizedek calls John through the open door up to heaven - Rev 4:1-2, Melchizedek instructs John to eat the little book - Rev 10:8-11, Melchizedek instructs John to measure the temple - Rev 11:1-3, Melchizedek releases the ark of the covenant - Rev 11:19, Melchizedek cries out from heaven - Rev 12:10-12, Melchizedek's voice is heard from heaven - Rev 14:2, Melchizedek speaks from heaven - Rev 14:13, Melchizedek commands the seven angels to pour out their plagues in the earth - Rev 16:1, Melchizedek directs the Hallelujah chorus - Rev 19:5, Melchizedek introduces John to the Tabernacle of God - Rev 21:3
(Hebrews 5:5-6, Ps 110:4) Messiah acts as the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek: Personal appearance and voice of Melchizedek - Rev 1:10-20, Melchizedek Instructs John about the churches - Rev 2 - 3, Melchizedek calls John through the open door up to heaven - Rev 4:1-2, Melchizedek instructs John to eat the little book - Rev 10:8-11, Melchizedek instructs John to measure the temple - Rev 11:1-3, Melchizedek releases the ark of the covenant - Rev 11:19, Melchizedek cries out from heaven - Rev 12:10-12, Melchizedek's voice is heard from heaven - Rev 14:2, Melchizedek speaks from heaven - Rev 14:13, Melchizedek commands the seven angels to pour out their plagues in the earth - Rev 16:1, Melchizedek directs the Hallelujah chorus - Rev 19:5, Melchizedek introduces John to the Tabernacle of God - Rev 21:3
Hello Paul River .
I have never seen a reference made such as you have made here . Melchizedek is not even mentioned in the New Testament as far as I know . Do you know of any references to Melchizedek in the New Testament ?
I would disagree, Journeyman. Hebrews 8:1-5 says "Now the main point in what has been said is this: we have such a high priest, who has taken His seat at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, a minister in the sanctuary and in the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, not man. For every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices; so it is necessary that this high priest also have something to offer. Now if He were on earth, He would not be a priest at all, since there are those who offer the gifts according to the Law; who serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things, just as Moses was warned by God when he was about to erect the tabernacle; for, “SEE,” He says, “THAT YOU MAKE all things ACCORDING TO THE PATTERN WHICH WAS SHOWN YOU ON THE MOUNTAIN.”

So Moses was instructed by God to very carefully build the Wilderness Tabernacle, based on what was already in Heaven. And now, here in the book of Revelation, as we see the Heavenly Tabernacle in operation, we find every element of the Temple / Tabernacle throughout the book. Angels are pictured acting as priests in the Heavenly Tabernacle, including gathering coals from the altar and taking them to the Golden Altar (Revelation 11:15-17)
Then make sure you edit your 4th book to imclude how no angel ministered to God as High Priest, because when Jesus ascended to the Holy of Holies in Heaven, He sorinkled it with His blood and then sat down on Gods' Throne.
So your view does not represent the complexity or the redemptive effect of the Tabernacle in Heaven.
Maybe you misunderstood me. I said,
"Hello Paul River.
I believe the tabernacle being spoken of is the entire body of believers from the beginning of creation until the end of this world. The Tabernacle of God, Gods' house, is where His Spirit resides.

So you disagreed with me, but then end post #5 by saying,
Melchizedek introduces John to the Tabernacle of God - Rev 21:3

In Rev.2:2, John sees
"the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. Rev.21:2

Then John hears a great voice out of Heaven saying,
"Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them.

This is why Paul said. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. 1Cor.3:16-17

Rev.21 is the very end of the Bible, the very first time any human has seen the face of God, because,

"he said, Thou canst not see My face: for there shall no man see Me, and live."Exo.33:20

Currently, we go to God in prayer like this,

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Heb.4:16

And Heb.4:11-15 says our profession of faith in Jesus must be genuine (vs.11), because our High Priest knows every thought in our minds. (vss.12-15)

Many people thimk God hears them whenever they pray, but the truth is

If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me: Psa.66:18

He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination. Pro.28:9

I glad you referred to our Eternal High Priest. Lord willing I'll show you why after I get some sleep.
I am sure hawkman and I may have minor details we see slightly differently, but the differences are very minor.
Because our source is not our carnal minds.

Angets are messengers.

Abraham was seeking a City made by God, when he met Melchizedek. Melchizedek was a type or shadow of a person to come. I will not try and totally define him.

We (our flesh) is a tabernacle of sorts, in a wilderness. Paul did not exalt his flesh. An earthern vessel wher power to be a witness about Jesus Christ. Not witness about angels or Melchizedek.

Salvation in Christ
Baptized in the Holy Spirit
Still a wretched man.

Enough for now

Mississippi redneck
Hello Paul River .
I have never seen a reference made such as you have made here . Melchizedek is not even mentioned in the New Testament as far as I know . Do you know of any references to Melchizedek in the New Testament ?
Melchizedek is mentioned 8 times in the book of Hebrews, including: Hebrews 5:6, 10, 6:20, 7:1, 10, 11, 15, 17. In fact, when Paul says in Hebrews 4:14-15: "Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin." The fact that Christ is now the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek is the point of the next 3 chapters. And then we find the application of Christ's Priesthood as he takes His own blood and pores it out on the Ark of the Heavenly Tabernacle to redeem the sins of all of mankind Hebrews 9:11-15.
Maybe you misunderstood me. I said,
"I believe the tabernacle being spoken of is the entire body of believers from the beginning of creation until the end of this world. The Tabernacle of God, Gods' house, is where His Spirit resides."
I do not think we are far apart, Journeyman. As it states in Revelation 13:6 "And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle, that is, those who dwell in heaven." So the Heavenly Tabernacle is made up of those who dwell in heaven, but this would include Satan and his angels until they are cast out of heaven in Rev 12. So . . . the term "Believers" is not an accurate term to use here. Secondly, the term "Believers" does not take into account the redemptive purposes of the Heavenly Tabernacle. The book of Hebrews discusses how Christ is now the High Priest in the order of MELCHIZEDEK, and the Heavenly Tabernacle from chapter 5 to chapter 13, and we find specific references throughout the book of Revelation regarding the Heavenly Tabernacle / Temple in Revelation 3:12, 7:15, 11:1, 19, 13:6, 14:15, 15:5, 6, 8, 16:1, 17, 21:3, 22. However, we can also find specific references to or allusions to all of the elements within the Wilderness Tabernacle / Temple, including: The Menorah Rev 1:10 - 16, The Brazen Sea Rev 4:2, 15:2, The Lamb Sacrifice Rev 5:5-6, The Priesthood Rev 5:9, 10, The Altar Rev 6:9-10, 8:3, Ark of the Covenant Rev 11:19, and the Showbread Table Rev 14:14-20.
I’m working on my 4th book called, “The Heavenly Tabernacle” in which I’m advocating a new, or let’s say “less explored” grand theme of the book of Revelation. So many Bible scholars and students of eschatology focus on the unraveling of mysteries; such as the meaning of the number 666, or who, when, and where the beast might be. I will be arguing that these end-times enthusiasts are completely missing the grand theme of the book . . . that the book of Revelation is about worship, and more specifically, worship in the Heavenly Tabernacle.

There are 10 celebrations of worship throughout the Book of Revelation, and after each celebration, something remarkable happens. Just as there were 10 plagues in the Exodus account until Pharaoh let the people of Israel go, the enemies of God are driven out of their strongholds and judged through the course of these 10 celebrations of worship.

I’m interested in discussing this theme and a number of sub-topics that flow out of the premise, such as: what and why is the Millennial Kingdom? When is the Rapture? and who are the 144,000? Any opinions, objections, or criticisms along the way are welcome.
Thank you for posting.
I do not think we are far apart, Journeyman. As it states in Revelation 13:6 "And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle, that is, those who dwell in heaven." So the Heavenly Tabernacle is made up of those who dwell in heaven, but this would include Satan and his angels until they are cast out of heaven in Rev 12. So . . . the term "Believers" is not an accurate term to use here. Secondly, the term "Believers" does not take into account the redemptive purposes of the Heavenly Tabernacle. The book of Hebrews discusses how Christ is now the High Priest in the order of MELCHIZEDEK, and the Heavenly Tabernacle from chapter 5 to chapter 13, and we find specific references throughout the book of Revelation regarding the Heavenly Tabernacle / Temple in Revelation 3:12, 7:15, 11:1, 19, 13:6, 14:15, 15:5, 6, 8, 16:1, 17, 21:3, 22. However, we can also find specific references to or allusions to all of the elements within the Wilderness Tabernacle / Temple, including: The Menorah Rev 1:10 - 16, The Brazen Sea Rev 4:2, 15:2, The Lamb Sacrifice Rev 5:5-6, The Priesthood Rev 5:9, 10, The Altar Rev 6:9-10, 8:3, Ark of the Covenant Rev 11:19, and the Showbread Table Rev 14:14-20.
Good morn Paul.
Lets simplify our one and only Eternal Hight Priest, our great Savior Jesus by comparing Him to every other high priest who eventually died after fulfilling their office, beginning with Aaron.

Leviticus 16

God told Moses to tell Aaron he could only come behind the veil where Gods' Throne was on Yom Kippur.
The Holiest day of the year for all of Gods' people is the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), when Gods'holy people as one nation were forgiven for all of their sins.

If Aaron went in there without being properly attired or without bringing the blood sacrifices God required, or without the holy incense, or went on any other day, God would have annihilated Aaron.

Aaron washed himself before he put the holy garments on.

Aaron took incense, the blood of a bull for his sins, the blood of a goat for the sins of the nation and sorinked their blood within the vail where the mercy seat sat on top of the law. Aaron also brought a ram for a burnt offering.
Melchizedek is mentioned 8 times in the book of Hebrews, including: Hebrews 5:6, 10, 6:20, 7:1, 10, 11, 15, 17. In fact, when Paul says in Hebrews 4:14-15: "Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin." The fact that Christ is now the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek is the point of the next 3 chapters. And then we find the application of Christ's Priesthood as he takes His own blood and pores it out on the Ark of the Heavenly Tabernacle to redeem the sins of all of mankind Hebrews 9:11-15.
Thank you :) , but my Bible does NOT say Melchisedek or Melchizedek in the book of Revelation as you have interjected below .
(Hebrews 5:5-6, Ps 110:4) Messiah acts as the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek: Personal appearance and voice of Melchizedek - Rev 1:10-20, Melchizedek Instructs John about the churches - Rev 2 - 3, Melchizedek calls John through the open door up to heaven - Rev 4:1-2, Melchizedek instructs John to eat the little book - Rev 10:8-11, Melchizedek instructs John to measure the temple - Rev 11:1-3, Melchizedek releases the ark of the covenant - Rev 11:19, Melchizedek cries out from heaven - Rev 12:10-12, Melchizedek's voice is heard from heaven - Rev 14:2, Melchizedek speaks from heaven - Rev 14:13, Melchizedek commands the seven angels to pour out their plagues in the earth - Rev 16:1, Melchizedek directs the Hallelujah chorus - Rev 19:5, Melchizedek introduces John to the Tabernacle of God - Rev 21:3
We are in the New Testament and when it says "Angel" that is what it means , we are not in the Old Testament .
Please excuse, as I hit the post button by accident. 😊

The blood of Aarons' ram for his burnt offering isn't described as being sprinkled at this time.

Do you agree so far?

I would like to discuss this with you verse by verse, as the sacrifices, who they are offered by, what they consecrate and the order in which they are offered all teach about our dear Lord Jesus, His role as our Eternal High Priest cannot be properly understood without knowing all these things.

I appreciate your hard work and the many passages you've cited and we can talk about them all, but one at a time and after we examine Lev.16 verse by verse in order so that whatever passage we discuss afterward lines up perfectly with Christ as High Priest.

You in?
Thank you :) , but my Bible does NOT say Melchisedek or Melchizedek in the book of Revelation as you have interjected below .
We are in the New Testament and when it says "Angel" that is what it means , we are not in the Old Testament .
Hawkman, you really need to read these passages in Hebrews to understand this concept, but the fact that Messiah is our (every Christian's) High Priest in the order of Melchizedek is absolutely a New Testament concept. Read Hebrews chapters 5 to chapter 7 and I would be happy to discuss this further.
Hawkman, you really need to read these passages in Hebrews to understand this concept, but the fact that Messiah is our (every Christian's) High Priest in the order of Melchizedek is absolutely a New Testament concept. Read Hebrews chapters 5 to chapter 7 and I would be happy to discuss this further.
Is the Messiah only our High Priest ? And yes I did the homework above :) .
Thank you :) , but my Bible does NOT say Melchisedek or Melchizedek in the book of Revelation as you have interjected below .

We are in the New Testament and when it says "Angel" that is what it means , we are not in the Old Testament .
I agree.
We are in the New Testament / New Covenant and the revelation of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the fulfillment of the prophecies, types and shadows that preceded his coming. The book o Revelation reveals Jesus Christ.

Mississippi redneck
Is the Messiah only our High Priest ? And yes I did the homework above :) .
OK, wonderful, Hawkman! So one of the key verses that we need to wrap our heads around is Hebrews 7:12 "For when the priesthood is changed, of necessity there takes place a change of law also." So, the first thing we need to understand is why certain laws were abrogated from the Old Testament, such as the dietary regulations; is because we are under this new priesthood where Christ is our high priest in the order of Melchizedek. This is not to say many of the laws of the Old Testament are not re-affirmed in the New Testament - all of the 10 commandments are re-affirmed in the New Testament over and again except for the Sabbath, as the Sabbath is now embodied in the person of Jesus Christ, and He is our rest! (Hebrews 1 - 4) Also, the sacrificial laws have been completely abrogated (this is also for you journeyman) as (Hebrews. 9:11-12) "But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things to come, He entered through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this creation; and not through the blood of goats and calves, but through His own blood, He entered the holy place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption." The shadows of all the sacrifices in the Old Testament 1) Burnt Offering, 2) Grain and Wine Offering, 3) Peace Offering, 4) Sin Offering, and 5) The Transgression Offering, could never compare with Christ's one-time perfect gift of His own blood!
Is the Messiah only our High Priest ? And yes I did the homework above :) .
So if Christ is our High Priest in the order of Melchizedek, who are we? 1) We as believers are all Royal Priests (1Peter 2:9) "But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." And the fact of our Royal Priesthood is re-affirmed in Titus 2:14, Revelation 1:6, and Revelation 5:10. 2) We (our lives and bodies) are the sacrifice (Romans 12:1) "Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship." Also, see the following verses on Christians being the sacrifice: Philippians 2:17-18, 1 Peter 2:5, and Hebrews 13:5. 3) And finally, we (Christians) are the Temple of God (1Peter 2:4-5) "And coming to Him as to a living stone which has been rejected by men, but is choice and precious in the sight of God, you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." Also, see the following verses on Christians being God's Temple: Ephesians 2:19-22, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 2 Corinthians 6:16, Revelation 3:12.
Is the Messiah only our High Priest ? And yes I did the homework above :) .
So now we understand that Christ is our High Priest in the order of Melchizedek, and Christians are priests, the sacrifice and God's Temple, we can look at the book of Revelations with fresh eyes and not with the eyes of a cessationist who sees no connection between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Since one of the main themes of the book of Revelation is clearly about the operation of the Heavenly Tabernacle (Revelation 3:12, 7:15, 11:1, 19, 13:6, 14:15, 15:5, 6, 8, 16:1, 17, 21:3, 22.), and we can find all of the elements of the Wilderness Tabernacle and Solomon's Temple in it (The Menorah Rev 1:10 - 16, The Brazen Sea Rev 4:2, 15:2, The Lamb Sacrifice Rev 5:5-6, The Priesthood Rev 5:9, 10, The Altar Rev 6:9-10, 8:3, Ark of the Covenant Rev 11:19, and the Showbread Table Rev 14:14-20.) the High Priest must be here somewhere! Without question, the vision John sees in Revelation 1:10-20 is our glorified Saviour as he says in (Revelation 1:17-18) "Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades." I am simply assigning Him the title Melchizedek because that is who we know he is within the context of this Heavenly Tabernacle in the Book of Revelation.


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