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Who or What is Satan?


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One thing that has puzzled me about the devil and the satan is its mortality. Is the Satan who tempted Jesus the same one who possessed the serpent in Eden? When I read passages like the one in 1 peter 5:8 that says "your adversary (satan), the devil (opposer) is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour" it makes me ask if Peter was speaking indirectly about the Roman authorities that were persecuting the christian community as opposed to the entity we perceive as The Devil. And as I read through scripture, it seems to me like the Satan is a word that is very much like the work God as it is not a proper name but rather a descriptive term.

It can even be argued that according to scripture, there is NOT necessarily just one Satan. Bible translators have picked and chosen have they will translate certain words in order to prop up certain widely held dogmas. They include or exclude definite articles like "the" and "a" in order to convey the ideas they believe in. Why not simply avoid using the term "satan" and instead use the English equivalent "adversary"? Doing so would clear up a lot of confusion and give the reader a more accurate understand of the texts.
Lucifer, Satan and the Devil are the same being with three different names. Lucifer was the most glorified angel in heaven. When he rebelled and fell from heaven, he was given the name Satan. When he slandered God on earth he was then called the devil. Yes, it is the same Satan who tempted Jesus and also possessed the serpent.
One thing that has puzzled me about the devil and the satan is its mortality. Is the Satan who tempted Jesus the same one who possessed the serpent in Eden? When I read passages like the one in 1 peter 5:8 that says "your adversary (satan), the devil (opposer) is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour" it makes me ask if Peter was speaking indirectly about the Roman authorities that were persecuting the christian community as opposed to the entity we perceive as The Devil. And as I read through scripture, it seems to me like the Satan is a word that is very much like the work God as it is not a proper name but rather a descriptive term.

It can even be argued that according to scripture, there is NOT necessarily just one Satan. Bible translators have picked and chosen have they will translate certain words in order to prop up certain widely held dogmas. They include or exclude definite articles like "the" and "a" in order to convey the ideas they believe in. Why not simply avoid using the term "satan" and instead use the English equivalent "adversary"? Doing so would clear up a lot of confusion and give the reader a more accurate understand of the texts.

Yup, the same one who tempted Jesus. It really doesn't matter if each time the devil does his dirties it is actually him or his cohorts, does it?

Adversary, a good word but I kind like the adjectives that could go with that word like, lying, cheating, stealing, devouring, murdering, etc.
Or as my grandson called him the other day, "satan, you stinky, rotten fish" lol, he was praying for me, and I felt like I had eaten a rotten fish.
Or as my grandson called him the other day, "satan, you stinky, rotten fish"
[MENTION=70867]deborah[/MENTION] Well that just made may day! Thanks!
[MENTION=93656]urk[/MENTION] Thanks for the explanation of names, I didn't know that.

This thread sounds like it will be interesting.
I've always found texts like Job 26:12, Isaiah 27:1, and Revelations 12:7-9 to be the most telling scripures related to thre being a singular satan mentioned in the Bible. Others have asserted that texts like Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 speak of the devil/Satan and its origin. While I don't find that to be plausible and scripturally sound at this point, looking further into what they scriptures say will hopefully yield some insight.
There is a singular Satan. He is one being but he has many underlings...

Rev 12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
Rev 12:4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

How many angels were there? Dunno, but Satan convinced 1/3 of them that God isn't fair and they were not achieving their full potential and that God was holding them back from real freedom. They are now demons. There is one Devil named Satan...

Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Rev 20:2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

And many demons...

Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?


Neuter of a derivative of G1142; a daemonic being; by extension a deity: - devil, god.

Better rendered demons.

Jas 2:19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

Same word in James, etc.
Not sure what Adam and Eve saw, a literal snake or Satan. I suspect He was not in snake form as a snake would not have much sway in things. Satan is also called the Serpent so it just might have been what He was called in Genesis.

Through the bible there is but one enemy that had certain characteristics. Satan, full of pride, and death. A liar Jesus said from the start, the thief. Peter was not talking about standing in faith against a mortal man. The fear of man brings a snare and we don't wrestle against flesh and blood. We are told to submit to God and resist the devil, so any issues would be from the unseen demonic Kingdom Jesus said was not divided.

Truth over Tradition.
like Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 speak of the devil/Satan and its origin. While I don't find that to be plausible and scripturally sound at this point, looking further into what they scriptures say will hopefully yield some insight.

This has been a argument for a long time.

Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

No man certainly fell from Heaven. Jesus said I seen Satan cast out of Heaven like lightning. Who would control whole nations as the spiritual authority? Satan of course as He offered all the kingdoms to Jesus He controlled. Jesus never questioned Satan not owning them as god of this Word, but Jesus was not going to obey him either.

Eze 28:13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.
Eze 28:14 Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
Eze 28:15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
Eze 28:16 By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.
Eze 28:17 Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.

This person had been in the Garden of Edan long after it had vanished. Walking up and down in the stones of fire. They seem to have easy access to things past and present. This person was created a angel until iniquity was found in them. God mentions the Garden of Edan, the place God cursed Satan and told of his defeat by Jesus.

This person is cast down so that all the kings can see how pathetic Satan really is, seeing him as he is.

Eze 28:17..............................I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.
Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Isa 14:16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;

It's no question in my mind that we are talking about Satan here in these passages, the disobedient angel that forgot his place.

Starting with Isaiah, lets look at the entire context to see if it makes sense to equate it with the satan.

Isaiah 13:17-14:20
17 {Look!} Against you I’m arousing the Medes… those who think nothing of your silver, and have no need of your gold! 18 They’ll break the bows of your young men, and show no mercy on your children… their eyes will spare none of your children. 19 Then Babylon (the capital of the king of Chaldea), will be wiped out by God like Sodom and GomorRah. 20 Through the age no one will live there… for generations no one will go there. Arabs won’t go there and shepherds won’t rest there. 21 But wild animals will indeed go there to rest, and fill all their houses with growling. It’ll be a home for demons who’ll dance there; 22 [scavenger birds] will then dwell there, and hedgehogs will build nests in their homes.
Chapter 14
1 This will all happen quickly… it will take little time, for the days will not drag on. But Jehovah will show mercy on Jacob (Israel will still be His chosen), and they will rest in their land. Then to them foreigners will be added… to the house of Jacob they’ll be added. 2 They will accept the nations among them… as an inheritance they’ll bring them to their place. Then, there within the land of our God, male and female servants will be many, and those who once took them as captives, will then in turn be their captives… they’ll dominate those who once ruled them. 3 And in that day; Jehovah will bring rest from your grief and your rage, and the hard labor in which you once slaved. 4 Then against the king of Babylon himself, you will take up this wail… you will say in that day: ‘O how much rest [we now enjoy], from he who once required so much… how much rest [we now have from] our masters, 5 for Jehovah has broken the yoke of the sinners, as well as the yoke of their rulers. 6 He struck a nation in [His] rage, [and brought] incurable calamity upon them… He spared none and He wasn’t persuaded to desist, 7 so now the whole earth is shouting in joy! 8 The trees of Lebanon are joyful and say, From the time that you were laid low, no one has come here to cut us! 9 ‘From below the grave was bitter when it met you, for all the giants who once ruled the earth, have now been gathered against you. The kings of the nations will arise from their thrones, 10 and then to you they will say: Have you now been captured as we were; and are you now considered as one of us? 11 Your glories and joys have gone down to their graves, and beneath you they’ll make a bed of decay, where you will be covered with worms!’ 12 ‘O how the bright one has fallen from the sky (the one that arises at dawn); for you who [once conquered] nations, have now been broken to the ground. 13 For you once said in your heart, I will ascend to the sky, and put my throne above all the stars. I will sit upon a high mountain… on the highest mountains to the north. 14 I’ll be higher than the clouds, and like the Most High I’ll be. 15 ‘But now you’ll go down to the grave, and to the foundations of the earth. 16 Then those who see you will wonder and say: Is this the man who provoked the whole earth… is he the one who shook kings… 17 the one who brought desolation, to the habitation of man… he who demolished its cities, and he who set no slaves free?’ 18 Though all kings of the nations sleep in honor, and every man within his own house, 19 you’ll be tossed in the mountains like the dead… you’ll be abhorred like others who were stabbed through with swords, and who went to the place of the dead. 20 Like clothes that are befouled by blood, you’ll never be pure or be clean, for, you destroyed My land and killed all My people. So, no way will you last through the ages, O you seed of what’s evil.

This is a pretty clear description of what happened to ancient Babylon and its ruler Belshazzer when the Medes conquered it. No devil or Satan seems to be mentioned in this passage.
No man certainly fell from Heaven. Jesus said I seen Satan cast out of Heaven like lightning.

The passage in Luke 10 that alludes to this appears to be taken out of its context in my mind when it is used to reference the Satan's fall and attempted to be connected with Isaiah 14. It says nothing about what the context of Isaiah 14 describe. Starting in verse 17, it reads as follows:
17 Well, when the seventy who were sent out in pairs returned, they joyfully said: 'Lord, even the demons obeyed us when we used your name!'
18 Then he said to them: 'I saw the Opposer falling like lightning from the sky. 19 Look! I've given you the authority to step on serpents, scorpions, and on the power of the enemy… and nothing will harm you! 20 However, don't be happy because [evil] spirits obeyed you; be happy because your names have been written in the heavens!'

The text about the Opposer falling appears to be more metaphorical than as a literal description.
As far as Ezekiel 28 is concerned, we must look at the context starting in chapter 26. When we get to chapter 28, God has already decreed destruction upon Tyre and said that He would use Babylon (King Neb) as the instrument of that destruction. Chapter 28 then begins with an address to Tyre's king that reads:

2 'And you, O son of man; Say this to the ruler of Tyre! Tell him that thus says Jehovah: You have made your heart haughty, and you said that you are a God; for, you dwell among the gods of the sea! Yet, you're just a man, not a god, though you made your heart as that of a god.
3 'Are you wiser than DaniEl… didn't the wise teach you wisdom? 4 Which was it; intelligence or wisdom, that brought you all of your power… which brought you your treasures of silver and gold? 5 Was it the strength of trading or wisdom, that brought you to power and made your heart proud?
6 'It's because of this, says Jehovah; Since you made your heart as that of a God; {Look!} I'll bring strange pests from the nations to you, 7 and they'll empty their swords out against you (against the beauty of your wisdom), and they'll spread your beauty to destruction. 8 Yes, they will soon cut you down, and you'll die the death of the slain, there in the heart of the sea.
9 'Will you say you're a god to those who bring death? No, you'll be just a man, not a god, in the hands of those who will stab you. 10 You'll die among the uncircumcised, by the hands of those who are strangers. For, I have spoken, says Jehovah.'

The above as well as the previous chapters in the setting for verses 12-19. A reading of the full context in no way mentions Satan unless the reader brings him into the setting based on a possible preconception in my mind.
Greetings to you in the love of Jesus

I have always pondered the question: Why would God give him so much power? Look at what he did to Job, he was able to bring a tornado (control weather patterns) to kill all of Job's children, he was able to cause fire to come down from heaven and burn up Job's sheep and servants, as he will empower the Antichrist to rain down fire in the Book of Revelation. He was able to bring sores (boils) onto Job, and if this all wasn't enough he had the ability to temp our Lord God in the flesh by showing Him the kingdoms of the world. We know through Scripture that Satan can only do so much and can not go beyond certain boundaries, but I still question why he was given so much power to rule this world with??
Greetings to you in the love of Jesus

I have always pondered the question: Why would God give him so much power? Look at what he did to Job, he was able to bring a tornado (control weather patterns) to kill all of Job's children, he was able to cause fire to come down from heaven and burn up Job's sheep and servants, as he will empower the Antichrist to rain down fire in the Book of Revelation. He was able to bring sores (boils) onto Job, and if this all wasn't enough he had the ability to temp our Lord God in the flesh by showing Him the kingdoms of the world. We know through Scripture that Satan can only do so much and can not go beyond certain boundaries, but I still question why he was given so much power to rule this world with??

That is a very good question, Atonement. :thumbsup
Your reasoning is solid. As a person that is scripture minded only I can't take O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground,- into consideration because I have no other scripture to compare with. The subject should remain Belshazzer, if reading in context. So to believe we are speaking of Mr. Devil, as most do (Tradition) Do I go with tradition or just read it as written? Reading it as written is my first rule without spiritual fluff.

Now I already knew of your understanding, so the question would be is there anything in Isa or Eze that would point to Satan? Is that even a possibility? I can point many things out that say God is speaking of Satan, really much so in Eze. So is there anything in there that tells us God switched physical kingdoms into spiritual kingdoms? Satan is the actual one in control of these as even Danial points that out. Was there a switch in Isa? one in Eze? So the question is, How much "Spiritual" stuff I gotta add to make God speak of Satan and not these babylonhead kings? Bel was not near as impressive as nabby.
What message is God trying to send here?

by his stripes I am healed.

Do I make this statement "spiritual" only? Those were spiritual stripes. Am I physically healed and just need to receive what was done? We have a reverse here as it would be inconsistent translation to say he bore my "spiritual" Sickness and carried my "spiritual" disease. Sickness and disease were never translated that way, and always meant physical. It becomes spiritual when I can't have faith for that though.

This is what we look at. Satan, or the physical Kings being the Subject talked about by God here. We try to find spiritual meaning? or stick with what is plainly written? does taking either one leave some holes or questioning? Would there even be a reason to look at another meaning besides what is plainly written? We find the one where no question remains and have the ability to explain it to someone in a very simple way. Once we do that, we have the answer as God is not the author of confusion.

I have always pondered the question: Why would God give him so much power? Look at what he did to Job, he was able to bring a tornado (control weather patterns) to kill all of Job's children, he was able to cause fire to come down from heaven and burn up Job's sheep and servants, as he will empower the Antichrist to rain down fire in the Book of Revelation.

By nature we are talking about an angel here. So we are talking about a whole lot of power. God did not give him anything more than the others. One angel can wipe out a whole army, so it's no wonder Satan can do a few things.

We know through Scripture that Satan can only do so much and can not go beyond certain boundaries, but I still question why he was given so much power to rule this world with??

Satan has no power to rule anything. He is a fallen, disobedient angel. Jesus destroyed the works of the devil which are killing, stealing and destroying. God gave the earth to man, we are suppose to be in charge here, not the devil. Only when someone like Job gives the devil a place, can He do anything or touch us. We were warned not to give place to that rat. Satan is powerless and can do nothing until man sides with him.

One thing that has puzzled me about the devil and the satan is its mortality. Is the Satan who tempted Jesus the same one who possessed the serpent in Eden?

Yes, one and the same. And it was no 'physical possessed serpent.' Satan is the serpent in the spiritual sense as are all his demonic offspring.

Their deception is 'internal' and they, again in the spiritual sense, slide along on DUST, that is, our bodies/minds.

When I read passages like the one in 1 peter 5:8 that says "your adversary (satan), the devil (opposer) is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour" it makes me ask if Peter was speaking indirectly about the Roman authorities

ah, no, it has nearly nothing to do with Roman authorities. All mankind are blinded by the 'god of this world' by nature. This fact places the workings of Satan within every blinded mind. And those who can't see this unseen matter will never understand the text, nor are they meant to.

There is 'one' within all of us who will be given understandings and 'one' (or more) who will not understand and will resist every single time and will deceive every single time.

This is the 'human condition' of having sin which same is of the devil.

that were persecuting the christian community as opposed to the entity we perceive as The Devil. And as I read through scripture, it seems to me like the Satan is a word that is very much like the work God as it is not a proper name but rather a descriptive term.

It can even be argued that according to scripture, there is NOT necessarily just one Satan. Bible translators have picked and chosen have they will translate certain words in order to prop up certain widely held dogmas. They include or exclude definite articles like "the" and "a" in order to convey the ideas they believe in. Why not simply avoid using the term "satan" and instead use the English equivalent "adversary"? Doing so would clear up a lot of confusion and give the reader a more accurate understand of the texts.

There are a vast number of 'terms' deployed in the text to convey the factual information of unseen forces and evil thoughts by entities that are not us.

They are, for all intentions and purposes, part of our current 'training equipment.' If we are Gods Children, then we are 'exercised' by the adversary and in an odd sort of way, the adversary is meant for our STRENGTHENING when we OVERCOME.

Greetings to you in the love of Jesus

I have always pondered the question: Why would God give him so much power? Look at what he did to Job, he was able to bring a tornado (control weather patterns) to kill all of Job's children, he was able to cause fire to come down from heaven and burn up Job's sheep and servants, as he will empower the Antichrist to rain down fire in the Book of Revelation. He was able to bring sores (boils) onto Job, and if this all wasn't enough he had the ability to temp our Lord God in the flesh by showing Him the kingdoms of the world. We know through Scripture that Satan can only do so much and can not go beyond certain boundaries, but I still question why he was given so much power to rule this world with??

God never had any intentions of leaving us in these current wet dust piles we call bodies. There was a first, natural Adam and there was a last Adam.

That is how God forms His Children. He places us in adversity and demands us to SHINE from within that adversity if we are His, and to overcome darkness with Light.

And this is in preparation to behold HIS GLORY. In a way it's not so much about our current condition, but a matter of preparation for exposure to greater Glory.

God never had any intentions of leaving us in these current wet dust piles we call bodies. There was a first, natural Adam and there was a last Adam.

That is how God forms His Children. He places us in adversity and demands us to SHINE from within that adversity if we are His, and to overcome darkness with Light.

And this is in preparation to behold HIS GLORY. In a way it's not so much about our current condition, but a matter of preparation for exposure to greater Glory.

Greetings to you smaller

I agree that God's intentions were to have us walk in our freewill(s) being obedient to His Word.

But I'm unsure this reply relates to my particular question? I don't disagree with anything you have said because you are speaking truth, but it's side-track to my question. However, it's speaks volumes to the thread.

God Bless
God never had any intentions of leaving us in these current wet dust piles we call bodies. There was a first, natural Adam and there was a last Adam.

That is how God forms His Children. He places us in adversity and demands us to SHINE from within that adversity if we are His, and to overcome darkness with Light.

And this is in preparation to behold HIS GLORY. In a way it's not so much about our current condition, but a matter of preparation for exposure to greater Glory.

Greetings to you smaller

I agree that God's intentions were to have us walk in our freewill(s) being obedient to His Word.

But I'm unsure this reply relates to my particular question? I don't disagree with anything you have said because you are speaking truth, but it's side-track to my question. However, it's speaks volumes to the thread.

God Bless

My bad. I should have finished up by saying God gave Satan that power to destroy our present dust bodies as that is Gods Eventual Disposition in taking us from a first natural Adam state to our final finished state of being One with Him. Satan in this way plays 'his role' in destruction and in the 'mean'time, providing us our contrasting darkness to His, Gods Light.

In this way Satan is in effect, Gods servant. A servant who is 'darkness' and who will eventually be set aside permanently in the Lake of Fire when God is finished using 'it.'

My bad. I should have finished up by saying God gave Satan that power to destroy our present dust bodies as that is Gods Eventual Disposition in taking us from a first natural Adam state to our final finished state of being One with Him. Satan in this way plays 'his role' in destruction and in the 'mean'time, providing us our contrasting darkness to His, Gods Light.

In this way Satan is in effect, Gods servant. A servant who is 'darkness' and who will eventually be set aside permanently in the Lake of Fire when God is finished using 'it.'

Ahh that sounds better now :thumbsup
Lucifer, Satan and the Devil are the same being with three different names. Lucifer was the most glorified angel in heaven. When he rebelled and fell from heaven, he was given the name Satan. When he slandered God on earth he was then called the devil. Yes, it is the same Satan who tempted Jesus and also possessed the serpent.
Could you show me scripture that says Lucifer/Satan was the most glorified angel in heaven? Could you show me scripture where he was given the name Satan? Could show me scripture that says Satan possessed a snake/serpent? Thanks.:)
Lucifer, Satan and the Devil are the same being with three different names. Lucifer was the most glorified angel in heaven. When he rebelled and fell from heaven, he was given the name Satan. When he slandered God on earth he was then called the devil. Yes, it is the same Satan who tempted Jesus and also possessed the serpent.
Could you show me scripture that says Lucifer/Satan was the most glorified angel in heaven? Could you show me scripture where he was given the name Satan? Could show me scripture that says Satan possessed a snake/serpent? Thanks.:)

Lucifer/Glorified Angel - Ezekiel 28:11-19..
11 Moreover, the word of the Lord came to me: 12 “Son of man, raise a lamentation over the king of Tyre, and say to him, Thus says the Lord God:
“You were the signet of perfection,
full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
13 You were in Eden, the garden of God;
every precious stone was your covering,
sardius, topaz, and diamond,
beryl, onyx, and jasper,
sapphire, emerald, and carbuncle;
and crafted in gold were your settings
and your engravings.
On the day that you were created
they were prepared.
14 You were an anointed guardian cherub.
I placed you; you were on the holy mountain of God;
in the midst of the stones of fire you walked.
15 You were blameless in your ways
from the day you were created,
till unrighteousness was found in you.
16 In the abundance of your trade
you were filled with violence in your midst, and you sinned;
so I cast you as a profane thing from the mountain of God,
and I destroyed you, O guardian cherub,
from the midst of the stones of fire.
17 Your heart was proud because of your beauty;
you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor.
I cast you to the ground;
I exposed you before kings,
to feast their eyes on you.
18 By the multitude of your iniquities,
in the unrighteousness of your trade
you profaned your sanctuaries;
so I brought fire out from your midst;
it consumed you,
and I turned you to ashes on the earth
in the sight of all who saw you.
19 All who know you among the peoples
are appalled at you;
you have come to a dreadful end
and shall be no more forever.â€

Given the name Satan..Luke 10:18 And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Satan is the one that rebelled and took action to become a serpent, rebellion. He was then named the devil when he lied to Eve. Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. Revelation 20:10 and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

Rebellion is a metaphor to describe Satan and slander/lying is a metaphor to describe the devil. Satan and the devil possessing serpent..Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.


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