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    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."

You may safely assume I'm sickened, disgusted and won't be accepting!


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I think it's safe to say I have seen just about enough of the depravity in this world.
As some of my friends here know, I work as a freelance, bodybuilding and fitness writer. A substantial part of my work is researching and appraising various supplements in the field.
I am often contacted to research new products and fads and today I received a request to research and write some articles as the copied listing below, it was NOT a joke and NO I did NOT accept the project.

6 articles on human placenta
I need 6 articles for my blog and the topic are as follow :

1) Human Placenta vs Animal Placenta
2) What are the benefits of consuming Placenta
3) Treatment for liver cirrhosis and hepatitis - Human Placenta
4) The beauty benefits of Consuming Human Placenta
5) The result of Oral and Injection of Placenta
6) The best health supplement - Human Placenta

I'm usually very open to "alternative medicine" and supplements from different sources (plants, animals, fish, minerals etc.) But this one I just can't justify.
I am freaking disgusted that the powers that be even allow the sale for consumption of human placenta.
To me it equates to cannibalism.
If we are going to go down that road, hell why don't we sell amputated limbs, heck even whole copses to our local butcher shops! The hospitals will make a killing (yep...lousy pun but i needed to lighten my mood, sorry)

The beauty benefits of consuming human placenta? Elizabeth Bathory WAS onto something after all!

Am I over reacting? Or are you also disgusted by this?
I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this, those for and against.
In the meantime, I'll try to calm the anger and look at it again with focus
Blessings in Jesus' holy name
Soylent Green, anyone? For all you young people, Soylent Green was a 1973 sci-fi movie. It's supposed to take place in 2022, at a time when food is in such short supply and the world is so overpopulated, that they have started making food, called "Soylent Green", which is supposedly made from plankton. In reality though, Soylent Green is people.

The TOG​
Soylent Green, anyone? For all you young people, Soylent Green was a 1973 sci-fi movie. It's supposed to take place in 2022, at a time when food is in such short supply and the world is so overpopulated, that they have started making food, called "Soylent Green", which is supposedly made from plankton. In reality though, Soylent Green is people.

The TOG​
now I remember that movie, Charles Heston was in that movie.
Wow, I remember that movie and was grossed out by it. My husband and I are organ donors. Not to much sure about the placenta, but as long as babies are not harvested and aborted just for that purpose I see nothing wrong with it, but do not know much about it. Isn't the placenta discarded after childbirth anyway so why not use it to save another's life.
I've never seen Soylent Green and I had to look it up before I posted, but the last line in the movie is famous - "Soylent Green is people". It's supposed to take place in 2022, half a century after it was released. That's just 8 years away, and some of the things in the movie seem almost prophetic.

The TOG​
now I remember that movie, Charles Heston was in that movie.
It's a good movie - despite Charlton Heston. :lol

On topic...

Paul1965, would it matter whether it's one's "own" placenta? Like, a mother eating the placenta from her own womb after child birth? Would it be cannibalism to eat a part of yourself? While the idea is gross I see no ethical problem with that. It's probably rich in proteins....

Ethical issues would arise if placenta is bought/ sold and thus the entire process of childbirth is abused for economic gain. Also, eating another person's placenta is probably a hygiene/ health risk because human tissue and blood can transmit infections and diseases.

So I can't imagine there are health or beauty benefits in eating placenta at all. If you eat it raw you'd risk getting all kinds of infections, and if you process it though cooking you'd boil down all proteins into basic amino acids (which means you could just as well eat a hard boiled egg or a bar of tofu).
Am I over reacting? Or are you also disgusted by this?
I'm with you on being disgusted by it. This sounds like cannibalism to me too. I don't think it matters how much it's processed and disguised for the person using it, it still seems like cannibalism. Now if there is some reason the human placenta can be used to save lives and there is no viable alternative, I could accept that, even though it would still gross me out. But from what you've written and the wording of the 6 article titles it doesn't sound like this is something that is needed to save lives at all.

So this raises a question... We find cannibalism disgusting because in our culture we are told it's a bad thing. Is this a Biblical principle or is it just cultural? If Biblical, what scripture supports a ban on cannibalism. And of course I'm talking about cannibalism that doesn't involve something else that is Biblically prohibited, like murder. I think of some of the examples of those who were starving (such as the Donner party, etc) and stayed alive by resorting to eating the bodies of those who had already died. Were they violating any scripture in any way?
I'm disgusted by it as well. I can't imagine there's anything physically harmful about eating placenta (animals routinely eat their own placenta after giving birth unless prevented) but we don't accept it as part of our human's not something we
I'm disgusted by it as well. I can't imagine there's anything physically harmful about eating placenta (animals routinely eat their own placenta after giving birth unless prevented) but we don't accept it as part of our human's not something we
do, but well given abortion and since one has said show me the chapter where it says cannabilism is a sin.. why not then eat aborted babies. they are dead, but well the problem with that is theres a disease from that and also the idea of that if we go there. a market for aborted babies will be created for food.
do, but well given abortion and since one has said show me the chapter where it says cannabilism is a sin.. why not then eat aborted babies. they are dead, but well the problem with that is theres a disease from that and also the idea of that if we go there. a market for aborted babies will be created for food.
Please don't try to make it sound like I'm supporting cannibalism if it's not actually banned in scripture. That wasn't my point at all. I was just curious if banning cannibalism was something that originated with scripture or if it's unrelated. Do you have any scripture on this?
There are two chapters, actually - Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14.

The TOG​
kosher list doesn't mention the human being in the negative nor positive but by natural repulsion unless taught that its normal its not in the torah. we could by simple respect for life and say this that the blood of man is precious and well eating a placenta has blood in it. so would an aborted baby.
kosher list doesn't mention the human being in the negative nor positive but by natural repulsion unless taught that its normal its not in the torah. we could by simple respect for life and say this that the blood of man is precious and well eating a placenta has blood in it. so would an aborted baby.

With regards to land animals, it says that anything that doesn't have cloven hooves and chew it's cud is unclean. Since people neither have cloven hooves nor chew their cud, they are not fit to eat. Those two passages are the only ones I know of that tell us what meat we can and cannot eat. For people who believe that these laws have been done away with and that we are allowed to eat anything, there is no other place in the Bible that I know of that prohibits cannibalism.

The TOG​
With regards to land animals, it says that anything that doesn't have cloven hooves and chew it's cud is unclean. Since people neither have cloven hooves nor chew their cud, they are not fit to eat. Those two passages are the only ones I know of that tell us what meat we can and cannot eat. For people who believe that these laws have been done away with and that we are allowed to eat anything, there is no other place in the Bible that I know of that prohibits cannibalism.

The TOG​
ok while I know you are kosher but well we would digress into the argument whether one can eat non kosher foods. cannabals often eat blood. that is a sin.unless one wants to drain the flesh first. but then again to make a desire to eat humans and will create a market for dead ones to be served. theres no need for that.
Nothing new under the sun

Dr. Josef Mengele, nicknamed The Angel Of Death, and the other Nazi doctors at the death camps tortured men, women and children and did medical experiments of unspeakable horror during the Holocaust. Victims were put into pressure chambers, tested with drugs, castrated, frozen to death. Children were exposed to experimental surgeries performed without anesthesia, transfusions of blood from one to another, isolation endurance, reaction to various stimuli. The doctors made injections with lethal germs, sex change operations, removal of organs and limbs.

At Auschwitz Josef Mengele did a number of medical experiments, using twins. These twins as young as five years of age were usually murdered after the experiment was over and their bodies dissected.

Mengele injected chemicals into the eyes of the children in an attempt to change their eye color. He carried out twin-to-twin transfusions, stitched twins together, castrated or sterilized twins. Many twins had limbs and organs removed in macabre surgical procedures, performed without using an anesthetic.

The Holocaust Children

Only a few of the children survived Auschwitz. They later recalled how they were visited by a smiling Uncle Mengele who brought them candy and clothes. Then he had them delivered to his medical laboratory either in trucks painted with the Red Cross emblem or in his own personal car.

Josef Mengele was the chief provider for the gas chambers at Auschwitz - and did well! When it was reported that one block was infected with lice, Mengele solved the problem by gassing all the 750 women assigned to it.

The memory of this slightly built man, scarcely a hair out of place, his dark green tunic neatly pressed, his face well scrubbed, his Death's Head SS cap tilted rakishly to one side, remains vivid for those who survived his scrutiny when they arrived at the Auschwitz railhead. Polished boots slightly apart, his thumb resting on his pistol belt, he surveyed his prey with those dead gimlet eyes. Death to the left, life to the right.
Josef Mengele and the other camp doctors - masterminds of the horrors of Nazi genocide - were found to be psychologically normal. They were men of fine standing, cultured, husbands who morning and night kissed their wives, fathers who tucked their children into bed ...


The number of children killed by Hitler and his Nazis is not fathomable and full statistics for the tragic fate of the children will never be known. Estimates range as high as 1.5 million murdered children during the Holocaust. This figure includes more than 1.2 million Jewish children, tens of thousands of Gypsy children and thousands of institutionalized handicapped children.

Plucked from their homes and stripped of their childhoods, the children had witnessed the murder of parents, siblings, and relatives. They faced starvation, illness and brutal labor, until they were consigned to the gas chambers.

This is the story of the children of Izieu - but there are no happy endings. In 1944 the Nazis from Lyon sent three vehicles to the tiny French village to exterminate the children of the orphanage known as La Maison d'Izieu. Here 44 Jewish children in age from 3 to 18 were hidden away from the Nazi terror that surrounded them.

On the morning of April 6, 1944, as the children all settled down in the refectory to drink hot chocolate, the Nazis led by the Butcher of LyonKlaus Barbie, raided the Home, throwing the crying and terrified children on to the trucks like sacks of potatoes.

The Jewish Children Of Izieu

The little children were deported to the Nazi death camp Auschwitz and murdered immediately upon arrival. Of the forty-four children kidnapped by the Nazis in Izieu, not a single one survived. Of the supervisors there was one sole survivor, twenty-seven year old Lea Feldblum.

Beate and Serge Klarsfeld, who brought Klaus Barbie to justice in 1983, later wrote: "Forty-four children deported - no mere statistic, but rather forty-four tragedies which continue to cause us pain ..."

Sami Adelsheimer, 5
Hans Ament, 10
Nina Aronowicz, 12
Max-Marcel Balsam, 12
Jean-Paul Balsam, 10
Esther Benassayag, 12
Elie Benassayag, 10
Jacob Benassayag, 8
Jacques Benguigui, 12
Richard Benguigui, 7
Jean-Claude Benguigui, 5
Barouk-Raoul Bentitou, 12
Majer Bulka, -
Albert Bulka, 4
Lucienne Friedler, 5
Egon Gamiel, 9
Maurice Gerenstein, 13
Liliane Gerenstein, 11
Henri-Chaïm Goldberg, 13
Joseph Goldberg, 12
Mina Halaunbrenner, -
Claudine Halaunbrenner, 5

Georges Halpern, 8
Arnold Hirsch, 17
Isidore Kargeman, 10
Renate Krochmal, 8
Liane Krochmal, 6
Max Leiner, 8
Claude Levan-Reifman, 10
Fritz Loebmann, 15
Alice-Jacqueline Luzgart, 10
Paula Mermelstein, 10
Marcel Mermelstein, 7
Theodor Reis, 16
Gilles Sadowski, 8
Martha Spiegel, 10
Senta Spiegel, 9
Sigmund Springer, 8
Sarah Szulklaper, -
Max Tetelbaum, 12
Herman Tetelbaum, 10
Charles Weltner, 9
Otto Wertheimer, -
Emile Zuckerberg, 5
Yes, I thought about the kosher laws too, but I'm not one who believes them to apply to New Testament Christians. I suppose I could see those laws for Old Testament Jews as covering cannibalism. That does make sense.
I'm disgusted by it as well. I can't imagine there's anything physically harmful about eating placenta (animals routinely eat their own placenta after giving birth unless prevented) but we don't accept it as part of our human's not something we

This is true that animals eat their placenta. I've never seen a cow do this but I have seen a horse do it.
I have a theory about that. All animals were beast of field, wild at one time. I think that God created them with an instinct to get rid of as much of the scent of blood from anywhere around or on their newborns, who are totally helpless at birth. Predators can smell blood from a great distance, some more than others, so that is why I think they do this.
This is true that animals eat their placenta. I've never seen a cow do this but I have seen a horse do it.
I have a theory about that. All animals were beast of field, wild at one time. I think that God created them with an instinct to get rid of as much of the scent of blood from anywhere around or on their newborns, who are totally helpless at birth. Predators can smell blood from a great distance, some more than others, so that is why I think they do this.

When I was young, Deb, my dad raised Black Angus and a few Jersey milk cows. When they gave birth they would eat their placenta, unless we found it and buried it first. It never hurt them, it just seemed unnecessary - since they weren't living in the wild - and disgusting. I also had to help cows birth their calves if they had trouble part way through and seemed to be in trouble. If the cow was ready to give birth that day - which you could know by checking to see if the pelvic ligaments have been relaxed - I would have to check her right away after getting home from school to make sure she was all right.

The problem with watching Angus when they're close to term is that, unless you confine them to a barn, they'll find the most remote and isolated area on the property to give birth


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