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The japaneese just respect and wont allow there culture do be destroyed. Maybe there is a bit of so called xenophobia but they want to keep there traditions and culture and way of life as a people. Dont like japan then its simple dont go there.
Every nation has had its wrongs and some stand firm and believe in true progress not victimhood, not told to hate themselves and there country and bow down to the enemy.
Even i call out the crookedness in my home country and there is alot of room for improvement i can say im impressed with the progress i have seen since i was a child to now between Maori and Pakeha, have come such a long way together for the better even there still some issues.

And as a multicultural country in general with many cultures and beliefs there is always gone be some form of segrgation as each culture and belief is to there own. Different cultures and religions and beliefs clash so they always gone be divided, yet can live in peace and respect.

I always respect a local rahui, thats when for example the Maori elders place a ban on a specific area when there is a tragedy or someone passes away in the area, its not legal and enforced by the law anyone can legally ignore it and do what they want, but thats just ignorance, can just work together there is always another spot someone can go out on there boat and go fishing or something.

Someone can have a cry but no need to cause drama when there dont need to be any drama. Violating rahuis can sometimes end up in conflicting situations. Best just have some respect because its not the end of the world.
When i was at the tip me and my buddies camping miles away from any town or city with no reception and it was public property yet local tribes and governemnt work together to manage it, and these local tribesmen no one would want to mess with come down and said no fires because we had a fire going, that was disrespectful to them because apparently thats where the spirits of the dead leave the land so its sacred to there culture and has to be respected, and they were respectful about it just saying we cant have a fire rather than trying to be all intimidating, and in return the fire went out.

You get shown respect then you give respect back. No one wants to get involved in conflict when all it takes is to give and recieve some respect.
The japaneese just respect and wont allow there culture do be destroyed.
Yes. But this is considered problematic to western elites today who would much rather water down Japan and turn it into something resembling the multicultural hellscape of western Europe and/or the United States.
Riven lazily dismisses my posts by simply declaring them to be "partisan", while denying that he's partisan at all.

I know very well that I'm partisan.
Riven isn't partisan. He's criticized Trump and the republicans on many occasions. Riven thinks that you're a partisan shill because you can't bring yourself to criticize anything about the democrats or Joe Biden.

Not even low hanging fruit...

Right. For letting in all those who are not French and who have changed Paris forever, and also most of France.

I don't think so.
I've seen it in person.
The point is, Riven started a thread complaining about President Biden criticizing one of our allies (Japan) but then starts another thread where Donald criticizes one of our allies (France), apparently unaware of the double standard and partisan nature of doing so.
There's a difference between calling an entire nation xenophobic and saying that Paris is no longer the Paris of old.
LOL...Donald didn't say "Paris is no longer the Paris of old". He said it's become unrecognizable in a way that we can't allow to happen here.

Keep spinning while also denying being at all partisan's pretty amusing to watch.
LOL...Donald didn't say "Paris is no longer the Paris of old". He said it's become unrecognizable in a way that we can't allow to happen here.

Keep spinning while also denying being at all partisan's pretty amusing to watch.
I know what he said, and he's right about Paris. Many French say the same thing. It has been permanently changed due to mass immigration, and not for the better.
I know what he said, and he's right about Paris. Many French say the same thing. It has been permanently changed due to mass immigration, and not for the better.

And by the same token, Japan is xenophobic, which means President Biden was right. And according to you and Don the Con, France needs to be xenophobic too.

Keep talking yourself in's pretty amusing to watch.

And by the same token, Japan is xenophobic, which means President Biden was right. And according to you and Don the Con, France needs to be xenophobic too.

Keep talking yourself in's pretty amusing to watch.
No, it isn't. Sensible immigration policy is not xenophobic. Again, there is a difference between a common sense approach to immigration and mass immigration. The latter produces chaos in a nation, primarily due to a clash of cultures and there simply being not enough time for foreigners to assimilate.

The Japanese, much like the eastern European countries, are intelligent enough to realize that it's best to use a common sense policy and reject policy that has demonstrably failed in the West.
No, it isn't. Sensible immigration policy is not xenophobic. Again, there is a difference between a common sense approach to immigration and mass immigration. The latter produces chaos in a nation, primarily due to a clash of cultures and there simply being not enough time for foreigners to assimilate.

The Japanese, much like the eastern European countries, are intelligent enough to realize that it's best to use a common sense policy and reject policy that has demonstrably failed in the West.

So what specifically is the difference between immigration and mass migration?

What do you mean by assimilate?

Are you aware of Japan's demographic crisis and how President Biden's comment relates to it?

So what specifically is the difference between immigration and mass migration?
Immigration is a completely nature and healthy thing for any nation to have. However, there are limits imposed by the government based on several factors. Population size, economics, assimilation rates, etc.

Mass immigration has no limits. It's what it sound like: a mass importation of foreigners into your country. It might sound like the humane thing to do, but it isn't. This was the mistake many of the western european countries made in 2015 during the so-called migrant crisis.

It isnt humane for several reasons. One of which is that you now have several hundred thousand migrants that you have to accommodate. They'll need medical care, and most of Europe has universal healthcare. So naturally it puts a tremendous strain on the system. They also can't speak the language, which means they can't get a job. They also don't eat the same food.

Then there's the fact that they come from a background that has a completely different culture. Often religious in nature. Islamic specifically. They tend to not get along with Jews, and they don't enjoy living in secular Europe. That's why you'll see videos or pictures of them holding up signs that say, "democracy go to hell" or "behead those who insult Islam". An example of the clash of cultures I mentioned earlier.

What do you mean by assimilate?
I mean adapting to the host country's culture and customs. Learn the native language, and so on.

Are you aware of Japan's demographic crisis and how President Biden's comment relates to it?
Yes. But he's wrong. The Japanese are not like us. They like the way things are and they want to preserve their unique culture. I support their decision even if it means getting called xenoohobic or racist.

Hungary and Poland did the same. They rejected the EU's directive to open their borders to migrants in 2015. They took a lot of flak during those years and still do. But you know what? Their countries are safe. No Islamic terrorist attacks. No clash of cultures. No unnecessary strain on the government run healthcare system.
Immigration is a completely nature and healthy thing for any nation to have. However, there are limits imposed by the government based on several factors. Population size, economics, assimilation rates, etc.

Mass immigration has no limits. It's what it sound like: a mass importation of foreigners into your country. It might sound like the humane thing to do, but it isn't. This was the mistake many of the western european countries made in 2015 during the so-called migrant crisis.
Which specific countries implemented immigration systems "with no limits"? And please cite your sources.

It isnt humane for several reasons. One of which is that you now have several hundred thousand migrants that you have to accommodate. They'll need medical care, and most of Europe has universal healthcare. So naturally it puts a tremendous strain on the system. They also can't speak the language, which means they can't get a job. They also don't eat the same food.
We'll have to disagree on that, since I know for a fact that not speaking a native language doesn't automatically preclude one from getting a job, and not eating the same food is effectively a meaningless concern.

Then there's the fact that they come from a background that has a completely different culture.
Which is the case for basically every immigrant ever.

Often religious in nature. Islamic specifically. They tend to not get along with Jews, and they don't enjoy living in secular Europe. That's why you'll see videos or pictures of them holding up signs that say, "democracy go to hell" or "behead those who insult Islam". An example of the clash of cultures I mentioned earlier.
It doesn't surprise me to see you say that, since earlier you told me you didn't want Muslims in the US at all.

But really, we have lots of white conservative Christians here in the US who don't like Jews ("Jews will not replace us", Nick Fuentes and his group) and even some in Congress (e.g., Gosar). Further, I just showed you clips of the Washington State GOP effectively saying "democracy go to hell".

So if those are reasons to keep people out of one's country, get the idea.

I mean adapting to the host country's culture and customs. Learn the native language, and so on.
Would you allow immigrants time to do those things, or are you expecting them to show up already pre-assimilated?

Yes. But he's wrong.
No he's not. Japanese culture is notoriously insular and xenophobic.

The Japanese are not like us. They like the way things are and they want to preserve their unique culture. I support their decision even if it means getting called xenoohobic or racist.
That doesn't surprise me.

If they keep things as they are, they will be placing an enormous fiscal burden on their younger generations or they'll have to just let the older generations fend for themselves.

Hungary and Poland did the same. They rejected the EU's directive to open their borders to migrants in 2015. They took a lot of flak during those years and still do. But you know what? Their countries are safe. No Islamic terrorist attacks. No clash of cultures. No unnecessary strain on the government run healthcare system.
If you're worried about terrorist attacks, you should focus on white nationalist/supremacist/militia type groups. The majority of terrorism in the US comes from those people.

Funny how despite all the hand-wringing about the US having "open borders" and the "invasion" from immigrants, the biggest threat of terrorist attacks is from white nationalist/supremacist/militia groups.
Which specific countries implemented immigration systems "with no limits"? And please cite your sources.
Most of the EU countries with the exception of Hungary, and I think Poland. Germany took in the most.

We'll have to disagree on that, since I know for a fact that not speaking a native language doesn't automatically preclude one from getting a job, and not eating the same food is effectively a meaningless concern.
It makes it very difficult if you're also uneducated. Places like Afghanistan and Somalia aren't exactly known for educating their populations.

You clearly know next to nothing about Islam. The food does matter. Do you think a country like Sweden had an abundance of Halal food in 2015? Get real.

Which is the case for basically every immigrant ever.
Okay. Well, here's the thing, if you have migrants from other cultures that believe women who don't cover up are asking to be raped, then rapes go up. After 2015, many of the EU nations have had to develop educational programs to educate foreigners on how a secular society operates. You don't seem to understand that most of the migrants coming in have only ever lived under sharia law. It matters.

It doesn't surprise me to see you say that, since earlier you told me you didn't want Muslims in the US at all.
Im pretty sure I clarified by saying that I only feel that way towards those that take Islam literally. For obvious reasons.

But really, we have lots of white conservative Christians here in the US who don't like Jews ("Jews will not replace us", Nick Fuentes and his group) and even some in Congress (e.g., Gosar). Further, I just showed you clips of the Washington State GOP effectively saying "democracy go to hell".
True enough.

So if those are reasons to keep people out of one's country, get the idea.
Well... Do you really think I'd shed a tear for Fuentes if he were deported? At the risk of sounding like demented Joe Biden, c'mon man.

Would you allow immigrants time to do those things, or are you expecting them to show up already pre-assimilated?
It depends on where they're coming from. For example, if a Norwegian wanted to migrant from his home country to the United States, he might not enjoy Florida very much, but he's already European and adapted to that style of culture. I wouldn't be concerned over someone like that becoming irate over the fact that Americans don't generally worship Odin, and hiding people upside the head with a sledge hammer.

No he's not. Japanese culture is notoriously insular and xenophobic.
There are many Americans that live in Japan. If the country is so inhospitable, why would anyone bother going there? When I think of insular and xenophobic, I think of North Korea. It's literally called the hermit kingdom.

That doesn't surprise me.

If they keep things as they are, they will be placing an enormous fiscal burden on their younger generations or they'll have to just let the older generations fend for themselves.
It is a challenge for them. But Japan has been around for a while and I suspect they'll be around for at least a few more years. By the way, fertility rates aren't just a problem in Japan. It's happening all over the developed world.

If you're worried about terrorist attacks, you should focus on white nationalist/supremacist/militia type groups. The majority of terrorism in the US comes from those people.

Funny how despite all the hand-wringing about the US having "open borders" and the "invasion" from immigrants, the biggest threat of terrorist attacks is from white nationalist/supremacist/militia groups.
Except for the fact that Islam is the number one exporter of terrorism worldwide.
Most of the EU countries with the exception of Hungary, and I think Poland. Germany took in the most.

You claimed European countries allowed immigration "with no limits". I didn't see where the paper supported that assertion.

It makes it very difficult if you're also uneducated. Places like Afghanistan and Somalia aren't exactly known for educating their populations.
But not impossible, and it's obviously preferable than staying in the conditions they fled in the first place.

You clearly know next to nothing about Islam. The food does matter. Do you think a country like Sweden had an abundance of Halal food in 2015? Get real.
Obviously it doesn't matter to the extent that it's a deal breaker for migrants. I mean, are you actually arguing that people fleeing war are like "Gosh we'd prefer to get out of this war zone, but if the place we go to doesn't have a Halal grocery I guess we'll have to stay here and dodge bombs"?

Okay. Well, here's the thing, if you have migrants from other cultures that believe women who don't cover up are asking to be raped, then rapes go up. After 2015, many of the EU nations have had to develop educational programs to educate foreigners on how a secular society operates. You don't seem to understand that most of the migrants coming in have only ever lived under sharia law. It matters.
So in your view, every Muslim male will rape a woman who isn't sufficiently covered?

Well... Do you really think I'd shed a tear for Fuentes if he were deported? At the risk of sounding like demented Joe Biden, c'mon man.
And all the right-wingers at the "Unite the Right" rally? Should we go around subjecting every US citizen to a antisemitism test and those who fail are automatically deported?

It depends on where they're coming from. For example, if a Norwegian wanted to migrant from his home country to the United States, he might not enjoy Florida very much, but he's already European and adapted to that style of culture. I wouldn't be concerned over someone like that becoming irate over the fact that Americans don't generally worship Odin, and hiding people upside the head with a sledge hammer.
Again, you seem to have this view that every Muslim is a violent criminal.

There are many Americans that live in Japan. If the country is so inhospitable, why would anyone bother going there? When I think of insular and xenophobic, I think of North Korea. It's literally called the hermit kingdom.
Again, Japan is notorious for strict limits on who can live there, and being very focused on keeping their culture "pure".

It is a challenge for them. But Japan has been around for a while and I suspect they'll be around for at least a few more years. By the way, fertility rates aren't just a problem in Japan. It's happening all over the developed world.
That's a non-answer. Again, either the younger generations are going to have to pay a ton more to support the older generations, or the older generations are going to be left to fend for themselves.

Except for the fact that Islam is the number one exporter of terrorism worldwide.
With Muslims constituting the majority of victims by a wide margin. And terrorist attacks in the US from Muslim immigrants pales in comparison to terrorist attacks from right-wing white nationalist groups.


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