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All Humanity is Required to obey the Torah


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the OLD testament is just that, Old , antique, out dated

I 100% refute that, it speaks today as a voice echoes through time

Yet Yeshua writes *** whoever loves m,other father more than me, is not fit for My Holy Work**
so who should we follow, Moses who says always respect parents
Yeshua who says Love me more and resist your parents who hold you back from my Kingdom

I know the answer
But will not give it

You won't give the answer as it violates the rules here?

The question is poignant, sorrowful,

How do you interpret these words?

Arguing with these people is a waste of time. They refuse to understand that the Torah of Moses is till binding, because God has hardened their inner minds to reject to the truth in order to destroy them, because he did not choose them.
If you've come here to argue; then that is a lost cause. If you've come here to discuss different views; listening to others can be a good thing. Whether you believe another is "right or wrong" is moot; you can still learn from what others say.

As for your OP; when the truth is revealed to you, you will be extremely upset. The Israelites were given the Law first; because they were the Children most "in need" of the Law. If the current government of Israel is the "example"; then we would all be lost. Thou shalt not kill is a Commandment given in the OT, and repeated again (and again) in the NT.
That theory fits with Jesus saying the healthy don't need a physician.
My views are a lot different; and most do not fit in the orthodox Christian views.

As you read the OT (which is based somewhat on the Torah) there is a consistent theme; of God leading the Israelites out of bondage. When you consider history; the Israelites always seem to revert to their old ways, which eventually leads them back into bondage (of a sort).

There are various accounts of the "Ark of the Covenant"; if there ever was such a thing. Why would God take away the Ark if the Israelites were actually following the Law as "God's Chosen People"?
The Torah is an amazing piece of literature, but there are so many other books were God shows his presence it's a shame there not included. God bless..
I 100% refute that, it speaks today as a voice echoes through time

You won't give the answer as it violates the rules here?

The question is poignant, sorrowful,

How do you interpret these words?

Hi Robert, Yes The Tohah is The Living Torah,,, Never has died., never will....
What I am saying above ,,, dated antique etc,,, needs CONTEXT.
Not sure what I posted monthsago.
The Torah Old/New is One Book not 2.
I am studying JACOB NEUSNER now, have like 20+ bks from this genius now, another 20+ on wish list.
I loveee studying all things Judaism.
Have about 50+ bks on Judaism now, another 20++ on wish list.
End of this year I should have some advancement. Right now just beginning stages.
I 100% refute that, it speaks today as a voice echoes through time

You won't give the answer as it violates the rules here?

The question is poignant, sorrowful,

How do you interpret these words?

PK how do I interpret the deep sayings of Yeshua, which seem to disregard the Mosiac Covenant
WEll briefly
Yeshua could see what was REALLY going on in Juwish society at that time, and knew the future.
Old wine skins, old vessels, would not work in God's New Kingdom
Yeshua was not one to pretend all is Hunky Dorie.
and that New Wine will need New Wine Skins.
Yeshua's Kingdom is much more higher than man's ((father/mother) earthly kingdom.
= There will be conflicts,, why pretend to accept Moses Laws of ALWAYSSSS repsect Mom and dad ,,when it is this authoritative attitude **parents know best** would not work in Yeshua's Kingdom.
When parents fail at bringing in new light to the family,,, then God has to take over.
This is how I see Yeshua tryying to express what will take place, particularly at this time, The Epoch Of Messiah battling the kingdom of antichrist.
**Son you are going to the synagogue,, and do not talk back to us..**
**But Mom I'd rather study Jacob Neusner today, (saturday) and try to figure out why the Jews have such great sufferings in gentile historical epochs...**
God has no use for old wineskins.
Thats how I see what Yeshua was getting at.
Do you accept virtual hugs?


That's an interesting view, due to their being stiff necked or?

That theory fits with Jesus saying the healthy don't need a physician.

God chose the Israelites for countless reasons. Over the gentiles, Yet as we know God did not fully reject giving His Holy Light to at least a few gentiles over the past,,,say 2500 yrs ((starting w Plato)

Yeshua came to the Sons of The Kingdom, = The Jews.
But not to say He fully rejects the gentiles = Not Prejudiced/biased
AS to **I came to those in need of a physician**

well now we can see , via Jung's studies, few men escape The Neuroses.
all manners of diseases are breaking out.
The pyschic diseases are epidemic.
I thank God that one day the Holy Remnant will be chosen as healers.
I'd swim the ocean to get my healings in Israel ,, if there were avaliable now.
But alas we have to await the next out pouring 2028 to see what gifts God will give to those worthy to receive ,, I am praying hard healing is one of the gifts in 2028.
My hunch is yes,,, as illness are affecting everyone at this time.
4 more yrs,, feels like an eternity......should see some signs starting 2026/27
I was part of the 1970's movement...
This will be my 2nd Out Pouring experience.
Do not be deceived and confused, the Torah of Moses is for all humanity, not just for Israel. Do not murder and do not steal in the Torah is for all humanity, not just for Israel. The Torah was merely given to Israel to serve as an example to all nations of the earth, so that all humanity would also obey the Torah and govern themselves according to its laws. The Torah is a complete law given by God that establishes how an entire nation must be governed, and whoever breaks any of its commands deserves the death penalty. Yeshua taught obedience to the Torah, in the context of the belief in him. He never established some new religion that discarded that Jewish Torah that he himself also obeyed, even wearing the tzitzit that that Torah commands. It was the Romans who took the teachings of Yeshua, and detached the Jewish Torah that they hated from his teachings, and established a new religion that became "catholicism", which then became "protestantism". These are false religions that discard the Torah of Moses. This is why if you ask many christians and catholics about ordinary commands of the Torah, or even the feasts of the Torah, they are absolutely clueless. They foolishly think that the Torah is some old irrelevant law that is no longer needed to know and obey. And little do they know that Yeshua returns on this earth, in the year 6,000 from creation, according to the appointed times of the Torah and its calendar, to overthrow all the governments of the world, because none of them govern according to the Torah of God, and he will subject all humanity to his own government and will rule according to the laws in the Torah of Moses, for 1,000 literal years. He will descend with all his armies of angels, 400 million in number, and he will command them to capture all humanity to bring them to Israel, to judge every single human on the earth. He will appoint judges from those he saved and gave authority to rule with him, and all humanity will be judged in less than 5 months, according to the commands of the Torah of Moses. And most humanity will be condemned to be thrown over a lake of lava that will form on the southern side of Jerusalem, to be destroyed body and soul. They will have their existence completely taken from them with their last moments of existence in horror and agony, for not obeying the commands of God in the Torah. Only a small remnant from all humanity will be granted mercy and will remain alive. And they will multiply and become mighty nations, under the 1,000 year rulership of Yeshua. And whoever does not obey the Torah during that time will be judged and will be thrown over lava also. Even whoever merely direspects his brother and calls him a fool will be put to death over lava. And whoever commits any sin of sexual immorality will be put to death over lava also, without mercy. So he will rule the world with a rod of iron, according to the Torah of Moses. And because of this and the fear of all humanity to sin, the world will become righteous and full of the knowledge of God, in the final 1,000 years of this earth.
Yes and to Who it pointed to, the Messiah, who is Christ. And yet they failed and we see the results.. We must all listen to His words which He gave us, not just the Torah, but all of Gods Word..
Not even the Jews could follow the 613 Levitical laws.
Somewhere in the NT there is indication that one (besides Jesus), did.
There may be in OT and NT others likewise.
Some though, did not follow laws. They followed YHWH. They followed Yahshua. The faithful ones.
I came to those in need of a physician**

well now we can see , via Jung's studies, few men escape The Neuroses.
I know not Jung.
all manners of diseases are breaking out.
The pyschic diseases are epidemic.
I thank God that one day the Holy Remnant will be chosen as healers.
Healers for the last century , in the usa, are opposed by religions and corporations and government agencies and medical schools (go figure, right?) , and virtually all society (pernicious society).
Jesus never stopped healing.
People though, they departed from Jesus, and/or were born separate from Jesus, never with Jesus.
I would be interested to read that scripture if you can find it.
Perhaps help find one. There may be more later.
The one I remember is when an apostle says plainly that according to the Torah, he is blameless - i.e. he did keep Torah properly and said he is righteous according to Torah,
but likewise stated plainly that would not save him outside of salvation by and in Jesus Christ.

Some others may be anonymous - those Yahweh States in Scripture as "blameless" .... and maybe "righteous" ..... or "faithful" ..... as the Creator Sees them. (it is Him Saying This) .....
Arguing with these people is a waste of time.
I have not seen any arguing on any forum to help anyone. I don't know if it is because no one wants to be healed/ helped/ or what ? or >
They refuse to understand that the Torah of Moses is till binding, because God has hardened their inner minds to reject to the truth in order to destroy them, because he did not choose them.
does everyone refuse ? No. Is everyone hardened ? No. Only those God chooses to harden. Did God choose as God chooses ? He has mercy on whom He decides to have mercy.

Back to arguing then: From all I've seen on any/all forums, the righteous barely ever visit. They speak as God Speaks, Say what God Says, and have no need to argue in the flesh or with the flesh/world.....
Perhaps help find one. There may be more later.
The one I remember is when an apostle says plainly that according to the Torah, he is blameless - i.e. he did keep Torah properly and said he is righteous according to Torah,
but likewise stated plainly that would not save him outside of salvation by and in Jesus Christ.

Some others may be anonymous - those Yahweh States in Scripture as "blameless" .... and maybe "righteous" ..... or "faithful" ..... as the Creator Sees them. (it is Him Saying This) .....
I'm sorry, but it is up to you to provide any scripture or source you are using per the CF terms of service. It's no one's job to look it up for you.
I have not seen any arguing on any forum to help anyone. I don't know if it is because no one wants to be healed/ helped/ or what ? or >

does everyone refuse ? No. Is everyone hardened ? No. Only those God chooses to harden. Did God choose as God chooses ? He has mercy on whom He decides to have mercy.

Back to arguing then: From all I've seen on any/all forums, the righteous barely ever visit. They speak as God Speaks, Say what God Says, and have no need to argue in the flesh or with the flesh/world.....
Hey All,
What you call arguing I call discussion. I don't expect everyone to agree with me. Discussion with those who think differently challenges your beliefs. If they cannot withstand those challenges, your views are not sound.

Also, my views are not hardened because I test what others say. When I see nonsense, not backed by Scripture, I tend to not trust it to be true.
I don't believe you speak as god speaks.
I don't see you saying what God says.
You are not a prophet.
But it looks like you do believe you are.

Proverbs 12:15
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

Acts 17:10-11 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews.
These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

We try to listen to what people say. We test what they say by what we know to be true. If it doesn't pass the test, we will tell you. I see a lot of words not saying much. What, then, should I believe?

Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,
No worries. I do not remember where the scripture or the sources are.
It's always good to be prepared before you present is all I'm saying as no one is going to take the word of another unless we can go read their source.


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