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Testimonies from Ex-Roman Catholic Priests and Others


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WHAT IS NEW GOD ASKS? Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 & Ecclesiastes 3:15
Same old way to answer (the catholic jesuit way) to questions asked, with .. :sad questions! :roll: :robot:

My Church


My Church is 2000 years old, and was put in place by Jesus Christ, this is a well known fact, the burden of proof is upon your church.

Why not just surrender to the will of Jesus Christ, and join His Flock. The sheep will know their Shepherd's Voice.

Men who have administered The Church over the ages have indeed done some foolish things, and made some bad decisions at times, but it doesn't change the fact that it is Jesus' Church, plain and simple! I am a disciple of Jesus Christ!

I am no Jesuit! I was raised a Southern Bapist!

May The Saviour's Hand ever be upon You!
Finding True Freedom in Christ:
by Nancy Holman

Like any teenager, the dream of my life was to have a family and home of my own. I attended public school during the week and catechism class on Saturdays. A Franciscan Order of sisters taught the catechism and one sister in particular played an important part in my life. She invited me to join her in celebrating her twenty-five years of dedication. Little did I know that this was a fork in the road that would bring about radical changes in my life.

Convent Boarding School

I attended that celebration and my life took a different turn that day when I sensed God saying, “Come follow Me.†I thought God was calling me to become a nun, so I completed my high school years at the convent boarding school and began preparation for a life of service to the King of Heaven.

From Certainty to Uncertainty

For a while the conviction that God had called me helped me overcome the doubt and obstacles that I faced in this new life. As time went by, however, my eyes and heart were opened to the futility of rote prayers and rituals. I questioned my sinfulness and the sinfulness of all of us nuns who were supposed to be so holy. The door to freedom would often swing open, but across the threshold uncertainty was written. Each choice to leave or decision to stay caused me wrenching pain and great sorrow.

On one occasion, I had made the decision to leave when the former president of the order and a sister friend of mine, asked me if I was absolutely certain this was the right decision. My response was a flood of tears, as I felt unsure about God’s will for me. I resigned myself to stay, supposing it must be God’s will.

Ministry in the Mississippi Delta

Then God led me into a ministry among the poor in the Mississippi Delta. On my flight to Mississippi, viewing the small patchwork fields from the vantage of the sky, made them truly seem like God’s country. In the Delta, I saw first-hand what faith was as I observed the lives of God’s people. One preacher who was in his nineties struck me by his vast knowledge of the Bible by heart. As his human eyes grew dim, remembrance of the Lord’s Word was like music and balm to his soul. He took great joy and delight in praising the Lord for all His goodness and looked forward to their special union at death. His assurance of being with Jesus made all in life worthwhile to him. It was a puzzle to me
how he could be certain that his eternity was secure.

An elderly woman shared her daily prayer with us. “ Each time I awake to a new day, I thank the Lord that the four walls of my room were not the walls of my coffin and that these sheets upon my bed were not my winding cloth and thank the Lord for the gift of another day.†Such faith was unfamiliar to me. If I had been in her position, my heart would not have praised God, but blamed Him for my circumstances. Where was this well that satisfied thirst?

At times I found myself complaining about the weather, too hot, too much rain, too cold, and on and on. I was brought face to face with my sin and told not to say such things because all comes from God. He gives us everything in His perfect time and amount, for He is Master.

Being drawn to the vital faith of the people, I asked them to share with me. Having used a rote meal prayer, I inquired what was said in their silence with bowed heads before eating. They thanked God and praised Him for the bounty brought before them; an expression of their solid rock faith in God who fed them daily. Often tried by the fires of prejudice and injustice, they evidenced strength steeled by God’s Word and His promises. The Mississippi Delta people may have been poor materially, but I discovered that I was the one who was poor spiritually.

Leaving the Convent

During the next thirteen to fourteen years, I struggled with the realization that I was a prisoner, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I came to realize that I was trying to live up to human expectations.
God had a different design for my life.

College opened my eyes to the fact that there were two very different sides to my personality. One played a role and the other was free-spirited. One day in particular while returning to the motherhouse in Tiffin, Ohio, I had a picture come to mind of going back to be caged up again.

When I went apartment hunting after graduation, I began separating from the idea that another authority needed to be making this decision for me. I knew for the first time that I could no longer be obedient to
a code of law or to my vow of obedience. Soon after this realization, I told those in charge that I had to leave with no turning back. Finally, at the age of forty-eight, I walked out into the world as fresh and naive as a teenager.

God led me all the way, confirming after each step of faith I took. The day I moved into the apartment is the day I received Christ as my Savior. Peace like a river flooded over me. There was a freedom in new life that only Christ could offer.

The Meaning of Salvation

Once I told the sisters in my small community, I had a deep sense of loss. With feelings of being stripped bare, I woke crying that night. My tears became tears of relief as God gave me assurance in my decision that I did not need to punish myself any more, trying to make up for my faults and sins. Jesus Christ had fully paid for my sins. Though I did not understand it at the time, He was preparing me for my next step of faith, which would involve turning away from my birth faith, Roman Catholicism, and depending on Him alone.

Learning the Word of God

Each time I read the Bible and heard the Word preached, it was as if the Lord opened my ears for the first time to His message. For the first time, I knew God’s will for my life and did not need to search for it. Daily Bible reading, from Genesis to Revelation, laid out a complete picture of God’s plan for me. By God’s grace I was able to comprehend and grow in response to His marvelous message.

I did not have any idea of what was ahead, but God did. After leaving financial and job security, companionship, friends and thirty years of trying to find joy, He did not leave me orphaned. Little did I know then that a seemingly unimportant decision to accept an invitation to go from my apartment complex pool to a ladies’ swim party would again change the direction of my life. Here I met a preacher’s wife named Millie who clearly presented from Scripture the work of God in a person who calls upon the name of the Lord.

Having been taught to confess my sins, Roman 3: 10 which says, “There is none righteous, no, not oneâ€Â, was no surprise to me. Nor was I surprised to learn that I deserved death because I was a sinner, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord†(Romans 6:23). All my life, the picture of Jesus hanging on the cross had been engraved in my mind, emphasizing the price He paid for my sins. Every Good Friday I had celebrated this event faithfully. Suddenly that picture came alive for me, “God commendeth his love toward us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us†(Romans 5:8).

What I had not known before or heard read in the Scriptures was Romans 10:13, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.†I did not know that heaven and eternal life with God was His gift through Jesus Christ. All that was necessary was to believe and accept the truth of the Gospel that Jesus died, was buried, and rose again (Corinthians 15:3-4) and to trust in Jesus alone for my salvation. What joy there was in understanding that I did not need to punish myself anymore! Tears flowed abundantly as I embraced the freedom that only Christ can give.

The Lord Provides

Millie Hobbins, the pastor’s wife, became my friend and encourager, answering my many questions, guiding me and patiently putting up with me. Pastor fed me with the Word of God, teaching me that I needed to be daily nourished by the truth of the Scriptures. The church congregation at Lewis Avenue Baptist Church in Temperance, Michigan, helped me through this transitional period. The Lord had provided all that I needed to understand the gift of salvation and begin living as a believer.

My apartment manager, Bessie, had also become my friend. I was very nervous and unsure of myself, as it was the first time in my life that I had to make my own choices for things as simple as what kind of toothpaste to buy. No one was telling me what to do or when to do it! Bessie helped me settle into my apartment and she was the one who invited me to the swim party where I met Millie. When she informed me a week later that her car had broken down, making it impossible for her to get to church, I volunteered to take her. Little did I know what that day would bring.

Blessed Assurance

Truth rang like a bell that Sunday in the preaching and teaching. I was convicted to make a public testimony of what Christ had done in my life. The pastor’s wife had stopped by my apartment for a visit the day before and planted a seed about baptism. Although I was not really listening then, God used her to prepare me for the next step. In obedience to God’s Word, I returned to church that night to publicly profess my faith through believer’s baptism.

What a change has come into my life! No longer am I tormented with doubt as to whether or not I am praying right or whether God hears me. From reading the Bible and hearing the preaching of the Word of God, I know how to pray. God’s will for my life is also not something about which I worry. I know He wants me to spread the Good News about salvation to everyone I can. I have learned that forgiveness is necessary for cleansing and to be open to His direction in my life. Stories of how God has worked in the lives of others, especially missionaries, have been a tremendous encouragement.

With God’s help and the willingness to be obedient, I can grow in Him and be His disciple. There is excitement in the many truths and promises that are being opened up to me. I praise God for His faithfulness in dealing with me!

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You say:


I will be glad to consider the validity of your church, it's viewpoints, and it's doctrines.
If you would only point me to the documentation of it's dogmas, doctrines, historical positions, activities, and teachings, on or in approximation to the following dates;

50 A.D. 350 A.D. 650 A.D. 1050 A.D. 1350 A.D. 1650 A.DA.
150 A.DA. 450 A.D. 750 A.D. 1150 A.D. 1450 A.DA. 1750 A.DA.
250 A.D. 550 A.D. 950 A.D. 1250 A.D. 1550 A.D. 1850 A.D.

Once I have investigated the history of your church, then I'll be able to make a fair assessment as to whether or not they can speak for, and interperate scripture on behalf of Jesus Christ and His Apostles, based on their legitimate connection to them historically.

Who knows I might even be convinced to join up with you guys!

John here:
In AD 64 Paul was inspired to pen..
"If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which [was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;] " Colossians 1:23

And you are saying that this gospel has Rome as Christ's chosen fold?? Come on, Rome was the one needed to have Christ executed! The Christ of this Eternal Gospel!! :sad

And while Christ was alive and well, teaching about His own rebellious ones who had their 'fold' candlestick removed (Revelation 2:5) He told of your Rome catholic fold in 70 AD slaughtering apostate Israel!
Some new Christian fold, huh!! :sad (see Revelation 3:9)

Matthew 24:15-21 even tells of your last repeat! Compare Mark 13:13-20 & Luke 21:20 points directly at your Rome and today catholicism! (as Christ pointed to from His Word of Daniel!)

And where & who was the Daniel 'INSPIRED' verse pointing out as the antic/hrist? See Dan. 2, Dan. 7 for who history documents as the forth & last world empire of earth. (I would give Rev. 13, but this will only finds catholic 'side/steps :sad )

Perhaps Christ Words to Paul first in Acts 23:11 can get one eye open? :wink: or Acts 22:25 finds Paul still a Christian about to be scourged by whom? :robot: ROME! And where was pope Peter in AD 60???

Naw, the anti/Christ goes back to Cain, but they were of the same 'devils anti/Christ fold' but just a different name, huh?
John the Baptist said:
You say:


I will be glad to consider the validity of your church, it's viewpoints, and it's doctrines.
If you would only point me to the documentation of it's dogmas, doctrines, historical positions, activities, and teachings, on or in approximation to the following dates;

50 A.D. 350 A.D. 650 A.D. 1050 A.D. 1350 A.D. 1650 A.DA.
150 A.DA. 450 A.D. 750 A.D. 1150 A.D. 1450 A.DA. 1750 A.DA.
250 A.D. 550 A.D. 950 A.D. 1250 A.D. 1550 A.D. 1850 A.D.

Once I have investigated the history of your church, then I'll be able to make a fair assessment as to whether or not they can speak for, and interperate scripture on behalf of Jesus Christ and His Apostles, based on their legitimate connection to them historically.

And where can we find the documentation of Protestant doctrines from the above historical periods? Where is Sola Fide before 1520? Where is Sola Scriptura? All you have to do is read the writings of the Church from before 300 AD to get a good feel of what the Church actually taught. Writers such as Irenaeus, Justin the Martyr, Clement of Rome, Clement of Alexandria, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp, Tertullian, Origen, and so forth. Once you have begun to read even the summaries of some of these writings, you will be in a good position to judge where the Church established by Christ continues to preach the same Gospel.

Please allow me to be a butt-inski for a moment.

I don't think that there were too many more traditionalist Roman Catholics than me. I supported the Traditional Latin Mass for years and years. However, I left, and it certainly wasn't for any 'romantic reasons.' I would never give up my faith for romance. I left very simply because I followed Roman Catholic teaching, which is: to be a Roman Catholic, one must accept every dogma that the Church teaches. There is no such thing as a supermarket Catholic; i.e., I will accept 'this,' but, not 'that'. It is all or nothing. So, there were quite a few things that I did not accept, and would not accept, so I did what I felt was the honourable thing, and left. No point in being a hypocrite and teaching things I didn't believe.

However, I think it grossly wrong and tunnel-visioned to say that EVERYTHING the Roman Church teaches is wrong, and everything they do is wrong. IMO, that is horribly wrong. For me, I do not hate where I came from, and can appreciate much that the RCC teaches. I find that much Fundamentalist ravings about Rome are bizarre and ignorant, and are spoutings of people who are uninformed and ready to sop up every horrid thing about Rome that comes down the pike.

The Church did not start in Kansas in 1910, which I am very fond of saying. And if you study Church History, you will find that the early Church was Liturgical and Sacramental. But, most Fundamentalists are poverty- stricken when it comes to knowledge of Church History, and couldn't care less. But, as our African-American brothers say, you have to know where you came from. I can appreciate something from just about every denomination. The Lord has pretty much wiped out that superiority complex I had when I was RC, which a lot of RC's possess to the max.

Well that's my 2 cents worth. :)
John the Baptist said:
In AD 64 Paul was inspired to pen..
"If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which [was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;] " Colossians 1:23

And you are saying that this gospel has Rome as Christ's chosen fold?? Come on, Rome was the one needed to have Christ executed! The Christ of this Eternal Gospel!! :

We ALL "executed" Christ. Christ died for the sin of the entire world. And it is utterly ridiculous to even suggest that the Roman Catholic Church executed Jesus Christ! Rome does NOT equal the Roman Catholic Church.

John the Baptist said:
And while Christ was alive and well, teaching about His own rebellious ones who had their 'fold' candlestick removed (Revelation 2:5) He told of your Rome catholic fold in 70 AD slaughtering apostate Israel!
Some new Christian fold, huh!! :sad (see Revelation 3:9)

Another silly accusation. Your problem seems to be making the Empire of Rome equal the Roman Catholic Church. That makes no sense that Rome would kill and outlaw this very same Church for 275 years unless they were separate entities. This assertion doesn't survive the simplest of study.

John the Baptist said:
Matthew 24:15-21 even tells of your last repeat! Compare Mark 13:13-20 & Luke 21:20 points directly at your Rome and today catholicism! (as Christ pointed to from His Word of Daniel!)

The abomination is of Roman Imperial soldiers standing in the Temple. Again, you are confused, identifying Rome with the Catholic Church. The term "Roman" applied to the Catholic Church didn't come about until much later. There was only ONE Catholic Church, so there was no need to add on another adjective to locate it. Everyone knew that there was only one Catholic Church, with its visible unity located in Rome.

Your whole notion collapses once one recognizes that the Church and the Roman Empire were two different things. The addition of the word "Roman" came into use by those Anglicans who believed in the "branch" theory of the Catholic Church, and has nothing to do with the Roman Empire of Augustus. Yours is an incorrect reading of the Book of Revelation, no doubt.

Steve said:
Please allow me to be a butt-inski for a moment.

I don't think that there were too many more traditionalist Roman Catholics than me. I supported the Traditional Latin Mass for years and years. However, I left, and it certainly wasn't for any 'romantic reasons.' I would never give up my faith for romance. I left very simply because I followed Roman Catholic teaching, which is: to be a Roman Catholic, one must accept every dogma that the Church teaches. There is no such thing as a supermarket Catholic; i.e., I will accept 'this,' but, not 'that'. It is all or nothing. So, there were quite a few things that I did not accept, and would not accept, so I did what I felt was the honourable thing, and left. No point in being a hypocrite and teaching things I didn't believe.


What dogma does the Church no longer require people to follow? From what I understand of your post, you are saying that the Church itself has changed, doing away with formerly dogmatic teachings. What has dogmatically changed? As to some people who are cafeteria Catholics, there have ALWAYS been such people. This doesn't change the truth of the teachings of the Church. Does a Judas Iscariot prevent people from accepting and believing the word of St. Peter and St. Paul in 50 AD? Why should it bother us today that some people are "hypocritical" (although I suppose we all are, since we sin despite our proclamations to love and obey God).

francisdesales said:
John the Baptist said:
In AD 64 Paul was inspired to pen..
"If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which [was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;] " Colossians 1:23

And you are saying that this gospel has Rome as Christ's chosen fold?? Come on, Rome was the one needed to have Christ executed! The Christ of this Eternal Gospel!! :

We ALL "executed" Christ. Christ died for the sin of the entire world. And it is utterly ridiculous to even suggest that the Roman Catholic Church executed Jesus Christ! Rome does NOT equal the Roman Catholic Church.

[quote="John the Baptist":9e39e]
And while Christ was alive and well, teaching about His own rebellious ones who had their 'fold' candlestick removed (Revelation 2:5) He told of your Rome catholic fold in 70 AD slaughtering apostate Israel!
Some new Christian fold, huh!! :sad (see Revelation 3:9)

Another silly accusation. Your problem seems to be making the Empire of Rome equal the Roman Catholic Church. That makes no sense that Rome would kill and outlaw this very same Church for 275 years unless they were separate entities. This assertion doesn't survive the simplest of study.

John the Baptist said:
Matthew 24:15-21 even tells of your last repeat! Compare Mark 13:13-20 & Luke 21:20 points directly at your Rome and today catholicism! (as Christ pointed to from His Word of Daniel!)

The abomination is of Roman Imperial soldiers standing in the Temple. Again, you are confused, identifying Rome with the Catholic Church. The term "Roman" applied to the Catholic Church didn't come about until much later. There was only ONE Catholic Church, so there was no need to add on another adjective to locate it. Everyone knew that there was only one Catholic Church, with its visible unity located in Rome.

Your whole notion collapses once one recognizes that the Church and the Roman Empire were two different things. The addition of the word "Roman" came into use by those Anglicans who believed in the "branch" theory of the Catholic Church, and has nothing to do with the Roman Empire of Augustus. Yours is an incorrect reading of the Book of Revelation, no doubt.


Yea, I know the great image of Daniel 2:33-34 only hard one leg! :wink:

And you say: "The term "Roman" applied to the Catholic Church didn't come about until much later." Hay, that is what you are hearing? Do you want both legs or not?

In AD 64 Paul was inspired to pen..
"If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which [was preached to every creature which is under heaven; where of I Paul am made a minister;] " Colossians 1:23

And where was Rome? It sure had nothing to do with Pauls 'Inspired' wording of the Gospel that already had gone to the whole world by AD 64! Yet, satans Church & State were already allowed by God and in satan hands, with having the mystery of iniquity doth already work verses seen in 54 AD! 2 Thessalonians 2:7-11

Whatever. But you need some scripture even to sound creditable. :robot:

And you say: We ALL "executed" Christ. Christ died for the sin of the entire world. And it is utterly ridiculous to even suggest that the Roman Catholic Church executed Jesus Christ! Rome does NOT equal the Roman Catholic Church.

Me again. Some truth to that as twisted as posted, (2 Corinthians 4:2) yet it is the re/execution of Christ that should concern the forum here! Hebrews 6:6 And the putting Christ to an OPEN SHAME AGAIN! As is documented over & over in the world news of today! :sad & SICK![/color]

francisdesales said:
Steve said:
Please allow me to be a butt-inski for a moment.

I don't think that there were too many more traditionalist Roman Catholics than me. I supported the Traditional Latin Mass for years and years. However, I left, and it certainly wasn't for any 'romantic reasons.' I would never give up my faith for romance. I left very simply because I followed Roman Catholic teaching, which is: to be a Roman Catholic, one must accept every dogma that the Church teaches. There is no such thing as a supermarket Catholic; i.e., I will accept 'this,' but, not 'that'. It is all or nothing. So, there were quite a few things that I did not accept, and would not accept, so I did what I felt was the honourable thing, and left. No point in being a hypocrite and teaching things I didn't believe.


What dogma does the Church no longer require people to follow? From what I understand of your post, you are saying that the Church itself has changed, doing away with formerly dogmatic teachings. What has dogmatically changed? As to some people who are cafeteria Catholics, there have ALWAYS been such people. This doesn't change the truth of the teachings of the Church. Does a Judas Iscariot prevent people from accepting and believing the word of St. Peter and St. Paul in 50 AD? Why should it bother us today that some people are "hypocritical" (although I suppose we all are, since we sin despite our proclamations to love and obey God).


No dogmas in the RCC have been changed. As to cafeteria Catholics, there have alwasys been such persons, and it seems as if there are more of tose today. I did not choose to be one, so I got out.
John the Baptist said:
Yea, I know the great image of Daniel 2:33-34 only hard one leg! :wink:

No, it had two. The second leg refers to the Roman Empire of Caesar. Rome and the Catholic Church were not the same thing during the time of Christ, no matter how little you know about history.

John the Baptist said:
And you say: "The term "Roman" applied to the Catholic Church didn't come about until much later."

Hay, that is what you are hearing? Do you want both legs or not?

Yawn. Whatever, bud. Show me from historical records that the Roman Empire is refered to as the Roman Catholic Church. Where does Livy call the Roman Empire the Catholic Church? Any other historical scholar make your connection during the ancient times? You are just flat out misinterpreting Scriptures. Where is the evidence besides your misinterpretations? If you want to know the true Church of Christ, read what the first Christians wrote about it. You'll find it bears a remarkable resemblance to what we now call the Roman Catholic Church. Thus, it appears you reject the Church established by Christ. Being in constant denial won't change that. Refusing to read history is your means of staying blissfully ignorant of the facts.

John the Baptist said:
And where was Rome? It sure had nothing to do with Pauls 'Inspired' wording of the Gospel that already had gone to the whole world by AD 64! Yet, satans Church & State were already allowed by God and in satan hands, with having the mystery of iniquity doth already work verses seen in 54 AD! 2 Thessalonians 2:7-11

The Church was not associated with the Roman Empire, so I fail to see your point.

John the Baptist said:
Whatever. But you need some scripture even to sound creditable.

You need something other than your personal intepretation to sound creditable. YOUR INTERPRETATIONS are not the Word of God...

John the Baptist said:
It is the re/execution of Christ that should concern the forum here!

Your posts are doing what? Oh, condemning millions to hell on your own authority. Wonderful. And that is somehow NOT a concern?

This thread was intended to discuss the testimony of ex-catholics. It was NOT intended to be a mud-slinging festival, though I knew this would happen from the onset.

You all want to fight? Go build a ring somewhere and put on the boxing gloves, but please, leave it out of this site. Thank you very much. Now I will lock the thread and attempt to clean it up.

Violations noted here, but not specifically addressed to anyone at this point :

4 - No Trolling:

You will not post anything that disrupts the peace and harmony of this forum. Don't make inflammatory remarks just to get a response....

5 - Respect each other's opinions. Address issues, not persons or personalities.

9 - Please keep posts down to a respectable length and provide source and/or links for your info. We want to respect copyrighted material. Plus, you stand a better chance of getting your post read if it contains a link with an excerpt from source that's relative to your point.

Thread is now unlocked.
Perhaps this topic should have been left in the Catholic and Orthodox faith forum where no debating is allowed, as it was intentionally posted. :wink:

I have also asked that this thread not be hijacked, but was ignored. Oh well. :o
Steve said:
No dogmas in the RCC have been changed. As to cafeteria Catholics, there have alwasys been such persons, and it seems as if there are more of tose today. I did not choose to be one, so I got out.


I am sorry to hear that. What is your thoughts on Martin Luther vs. Erasmus, the former leaving the Church and the latter staying in despite their agreement on problems in the Church? I am wondering why you chose to leave on the account of other people. Perhaps I am being obtuse, but couldn't you have practiced the faith despite cafeteria Catholics?

Testimonies from Ex-Roman Catholic Priests and Others

OK: I -John- will just give testimony as being the 'Others' in the thread. :wink:

satan persecuted Christ through pagan Rome. Then he persecuted the early church through pagan Rome. Next he persecuted the faithful through [PAPAL ROME]. The Protestants Reformation stirred the wrath of satan deeply, but as time has gone by apostasy has been making its satanic move [into this movement]! Even today, one cannot tell the membership of your church from Rome who just might be setting next to you pretending to be a Protestant! Again a jesuit tactic! 2 Corinthians 4:2. :sad
Moreover the Reformation was unable to eradicate all the errors of the [satans papal=satans PAGAN] junkyard!

It was not only the Law of God that has been butchered that was satans Daniel 7:25 first attack, but the immortality of the soul & the purgatory stuff, that is satan flawed as well. :roll: The dead Mary is in heaven & the like! :robot:

Finally, he makes war upon the remnant church, (Revelation 12:17) "He was a murderer from the [beginning]." John 8:44 Which side are you going to be on??? You are deciding on this as we post!
I left because I was the one who did not want to be a cafeteria Catholic. I left because I no longer accepted quite a few things that the Church taught. I could have stood and remained a hypocrite, but I thought I'd take the higher road. I still retain many things that are Catholic, and as an Anglican, they fit in quite well. :) Actually, to be quite candid, I'd like to find a church that combines Baroque Catholicism with Moody/Sankey protestantism, but I don't think such an animal exists.
John the Baptist said:
Testimonies from Ex-Roman Catholic Priests and Others

OK: I -John- will just give testimony as being the 'Others' in the thread.

satan persecuted Christ through pagan Rome. Then he persecuted the early church through pagan Rome. Next he persecuted the faithful through [PAPAL ROME].

He did? The Church persecuted itself? Wow, I guess Christ was wrong that the Gates of Hell would not prevail...I think you mean the Church persecuted heretics, kicking them out for spreading a false gospel...

John the Baptist said:
The Protestants Reformation stirred the wrath of satan deeply, but as time has gone by apostasy has been making its satanic move [into this movement]! Even today, one cannot tell the membership of your church from Rome who just might be setting next to you pretending to be a Protestant! Again a jesuit tactic!

"The sky is falling, the sky is falling, Henny Penny"!!!
Naturally. Only your congregation is the "true remnant". When did this "remnant" start? 1950 in Kansas? 1920 in Atlanta? The Protestant Reformation "stirred" the wrath of satan? And you know this how??? I again ask you where your beliefs coincide with the first Christian writing in 100-200 AD? Where IS sola scriptura? Where IS sola fide? Where IS this idea of the Church persecuting itself? I hadn't realized the extent to which a person will go to justify themselves by inventing so much baloney... Only prayer will remove such attitudes. Open your life to Christ, John. There is a lot of hatred in your twisted words.

John the Baptist said:
2 Corinthians 4:2.

Say what? YOU do not use shameful ways or deception? Saying that the Catholic Church is equal to the Roman Empire must be pure ignorance then...

John the Baptist said:
It was not only the Law of God that has been butchered that was satans Daniel 7:25 first attack, but the immortality of the soul & the purgatory stuff, that is satan flawed as well. :roll: The dead Mary is in heaven & the like!

Naturally, being that you are infallible, you are fully aware how right you are and everyone else is wrong, including other Protestants... 1 Cor 8:1b

John the Baptist said:
Finally, he makes war upon the remnant church, (Revelation 12:17) "He was a murderer from the [beginning]." John 8:44 Which side are you going to be on??? You are deciding on this as we post!

Yes, see Luke 10:16 and ask yourself why you are Matt 7:26-27? Will you hear Matt 7:21? Perhaps you should consider 1 John 1:9.
Hi forum: (well some of you at least :wink:)

Where did I see posted up that Israel of today was requesting Papal Rome to give back the Golden Sanctuary furnishings that she 'stole' from her is the 70AD slaughter?
But, that surely can't be right, steal a couple thousand years ago, with no repentance, and then claim to be the church that Christ 'organized'? Or even be PARTAKERS of the theft? Revelation 18:4 :robot: Check out Joshua 7:12's last part of the verse.

Hay, take not of this, "This judicial authority will even include the power to pardon sins." The catholic Encyclopedia Vol. 12, pg. 265. (they best not just hope so, huh!)

And some still call this Christianity instead of OPEN DOCUMENTED BLASPHEMY?? :sad And some good folks still believe their blasphemous claim?! Revelation 18:4. :crying:
John the Baptist said:
Hi forum: (well some of you at least :wink:)

Where did I see posted up that Israel of today was requesting Papal Rome to give back the Golden Sanctuary furnishings that she 'stole' from her is the 70AD slaughter?

We give up... Where did you see that posted?

Or is this another one of your imaginative musings?


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